chapter eighteen • "cliché"

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{The following Monday}

"This is a really nice studio!" I told Ms. Catherine as we entered the room. Today our music class period went to a recording studio to record our songs for the showcase. Ms. Catherine said she was going to post the recordings on the school's social media pages or something.

"Thank you!" She replied happily. "But I'm sure you've recorded in way fancier studios than nice."

"Actually, they're pretty chill and cozy, like this one," I told her.

She gathered us around in the lounge area of the building. The room was fairly large, but not like one of a major record label.

"Ok, guys!" She greeted us. "Today you're going to be recording your songs. One of my good friends is a producer and owns this studio. I know some of you are almost done, or touching up, but this is just a practice run before you perform. And, you get to see how to really record your songs professionally! Mackenzie here knows all about it, don't you?"

I felt everyone's eyes turn to me and heard excited whispers, but I just nodded. I've already gotten used to this class.

There were several mini recording studios in the building, so we could each privately record our songs. Johnny and I went into a room right next to Jack and Brynn.

We got into the booth and waited for the sound producer to help us. There was only one to help everyone.

"Are you excited to record a song professionally for the first time?" I asked Johnny to make conversation.

He put a piece of paper on the music stand with the lyrics of the song. It was still untitled yet.

"Yeah, this is really cool," he said, and I could really see the happiness in his eyes. "All I really do is just record by doing voice memos on my phone. Songs no one will ever hear. But this...this is completely different." He ran his hand over his microphone.

"Can I listen to the songs?" After I said that, he started to laugh.

"No way, Kenzie," he said. "Those are off limits, and super embarrassing." I just rolled my eyes. I would listen to them one way or another.

I sat down on the stool that was in the booth. The sound guy was taking really long.

"Do you miss L.A?" asked Johnny, breaking the small silence. I looked over at him since I was looking at the floor.

"I miss my friends," I told him. "And regular work. And my own bed." At that, he chuckled a bit. "But I also don't want to leave here. I've already made great bonds with people so quickly, and I'm getting a normal school experience. And this song..."

"Is yours," he interrupted. "I know I said when we first started writing to not take the song to L.A and forget about me, but just give me writing credits on the single."

"I doubt I'm going to get to go to L.A, so it's yours," he continued on. "My friends have been telling me this all my life basically, that I'm never going to make it. That I should just play basketball and call it a day. Maybe they're right. Not everyone turns out to be like you."

I lifted his chin up with my finger. A part of me really wanted to make all of his dreams come true. He really didn't deserve this.

"Forget your friends, Johnny," I said. "If you want to be a singer, you'll be a singer. Heck, I'll drag you to L.A and sing this song with me. I will do that. But you can't be downing yourself like this. Look at you! You're in a recording studio in downtown Phoenix recording a song you wrote. Well, co-wrote. I would say this is the road to becoming a singer."

Johnny ran his hand through his hair and regained his posture.

"Thanks, Kenzie. I really needed that." He took a deep breath. "Who knew Mackenzie Ziegler would be the one the cheer me up?"

I know it sounds cliché, but we stared into each other's eyes for a few moments, silence surrounding the room. I felt like something was going to happen until I heard the studio's door open. Johnny and I snapped back to reality and faced our microphones again.

"Sorry that took forever!" The sound guy said, dropping all of his stuff on the couch. "I'm Toby, the owner of this place. Ms. Catherine will be here in a second."

He suddenly stopped all of his movement when he realized I was...well, me.

"Oh, you're Mackenzie Ziegler!" He exclaimed, wiping his brow. "My 9 year old daughter is a huge fan. When we're done, can you sign something for her?"

I nodded and couldn't help with laugh. You couldn't escape fame in any city.

Toby sat down at the sound booth and started messing with some of the controls. Ms. Catherine came in soon after.

"Sorry for the wait," she said. "Are you guys finished with your song?"

"Almost," Johnny replied. "Just the bridge is missing."

Ms. Catherine sat down next to Toby at the sound booth. He gave us a thumbs up to start singing because we could barely hear them from inside.

The beat Jeremiah gave us started to play, and it all started to feel real. Johnny started singing, and it really took me back like it did the first time. We had to skip over the bridge and started singing the chorus. Our voices clashed together perfectly. Sure, we sang it in class, but this was completely different.

After we were done, we exited the booth. Ms. Catherine and Toby started clapping for us.

"That was phenomenal!" She said enthusiastically. "I'll send you guys the recording before I post it so you can hear it. I can't wait to hear it at the showcase!" I knew Johnny was grinning big, but he was trying to be subtle.

I signed a paper for Toby to give his daughter, and then we went back to the lounge room. Jack and Brynn had already finished their session, so they were by the vending machine.

"Hey!" They said to us at the same time. Brynn went over and hugged Johnny, and to my surprise, he hugged back. I guess their date went well this weekend.

My coffee "date" with Jack went good, too. I got a pink drink and he got black coffee. Gross. We learned a lot about each other, like he was actually born in California and has been friends with Johnny since elementary.

"How was your recording session?" Brynn asked us, her arm looped in Johnny's. Why did I feel bothered? I tried so hard just for them to be together.

"Really good," I told her. "I can't wait for the showcase. How about yours?"

"Great," Jack chimed in. "The showcase is going to be great. All our showcases are. You're going to love it, Kenzie."

Half an hour later, everyone finished their sessions. I didn't realize our class was that huge.

"Your songs are fantastic, guys!" Ms. Catherine announced when we were all gathered together. "Let's get back on the bus."

We headed back to the bus. I noticed Brynn and Johnny were holding hands.
I stopped walking and waited to Jack to catch up. I needed to stop thinking about them.

A/N: Here's a new chapter! It's literally taking so long for me to get to the important parts. The book is about to have like 30+ chapters, lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and please vote and comment! Stay tuned for the next one!

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