chapter thirty two • "chemistry"

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{Continuation of last chapter}

"Wow, I got a lot of clothes," Lauren said as we walked back into my house. After rehearsal, we went to the Grove and met up with the others. Let's just say a lot of wallets are empty.

"Same," said Brynn. "At least we'll look better than everyone else at school." They both laughed. I almost forgot they all had to go to Phoenix.

I checked my phone. "Dang, it's already 5! We should start getting ready. Performers don't have to be there until 7, but they want you to be early anyway. The show starts at 8."

I noticed Jack pull a Gucci belt out of one of his shopping bags. Then everyone else noticed.

"Um, Jack? Since when can you afford a Gucci belt?" Lauren asked, trying not to laugh.

Jack darted his eyes back and forth between all of us. "Um...let's just say my mom is going to be mad at me when I get home." We all laughed.

I started to head upstairs when I heard Lauren say behind me, "Kenz? Can I help you pick your outfit?"

"Sure!" I said. "My stylist sent me a bunch of new clothes, and I have no idea what to wear." I was about to ask Brynn if she wanted to help too, but she was still downstairs with Johnny. Seriously, what was up with her?

Lauren and I went into my room. There was a rack full of clothes that was sent to me. PR packages covered my floor. "Sorry for the mess," I told her.

"Don't be sorry! I love your room," Lauren said in awe.

We walked over to the clothing rack to the side of my room. There were different shirts and pants paired together. Lauren picked out a black tank top and black pants with an open leg.

"This is simple, but cute!" Lauren said excitedly.

I went into my bathroom and put on the outfit. I observed myself in the mirror. It was really cute. I went back into my room and saw Lauren gawking over palettes Tarte sent me.

"You can keep some if you want, " I told her. "I have a bunch of makeup anyways."

"Thanks!" She looked up from the makeup. "That outfit is really cute on you. Wait, what am I going to wear?"

I laughed. "Don't worry, you still have time. Pick something from my rack. I'm sure Hayden will have his eyes on you either way."

Lauren started to blush, which made me laugh even more. She went up to the rack and looked at the clothes. I headed toward the door to see if Johnny was ready, but I stopped in my tracks.

I've been thinking all day about Johnny and my maybe crush. I kept trying to push away the feeling because he was with Brynn. He was with Brynn because of me. But, at the party, I kept feeling jealous of seeing them together. I had to tell someone. Who better than the person who apparently ships us?

"Lauren, can I talk to you for a second," I asked, my voice quieter than usual. Lauren must've noticed because she turned around with a worried look on her face.

"What's wrong, Kenz?" She sat down on my bed and patted the empty spot next to her. I sat down, leaning against the pictures on my wall.

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