chapter fourteen • "give her some time"

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Before we headed to the cafeteria for lunch, the guys and I went over to the gym door to see the basketball team results. We all made it on the team! I got point guard.

We all did our handshakes. "Dude, I told you this would be a good idea!" Jack said. I just shrugged.

We then went to lunch. Cody was talking about how he would want to move to L.A and play on the Lakers. I would love to move to L.A, but not to be a basketball player; to be a singer. But no one would understand. Well, maybe Mackenzie...

When Jack and I emerged from the lunch serving area, I remembered what Mackenzie told me to do. Keep Jack away from her. Jack was heading toward our regular table when I pulled him back. "Dude, what are you doing?" Jack said in confusion. "We always sit over there."

"Yeah, but Jeremiah wanted us to sit with him and the others today," I half lied. "Since there's never any room at the other table."

Jack just shrugged, then headed to Jeremiah's table, me following him. When we arrived at the table, Jeremiah was playing some beats he made on his laptop. Everyone was nodding to the beat.

"Dude, that was amazing!" I said as we sat down.

Jeremiah smirked to himself. He adjusted the headphones he always wore around his neck. "Thanks, John," he said. "Speaking of which, I'm almost finished with the beat you wanted for you and Mackenzie's song. Want to hear?"

I nodded excitedly, and Jack looked curious. "Um, can you make me and Brynn a beat, too?" He asked, sounding all jealous. I laughed.

"Sorry, Jack," Jeremiah shrugged. "You should've asked yesterday. My bookings are full. I charge 5 dollars a piece, and there are 6 periods of music classes. I'm a genius, right?"

Jack rolled his eyes. Jeremiah clicked a few keys on his computer, then the song came on. It sounded like one of those beats Steve Aoki or Marshmello would make, but it sounded much better.

I looked over at Mackenzie's table, but she didn't seem to hear the music. "It's is going to be an epic surprise for her! Thanks, J," I told him. Jeremiah and I did our usual handshake.

Jack sighed. "Ok, so I asked Mackenzie out at the party on Friday," he told me, and I had to act surprised. "It seemed like she was going to say something, but she ran off with Maddie. She ignored all my calls and texts this weekend, and has yet to talk to me today. What do I do?"

All my friends asked me for advice for reason. What can I say? I always know what's up.

"Give her some time," I advised him, and it was the truth. "Maybe she wasn't ready. I mean, she's only been here for less than a month, and is leaving soon. Maybe she doesn't want anything long distance, you know?"

Jack just nodded, but he looked disappointed. "Thanks, man." We did our handshake. Handshakes were practically the official language in my friend group.

A part of me felt bad that I was keeping Jack away from Kenzie, but I also wanted to fulfill Kenzie's wishes. She was actually a good friend, and I didn't want to lose that.



It was finally time for music class, my favorite time of the day. I felt like I was getting to used to the school schedule. I would be a wreck when I returned to L.A, which I was scared to do. I didn't want Mom to kill Maddie and I. I know that's a little much, but the way she looked on
Skype looked like she was making a plan for it.

I greeted Mrs. Catherine as I walked in, and sat down next to Johnny. He was scribbling something in a journal.

"I didn't think you were the type to keep a diary," I joked. "Let me guess: Dear diary, you won't believe what's been happening to me. I met Mackenzie Ziegler, and we're actually friends!"

Johnny rolled his eyes and put the journal down. "Incorrect," he replied. "It's where I write lyrics. The fanboying stage has left the building."

I laughed. I looked over and saw Jack and Brynn writing their song.

"How was the movies with Brynn?" I asked Johnny. For some reason, I just wanted them to be together. Brynn deserved to be happy.

Johnny finally looked up at me. His whole expression changed. I hoped it wasn't bad news.

"It wasn't bad," he lowered his voice. "We went to see this comedy movie. She's really nice. We've been texting, but I doubt anything is going to happen."

I sighed. "Give her a chance!"

"Why do you keep pressuring me?" Johnny asked. "It's my 'love life,' not yours."

Silence lingered for a few minutes. Remorse coursed through me. He was right. I was being way too hard on him, and being too nosy.

"Sorry," I finally said. "Let's get to work on the song."

We had extra time in the class because the electricity in the school temporarily went out, and we went off with our writing session. The chorus was done, and we couldn't help but sing out loud.

What if I say
I know, you know
What if I told you I like you
We stay, we go
What if I told you I like you...

"And then Jeremiah's beat..." Johnny opened up his laptop, gave me one side of his earbuds, and pressed play. I couldn't help but bob my head.

"Whoa, this sounds amazing!" I exclaimed. "We make a good team." Out of the moment, I hugged Johnny. And to my surprise, he hugged back.

I could see Brynn and Jack looking at us in my peripheral vision, so I pulled back. I felt bad for ignoring Jack, but I wasn't done thinking about us yet.

Another deafening silence was between Johnny and I. I swear I saw him start to blush.

After class, Brynn pulled me aside, and Jack started walking beside Johnny. I felt like I was ruining everything with just one hug.

"Hey, I know I'm probably being paranoid or something, but I saw you and John hugging back there," she said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "That wasn't anything, right?"

I immediately shook my head. My instincts were right.

"No, no," I answered. "I was just happy about how the song was turning out. We're just friends, I swear. I would never do that to you."

Brynn smiled, and then she hugged me. When we pulled away, she said, "I never knew you could find one of your best friends in a matter of weeks."

Now that was resolved, I hoped Jack wasn't being hard on Johnny.


A/N: Hey guys, I'm back!!!! Here's a brand new chapter. I found this story back in my drafts unpublished, and I was reading it. I was like, "Why did i get rid of this?" So it's back, and this account has been revived. Stay tuned for another chapter on either Monday or Tuesday! I'm so excited.

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