chapter twenty one • "are you ok?"

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It was the following Monday, and Brynn and I were walking to music class after lunch. I could feel some people staring as we walked through the halls hand in hand. Yeah, I guess you could say we were official.

"Did you notice Kenzie acting weird at lunch today?" She asked me out of the blue. "Maybe I'm hallucinating, but she seemed quieter than usual, ever since Friday's dinner."

"She wasn't acting weird when I was driving her and Lauren, but when we got there she got quiet," I agreed. "I'll ask her if she's ok today."

We made it to the music class door. Ms. Catherine wasn't outside the door today, so Brynn and I took it as the chance to sneak a kiss before going inside.

I found Kenzie writing in her notebook, her feet resting on an empty chair. She looked up.

"Hey," she greeted me. "I can't believe the showcase is in a few days; this song is going to sound great live." I put my stuff down and sat down.

"Yeah, definitely," I said. I didn't know how exactly I was going to ask her, "Are you ok?" Of course Mackenzie Ziegler was ok. She could handle herself; she was a celebrity after all. Lauren always kept tabs on what was going on with her back when she was just a fan, and sometimes people were harsh.

"Are you good, Johnny?" She asked. "Looks like you have something to say."

I just decided to ask. Kenzie comforted me back in the studio, so I should do the same for her if it came to that.

"I was just wondering if you were ok," I told her. "Emotionally, I mean. Ever since Friday, you've been more quiet than usual. Are you ok?"

She bit her lip nervously, as if she had something to say.

"I'm fine," she said after a little silence. "I'm just still trying to make amends with my dad after that party, and I'm just a little tired from homework and stuff. You don't have to worry about me; you look so happy and I definitely don't want to ruin it."

I knew she was lying, but I just nodded along. I guess I wasn't getting an real answer today.

"Ok," I replied. "Let's work on the song. I revised the bridge we came up with over the weekend and touched it up a little. Here."

I showed her the paper and we sang together:

What if a tomorrow means that we are here together?
What if we are taking chances just to loose it all?
Am I really crazy thinking 'bout this all together?
What if I've been missing the writing on the wall?

Mackenzie started partially singing the chorus and a smile grew on her face. Maybe she was actually ok.

. . .


I completely lied to Johnny. Well, not completely. I was trying to get on Dad's good side again, and Maddie and I were on our way there. And of course homework. And on top of that, Mom was coming to see me in the showcase. I wasn't really fine.

But I also wasn't fine because of Johnny and Brynn. I didn't know why, but just seeing them all happy and being a couple made me a little jealous.

It was after school, and I was laying on my bed when Maddie barged into my room and jumped onto my bed. I yelped.

"Maddie, what the heck?" I exclaimed, scooting over because she was practically on top of me.

She started laughing. "Sorry! I needed to get you out of your slump. All of your friends are telling me you're not acting normal. What's wrong?"

I had a feeling Johnny didn't believe me, he must've told Brynn too, who told Maddie.

"Absolutely nothing," I said before returning my attention back to my phone. I was texting Annie, Nadia, Eden, and Emily in our group chat. Apparently there was some tea going down in L.A that I was missing.

All of sudden, Maddie snatched my phone from my hands.


"Hey yourself!" She shot back. "Something's wrong with you. If you can't tell me, your sister, who can you tell? Besides, I would never tell anyone."

She was right. I sat up on my bed and squeezed my pillow.

"It's stupid but...for some reason, I'm jealous of Johnny and Brynn. I know Jack and I helped them get together in the first place, but seeing them laughing and kissing and holding hands...and on top of that, Brynn rarely telling us what's going on, as if it's her little secret. Not even telling Lauren, who she's known longer than me. I don't know why, but I don't like it."

Maddie sat down in front of me and gave me back my phone. She had an understanding look on her face. "I can understand where you're coming from," she said. "Where you see your friends moving on with their relationships, and you don't have one. I saw it back home, too. When Annie started dating Asher. She started spending more time with him, right?"

I nodded.

"One thing I don't understand," Maddie continued, catching me off guard. "Is why exactly are you jealous, other than that? Either you regret turning down Jack or you like..."

"No!" I interrupted before she could finish. "No, no, no! I do not like Johnny. We already went over that in the beginning of the year. It's probably just the Jack thing, now that I know him better. But I know I can't date him."

Maddie looked skeptical, but she didn't say anything. "Let's go get dinner somewhere," she changed the subject. "I know it's a school night, but Dad gave us some money because he's working late. There's a Chinese place nearby. Get dressed!"

She didn't give me a chance to say no, so I got dressed when she left. I decided to wear cropped green shirt and black jeans.

Who knew lying was so painful?


A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! It took me forever to update because barely anyone was reading last chapter. Please vote AND comment! Like I said before, it would mean a lot. Ok, I'm probably getting annoying saying that all the time. Stay tuned!

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