chapter ten • "jealous"

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{Time skip: Friday, August 15th}

It was Friday, and I was glad. However, I didn't know how to feel about Brynn's text two days ago. It shouldn't affect me, but it did. She told me she liked Johnny.

The whole school seemed to know, and I guess I was the last one to find out. Brynn didn't come to school the last two days, probably because of embarrassment. Thankfully, she came back today.

Me, Lauren, Brynn, and a girl I met named Ashley were in a group for Spanish class. Lauren brought up the whole ordeal.

"I still can't believe you like my brother," Lauren said. "But why did you skip school?"

Brynn sighed. I could tell she looked really stressed out, and I felt bad. Was this how real school was? Everyone talking about you just because you might like someone? I didn't like it, but rumors in the Hollywood world could be worse.

"I didn't want everyone staring at me, especially Johnny," she confessed. "But they did anyway. I doubt he likes me back; he could date a junior, not a sophomore."

Ashley put her arm around Brynn; they were friends for a long time. "Girl, keep your chin up!" She exclaimed. I loved Ashley; she was so upbeat and funny. "If Johnny doesn't love you right on the spot, then he doesn't deserve you."

Lauren and I agreed. Brynn smiled at us. "You guys are the best friends ever," she said. "You too, Kenzie. I can't believe I'm friends with you!" Everyone laughed.

Spanish class finally ended, and we barely got any work done. Good thing we had Monday to finish. Music class was next, and I could ask Johnny about Brynn. Hopefully it would help her out.

In case you were wondering, my classes in order are English, math, science, gym, Spanish, music, and history.

I found Jack in the hallways, and caught up with him. A smile appeared on his face when he saw me. "Hey, Kenzie!" He said. His smile was contagious.

"Hey," I greeted him. "Do you know anything about how Johnny feels about Brynn?"

Jack started laughing. "Oh, about that. Two days ago, I told him Brynn liked him," he said, "and I said he should ask her out! But he said no."

My heart sunk. This news would definitely break Brynn's heart. I had to change Johnny's mind. Besides, who else could he possibly like?

"I'll talk some sense into him," I commented, mostly to myself. "Thanks for telling me."

"No problem," Jack said. We reached the door. Suddenly, Jack touched my arm. Shivers went down my spine. What was happening to me?

"Cody's throwing a party tonight," he said. "To celebrate the first week of school or something. You and Maddie should come. If you want, of course." Jack then showed me Cody's address on his phone.

A party? I could already imagine the headlines: Maddie and Mackenzie Ziegler spotted at reckless party! One witness says they saw them drinking!

I pushed the thoughts out of my head. During my time here, I want to experience normal things. And a high school party is one of them. Hopefully Maddie would agree to it, and nothing bad would happen.

"Sure, but Maddie will probably be skeptical," I decided to say.

Jack nodded in understanding. "No problem," he said. "And I hope you can talk sense into Johnny. I don't want to see my cousin get hurt."

My eyebrows went up in shock. "You guys are cousins?" I asked in surprise.

Jack laughed. "Oh, I guess she forgot to tell you. Yeah, we're pretty close."

Jack and I went inside the classroom, him holding the door for me. I went to my usual seat in the back next to Johnny. He was sneaking on his phone behind the music stand.

Johnny looked at me. "Oh, hey," he said. "I was writing my verse last night, and I really want the song to be about having a crush, like you said. And we can add a cool beat in the chorus; my friend Jeremiah is kind of a DJ genius."

All the ideas sounded good, but my mind was still focused on Brynn.

"Great!" I told him. "But can I ask you something?" Johnny nodded. "Is it true you don't like Brynn back?" I kept my voice down because she and Jack were not that far away from us.

Johnny looked away from me. Did he really hate the girl? Boys could be so confusing.

"Look, Brynn is a great person," Johnny started. "And it's sweet she likes me, but I don't want to be pressured into liking her."

I tapped my foot in thought. There was no way I was letting Brynn's heart get broken. I don't know why it was so important to me, but I needed the full high school experience. That included helping your friend get the guy, in this case.

"Maybe you don't know her that well yet," I suggested. "We are a grade behind. You guys could hang out, and you'll see what a great person she is. I known I've only known her for a week, but she's amazing. I promise you."

Johnny seemed to really be taking it into consideration. On the inside, I was celebrating.

Johnny sighed. "Fine. I'll ask her to the movies," he relented. "But not tonight. I'm going to the party. Are you?"

I nodded. Then, we got to work. Ms. Catherine was wandering around the classroom, checking on how everyone's songs were going. She stopped at our music stand. "Hey, guys!" She said. "Do you mind if I read some of your lyrics?"

"Sure," I said. Johnny and I gave her our verses. "We didn't write the chorus and bridge yet."

Ms. Catherine read both of our parts, and seemed really impressed. "Nice. A crush song," she noted. "Everyone will eat that up." We all laughed. Then, she lowered her voice. "Is this song about you two? I won't tell anyone." She did the whole locking up your mouth and throwing away the key motion.

I laughed awkwardly and Johnny's face turned red. "No! No," I assured her. "Just friends here." Ms. Catherine didn't looked convinced, but she walked away.

Johnny groaned. "I swear, if someone else thinks we like each other..." I started laughing again. Him being mad was quite entertaining.

"Calm down, Johnny," I said. "Now, let's sing our verses to each other before we write the chorus."

Johnny went first. Let's talk about all the things that we shouldn't talk about...

His voice was amazing. Why would his friends ever doubt him? After he finished, I sang my verse. Johnny put his hand to his heart, making me laugh. "Wow, Mackenzie Ziegler is professing her love for me!" He joked. I rolled my eyes.

I didn't realize we were being so loud because I saw Jack and Brynn looking over at us. Brynn looked jealous, and Jack looked...jealous, too? Did he like me?

I shook my head and we got back to working on the song. I couldn't wait to the song in front of the whole school.


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