chapter eleven • "it's sprite"

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A/N: Haha y'all better prepare yourselves for the upcoming chapters

{Continuation of last chapter}

Maddie agreed to go to the party with me, as long as I didn't do anything stupid. I was glad I got all my homework done, and so did Maddie. I got dressed in a black dress and a denim jacket, while Maddie wore a PINK long sleeve with denim shorts.

We went downstairs and found Dad watched a basketball game in the living room.

"Hey, can you give us a ride to our friend's house? We're doing homework," Maddie lied. I guess we weren't telling him about the party.

I noticed Dad look at our empty hands. "It's online," I lied fast on my feet. "Schools are trying to get with the times, I guess."

"Sure," Dad agreed. Maddie mouthed a "Thank you" to me while we headed to the car. I gave Dad Cody's address, and we were on our way. I guess Cody lived in the city, because we passed a lot of tall buildings. A while later, we made it.

"Have fun," Dad called after us. "And get your work done!"

I got to the door first and rang the doorbell. The door opened not long after, letting out all the loud music being played inside. It was Cody who opened the door. He was holding a red Solo cup, making me worried. He must've noticed.

"Don't worry; it's Sprite," he said. "And come in! I'm glad you guys made it. Jack told me you might've not came." He went to the side, giving Maddie and I space to go in. Cody's house would've been really nice if a party wasn't happening. Balloons were everywhere, and there was a huge snack table. Were his parents home?

I turned to Maddie, but a few girls I didn't know were leading her somewhere else. I looked around and saw Lauren and Brynn in the kitchen. I walked over there since there was no one else I knew.

Lauren noticed me first, and her eyes brightened. "Kenzie, you're here!" She said happily. "I thought you wouldn't come. Parties can be crazy."

Johnny, Jack, Cody, and a few other guys I didn't know came over to the kitchen counter, where we were. I noticed a change in Brynn's stature. She whispered something in Lauren's ear before walking off. It must've been because of Johnny.

"Hey, Kenz!" Jack said when he saw me. Whoa, he's calling me by my other nickname? "I'm glad you're here. Aren't you glad too, John?"

Johnny rolled his eyes, making me laugh. Were his friends still bothering him about that?

"I can't believe Johnny convinced me to go to this party," Lauren was telling me. "From what I see on TV, it can go very downhill! Like, going into a room with someone and..."

"Too much information, Lauren!" I interrupted her before it got any worse. "Besides, TV can be deceitful. This party doesn't seem that bad so far."

The guys laughed, making me worried again. "We've been to many parties, and what you see on TV is a reality," Johnny said. "Just be careful. Especially you, Lauren."

Lauren looked very offended. "What is that supposed to mean? I know everyone here."

Cody nervously laughed. "Actually, I might've invited the entire school, so just watch out for the seniors." Everyone scolded him.

I went over to Johnny and whispered in his ear, "You should probably go talk to Brynn." He gave me a glare before going after her.

Jack led me to the snack table. "So, I see you talked some sense into John," he pointed out. I smiled.

"Yeah, he's going to take Brynn to the movies. Hopefully he will start to like her," I said. I found a snack size bag of chips on the table and started eating them.

"How's your song going for music class?" Jack asked me.

"Pretty good," I told him. "Johnny and I are a pretty good team. He has an amazing voice, and is a good songwriter." I made sure to point out how good Johnny was doing. Hopefully Jack would change his mind about him.

Jack nodded, and poured himself a glass of punch. "Hey, I wanted to ask you something..."

Jack was interrupted by a guy I didn't know telling him to come with him. "I'll be right back," Jack said before they walked off, laughing about who knows what.

The house was pretty big. I had no idea where Maddie, Brynn, or Lauren were. I decided to go upstairs. There were way more people here than before, mostly a bunch of seniors now.

I knocked on a door, making sure no one was doing anything, then walked in. I closed the door behind me. The loud music was shaking the whole house.

I know I said I wanted the whole high school experience, but parties were probably not my thing. This one was already out of control.

The room was pretty nice; probably a guest room. I sat down on the edge of the bed and ate my chips in silence. I heard a bunch of yelling from downstairs.

Suddenly, the door opened, catching me off guard.

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