chapter twenty • "cozy"

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Lauren sat in the passenger, so I had the backseat all to myself. Johnny pulled out of the parking spot and followed the cars our friends were in. It was like a mini parade.

"Congrats on the win," I told him. He just scoffed.

"It was easy," he bragged. "The Stars really can't shoot for nothing."

Lauren rolled her eyes. "Stop being conceited. What does Brynn even see in you? We should've rode in Jack's car instead, so you could be all..." She started making kissy noises, making Johnny annoyed. I started to laugh.

We made it to the pizza place fairly quickly. I hopped out the car and followed the siblings into the pizza place. It looked like those small pizzerias you always see on TV.

"John took Brynn here on their date," Lauren informed me. "I bet it was romantic. Am I right, Johnny?"

"Are you jealous or something?" He shot back. "Because you seem very invested in my relationship." Lauren playfully punched him in the arm.

To be honest, I was kind of curious, too. Brynn hasn't been keeping us up to date at all. It was like Johnny was her little secret or something. A part of me didn't really like that, but I would never admit it.

We met up with the rest of the group and found a table large enough to seat all of us. It was Brynn, Maddie, Lauren, Johnny, Cody, Jack, and a few other people I didn't know very well. I sat in between Lauren and Maddie. Johnny sat with Brynn.

We ordered a large half pepperoni, half cheese pizza. While we waited, Johnny's teammates started playfully teasing him.

"I see you're getting cozy over there with my cousin, Johnny," Jack cooed. "Just don't be trying anything." The guys laughed. Brynn's expression changed.

"Can't you believe he didn't like her a few weeks ago?" Jeremy told the table. "Look what a few days does to you." I could see both of them getting uncomfortable. I convinced myself they were just kidding.

Lauren must've noticed because she said, "Guys, tone it down. I know my brother; he's going to treat my best friend right." Johnny mouthed a "thank you" to her.

The waiter came and set the pan of pizza down. She then noticed who Maddie and I were.

"Wow, you're Maddie and Mackenzie!" She exclaimed in disbelief. Her name tag read, "Alex." Her hair was in two neatly plaited braids. I think she was a year or two older than me. "I...I'm a huge fan! Can...can we take a picture?"

"Sure!" Maddie and I said at the same time. I gave Lauren the girl's phone and she took the picture of us. I gave the girl a hug and she went on the the next table.

"Wow, you guys can't escape your fame, huh?" Brynn joked.

"Never," Maddie replied. "But this is not as bad as other places."

The conversation dived into a play that was coming up in September. Lauren really wanted to try out. I noticed Maddie's posture slump. She would've enjoyed being a play; she loves to act.

I took another cheesy piece of pizza from the circular dish. It tasted so good.

"Are you guys excited for the showcase?" Jack asked everyone. "It's coming up really soon. I know it's going to be legendary because Kenzie's going to be there."

I felt myself blushing, and it was too late to hide it.

"Our song's amazing," Johnny chimed in. "You're going to be blown away."'

"I can't wait to hear the real thing," Brynn said before kissing Johnny's cheek.

I checked the time. 9:45. Dad would be here soon. I nudged Maddie.

"We have to head out," I told everyone. I offered to pay, but Johnny said he had it covered.

I hugged Lauren and Brynn and said bye to everyone. I took Maddie's hand and we went out the door, the bells chiming as we did.

Dad's car was already outside. We both went in the backseat like usual.

"How was the game? And dinner?" He asked us.

"Good," I was surprised to hear Maddie say. "The cheer team and I did pretty good. And the pizza here was amazing."

I saw a small smile on Dad's face from the rearview mirror.

As we turned onto the street, Dad said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you. Melissa called. She's coming to Phoenix in a few days. She wants to see Kenzie in the showcase."

Maddie and I held eye contact, and we both had worried looks on our faces. Why was she coming here? And when did she hear about the showcase?

"Ok," I managed to say just as we turned into the driveway.

This was going to be interesting.

A/N: Well this chapter sucked but I hope you enjoyed! Please please comment and vote! There's literally been no comments for a while. Like I said last chapter, it would keep me motivated to hear what you guys think! It's like I'm writing to no one. Anyway, I promise next chapter will be better. Stay tuned!

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