chapter nine • "we're just friends"

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The third day of school was over, and was too boring to document. The only highlight was trying out for the basketball team. I think I did pretty good, but I would only know for sure next week, when Coach posted results.

And the day it left me with a bunch of homework. But, I will always like music class. The song Mackenzie and I are writing is really coming along. If you told me a year ago I would be writing a song with a celebrity, I probably wouldn't believe you.

I was doing math homework in my room when I heard loud knocking behind me. Startled, I turned around and saw Jack outside my window. Why couldn't he just go through the front door like a normal person? I got out of my seat and opened the window. We did our handshake.

"Dude, did you hear the news?" He asked me before collapsing onto my bed.

My eyebrows furrowed together. "What news?" I questioned, sitting back down at my desk.

Jack rolled his eyes and sat up. "You need to bring up your social radar, John," he said. "Whatever. Everyone is saying Brynn has a crush on you."

My eyes widened. Brynn? I didn't know that much about her, since she was a grade below me, but we were partners in music class at one point. She was pretty, I guess.

When I didn't say anything, Jack continued on. "You need to ask her out! That way, all the guys have girls for anything! Dances, parties, awards...whatever."

I put my pencil down, thinking. I didn't even like Brynn! It was like everyone was pressuring me to date someone. Why couldn't I just be single and live my life?

"What about you, Jack?" I asked him. "Who are you going to ask out?"

Jack scratched his arm. We had gotten bug bites from playing basketball outside yesterday.

"I know you'll think this is a long shot, but I was kind of hoping for Mackenzie," he said, a smile appearing on his face when he said her name. "If that's ok with you, though."

Mackenzie? Mackenzie Ziegler? Jack was right; I did think it was a long-shot. Besides, she probably had a boyfriend. I kept seeing rumors saying she had something going on with some Hayden Summerall guy.

But why would he ask for my approval? I didn't like her; we were just friends writing a song. I made sure everyone knew that.

"Yeah, go for it, man," I said, turning back to my homework.

Jack stood up. "I'm going to go get some pizza rolls from your freezer. You want any?" He said, heading for my door. I nodded.

. . .


"Tell us everything that happened today!"

I was Skyping Annie, Nadia, and Ruby while doing my homework. I told my friends about all my classes, joining dance club, and writing the song with Johnny.

"Ooh, is he cute?" Ruby asked, a smile on her face. I rolled my eyes.

"He probably is," Nadia said. "But what about that Jack guy you told us about? Don't you like him?"

"I don't like anybody!" I told them. "I'm just trying to focus on finishing my schoolwork and getting this song done."

Annie's eyes brightened. "Wait, are you guys writing a duet?" Her voice got higher. "Are you bringing Johnny to L.A? Do we get to meet him?"

A bunch of squeals occurred, and I had to press the mute button for a minute. When it seems everything calmed down, I put the volume back on.

"I don't know yet," I admitted. "He wants to make it into the music industry, and I want to help him. Jack told him he probably wouldn't make it, and I want to prove him wrong."

"Kenzie, you definitely like him," Nadia said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Why else would you do all of that for him?"

"Because he's my friend. F-R-I-E-N-D-S. We're just friends," I assured them.

"Sure," Ruby said.

"Well, we have to go get ready for a Brat meeting," Annie said. "Talk later?"

I nodded, and the video chat ended. Why did my friends think I liked Johnny? I didn't. But Jack on the other hand...

Stop it, Kenzie!

Jack was cute, and nice. But, that didn't mean I liked him. Even if his smile brightened my day...

Kenzie, I mean it!

"Shut up, conscience!" I whisper-yelled. I had to figure everything out. Hopefully tomorrow was a good day.

Then, I got a text.


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