chapter forty • "first date"

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"I can't believe this is happening!"

It was about 7 p.m on a Friday night. Me, Lauren, and Maddie were in my room. Maddie was doing my hair while Lauren was ransacking my closet for an outfit. Jack was laying on my bed, scrolling through his phone.

Tonight was Johnny and I's first date. We decided to go to Catch L.A. I was planning on going with everyone, but they insisted we should go on a date by ourselves.

"Lolo, don't make my closet any messier than it already is!" I called to her. She just laughed.

"Sorry!" She said. "But you literally have so much clothes. I might have to take some."

"Go right ahead," I told her. She squealed.

I scrolled through Instagram as Maddie curled my hair. I was a little nervous for this date. Sure, I went on a "date" with Johnny before when we went to that burger place. But, this was official. We were together. I couldn't help but think if I would look good enough for him.

Maddie must've noticed the worry on my face. "You are beautiful, Kenz," she assured me. A curled strand of my hair fell against my shoulders. "And you are going to look even beautiful when Lauren and I are done with you. And if Johnny doesn't see that...then he doesn't deserve you."

"He would be dumb to not appreciate you for you," Jack chimed in. "Even though he's told me multiple times he likes you. A lot."

"Besides, you're freaking Mackenzie Ziegler!" Lauren added. "If anything, Johnny should be nervous."

I smiled, feeling happy tears brimming at my eyes. Good thing my makeup wasn't done yet. I was glad to have such an amazing sister and friends.

"Thank you," I said genuinely. "I love you guys so much. How did I get so lucky?"

"We love you too, Kenz," they said together.

Before I forgot, I made sure to text my L.A friends everything that was going on with me and Johnny. Let's just say they were ecstatic that we were together and wanted all the details about our date.

Lauren picked out a dark purple-blue top with a lavender skirt. It was a really cute outfit on me. After I got changed, Maddie put a little makeup on my face.

"We did good, Lauren," Maddie said.

Lauren smiled. "Agreed. Kenzie, we should honestly be your stylists."

I laughed. "Hmm, maybe."

We quickly went outside to take pictures for my Instagram. Finally, I chose one to post.


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Liked by annieleblanc, johnnyorlando, and 941,895 others

kenzie ty to my stylists for getting me ready for 🌹 {tagged: @laurenorlando88, @maddieziegler}

View all 3,288 comments

kenziefan omg that's my queen!!!!

jenziestan whoa whoa Johnny had a rose on his story! Are they going on a date?
mackz123 I sure hope so!

kfzfan yes kenzieeeee 😍😍😍

emilyskinner my bestie is hotttt
kenzie ilyyyy

kenzie all you anns ❤️

maddieziegler my sister is fineeee
kenzie all thanks to your makeup 😂

laurenorlando88 THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND OMG
kenzie ilysmmmm

jackrumfallo no pic credit? all the ones Maddie and Lauren took were trashhhh
kenzie oop sorry maybe next time 🤣
laurenorlando88 HAHA

johnnyorlando you're seriously taking pictures? i've been waiting downstairs for you for so long omg 😂
laurenorlando88 JOHN ES STUPIDA
maddieziegler so much for being lowkey

tiktokroom ^ jenzie confirmed??? more proof on my story!

I looked up from my phone. "One thing I forgot to teach Johnny: how to be sly on social media." We all started laughing.

I went back to my room to grab my purse, then we went downstairs. There stood Johnny waiting in the kitchen, tapping on his phone. He was wearing a blue button down with black pants. He looked up and his jaw dropped.

"Wow, Kenz," He breathed. "You look..."

"Beautiful and way too good to be your girlfriend?" Lauren interrupted.

"Lauren!" I playfully scolded her.

"She's right though," he replied, walking up to me. I took in the smell of his cologne. "You are beautiful. With or without the fancy clothes and makeup."

I heard a chorus of "Awws" behind me. I was trying really hard not to cry because of the makeup.

"Thank you, Johnny," I said. "You don't look too bad yourself."

Johnny laughed. "I'm sorry about the whole thing on your post, by the way. I probably should've texted you."

"It's fine," I assured him. "Tiktok room has nothing on us."

All of a sudden, my mom came into the kitchen. She stopped in her tracks when she saw us.

"Kenzie, you look so beautiful," she breathed. "Are you guys about to leave for your date?"

"Thanks, Mom," I smiled. "And yeah."

"Hold on, I need pictures!"

After that, the next few minutes consisted of Mom taking pictures of Johnny and I as if we were about to go to prom. Finally, she was done.

"Have fun, lovebirds!" Lauren called after us.

"Treat her right!" Maddie chimed in.

"We'll see you later, Mr. and Mrs. Orlando!" Jack said last. He would never stop calling us that.

We went outside to the car. Johnny opened the car door for me, and then we headed to the restaurant.


A/N: I'M SO UNMOTIVATED OMG 😂😂😂 but I saw that this book is #12 in jenzie so I got a tiny bit hype. It hasn't been ranked there in a hot minute lol. And #1 in brynnrumfallo? Thanks guys! Anyway, I think there will be one chapter left for the date and then the super long epilogue. Y'all, PLEASE comment! I really want to hear your thoughts. Vote, comment, and stay tuned!

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