chapter thirty five • "goodbye"

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{ The next day }

Today was the day we had to go back to Phoenix, and I was dreading it so much. I didn't want to go back to school. I was going to miss Maddie and Kenzie so much. Ok, and maybe Hayden, too.

We had to get up early because our flight was at 10 a.m. We all rode to LAX together.

When we arrived, we went to the waiting area and sat down to wait for our flight to be called.

"I can't believe we have to leave," I said sadly. "When am I going to see my famous bestie again?"

"Aww, Lolo," Kenzie replied, laying her head on my shoulder. "I'm definitely going to visit. Next week sound good?"

Happiness coursed through me until Melissa said, "Kenz, are you crazy? You're busy for the next few weeks."

Kenzie sighed. "A girl can dream."

"It was really nice having a lot of people in the house, though," Maddie added. "Being with Kenzie all the time is kind of annoying."

"Shut up, Mads!" Kenzie retorted. "I'm amazing."

"I'd rather be with Kenzie all the time then going back to school," Jack said before winking at Kenzie. Kenzie just laughed.

I noticed that Johnny and Brynn weren't saying anything. I felt really conflicted about the whole situation. Also, I felt like Brynn and I were distancing. Maybe because I was getting closer with Kenzie?

"This whole week went by really fast," Johnny spoke up. "I'm going to miss L.A. Well, I might come back soon..."

"Oh yeah!" Kenzie perked up. "Let me know when you're coming back. You can always stay at my house."

"Thanks, Kenz," Johnny said. I darted back and forth between their faces. They were smiling at each other like crazy. Brynn must've noticed because she pulled out her phone and started typing. My phone buzzed shortly after.

Are you seeing what I'm seeing? Something has to be going on between them. I've been shady to Kenzie a lot, I feel bad but...are you seeing this????

I didn't really know what to say. Brynn was kind of going all "crazy girlfriend," but I couldn't blame her. I remember when all of us were trying to set Johnny and Brynn up. It feels like so long ago, but it was really only a month.

I was about to text back my response when I heard the automatic doors open. I looked up out of habit and saw a familiar curly headed guy.

"It's Hayden!" Kenzie said in shock. She nudged my shoulder. "Lolo, go to your man!"

I rolled my eyes but found myself walking quickly to him. I still couldn't believe I'm was "talking" with one of my idols. Not that it would last, though. I was going back to Phoenix. He would probably end up dating another influencer...

"Lauren!" Hayden's voice interrupted my thoughts. Before I could say anything, he engulfed me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around him, taking in the warmth.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "Not that I mind or anything."

"I know we saw each other yesterday, but I had to see you one last time," he replied when we pulled away. "I'm glad I met you, Laur. You're funny, kind, and the one person I wouldn't mind being around all the time. I haven't know you for long, but I really like talking to you. I'm going to miss you."

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