rina - confession

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     The weather is nice as usual. The sun is out as I walk my way to the bookstore for my shift today.
     I help my cousin out, who owns a bookstore. It's not that famous, but their choice of books are my favorites.
     I sit at my post, I read a book while there's no one around buying one. But after time, after time, I often see him here in this unpopular bookstore, especially in the literature section. He seems to be interested in old poetry or novels. I can see him from my post.
     Sometimes I gaze at him without thinking, wondering what book will he look at today.
     "Excuse me. I would like to have this book."
     He appeared, in front of me.
     "Yes..?" I looked down. He gave me the bill and I gave him the change. "Please wait a moment..," I said, wrapping the book with old newspaper- this is how this store packages books.
     It was quiet.
     I can hear the sound of paper on my fingertips. I can't look at him directly, I was too nervous. There is hardly anyone in this bookstore, the emptiness of the room made his presence even bigger.
     "Excuse me." He called out of the blue.
     His both hands were in his pockets. "There's a mark on your left cheek," he said.
     "Oh..." I rubbed my left cheek.
     Then, suddenly, he leaned towards me, quietly, and brushed my cheek against his hand. It happened so fast.
     "Thank...you..." My face was burning, I felt it.
     "You're welcome," he said, putting his hand back to his pocket. After that, I gave him the book and he left the bookstore.
     That's how it ends.
     We never say a word to each other. Even at school, we bumped into each other a few times, but there was no "Hi" neither "Hello."
     What should I expect, we're just strangers after all.
      I attend the same school as Julian Bridge. We're both in the same year but in different classes. I often go to the library after break or after classes, sometimes, both.
      I like going to the library. It soothes me down.
     I like how the books are arranged. The smell of books and the pleasant sound of pages turning. It's a soothing massage for my spirit. I can be myself, I can concentrate, and be absorbed by books.
     I can also see him again.
     Nothing changed our relationship, but I am satisfied.
     Looking from a far is better. I don't have the courage to talk or to greet him...
     I've always admired his fixation when he starts reading.
     Sometimes he thinks.
     Sometimes he smiles.
     And once in a while, he falls asleep when it's warm and no one's around in that same spot.
     Rather, I think it's cute when he sleeps. His brown hair underneath his light brown eyes. A soft and pleasant sound coming from his breathing, and a slight pinch of orange blossoms around him.
     From time to time, I quietly sit beside him; trying not to disturb him while the librarian isn't looking, unpleasant, right?
     We also meet when we're in the gym. His and my class share the same gym and time in P. E.
     He's good at sports and everyone likes him. He's a "Prince."
     Julian can be said "famous" in our school, same as his younger twin brother, "Jude Bridge."
     Jude Bridge is smarter than Julian, he's also better than him in sports, and good at computers and programming. But rumors say that even though he is a genius, he is rather lazy and carefree, unlike Julian who is kind and responsible.
     Two unique souls united by birth.
     I often see them together at lunch break, they look exactly the same. Except that Jude's hair is longer than Julian's— he prefers the clean look. And Jude also talks more than his older brother– he often goofs around Julian.
     Their friends are also with them. They often calls them "Julie" and "Judy."
     Sometimes, I unconsciously stop and look at them. Watching them go to the cafeteria while I head back to my homeroom.
     I like watching him whenever we encountered each other and especially when he's not looking.
     I've liked him for a long time, but I don't want anything special from him. I'm satisfied with this. Besides, it will only look weird.
     "Wat'cha looking at, Rina?"
     I squealed like a mouse, when my friend, Theresa, popped out of nowhere while we're having our lunch.
     She looked at my flustered face, and saw through that I was hiding the fact that I was looking at Julian. She smirked, Theresa got dirt on me.
     She yelled. "Girls!!! Rina likes Julian Bridge!!!"
     You don't know how foolish I look. My face was burning and I wanted to hide, because of the thought people I don't know heard that was embarrassing.
     "Rina you..."
     "You sly dog!"
     My friends came closer and began asking me questions with their girly eyes. When we returned to the classroom—
     "What!?! You haven't confessed yet?! Even though you liked him that long!?!" Exclaimed Sarah.
     "Mmm..," I nodded. She's too loud. "It's embarrassing to do it and besides... I'm okay with this."
      "Really? Is it really okay? You must be joking," Carol blunted, and I stayed silent.
     "'Confess and regret than do nothing and regret' is my quote for you, Rina," said Sarah. "I mean, you're not bad looking yourself, and you've got good grades."
     "I suck in Math..," I replied. Then, Carol slammed the table hard, everyone was surprised.
     "Carol's right. We're here for you, Rina," supported Sarah.
     "We'll be watching you, so go for it!!" Theresa cheered.
     Then I simply nodded and smile, but it still gave me butterflies. However, my friends are with me, so everything will be fine, right?
     Lunch Break. I went to Julian's homeroom— I like him, so at least I know where's his classroom. My friends were behind me, I started to feel anxious...
     I went inside. "Excuse me..." My eyes were looking down.
     "May I speak to Julian Bridge?" I asked.
     "Yes?" He answered as he stood up when I called his name. He walked closer, our eyes met— being entranced by his light brown eyes.
      He looks more charming closely.
      I spoke, "Sorry for taking your...t-time..."
     "No, it's fine."
     "Umm... If you're free after classes... Would you meet— me outside the library...?" My voice was trembling— facing him then not facing him. My heart can't stop pounding, and I can hear voices around all together with my chest.
     "Okay," he replied.
     "Then— See you later!!"
     My voice jumped out, but I'm really happy deep inside. I got nervous again, however, maybe, I saw him smile a bit.
     "See you," he said.
     Such small words, yet my chest fluttered blissfully, and I was looking forward to meet him again. When I was about to head back to my friends, I glanced back, Julian walked to his friends, and I can hear their loud whispering conversation.
     "Hey, is it me or that girl likes you?" asked his svelte friend.
     "I believe it's a CONFESSION~! Not bad for Julie!!" Said his short blonde friend, hitting him on the sides, making seducing voices.
     "Confession or not. Don't meddle in other people's private business," their glasses friend scolded. "And you, Julian, say something."
     "Don't be too loud..."
     "Judy needs to know this!!!" Blondy texting in his phone.
     "BETTER NOT."

     Time runs fast. The bell rang longer than usual. I waited in front of the library, while my friends hid behind the school building near the library- they came with me...
     I stared at my watch, watching it ticking while waiting.
     "Sorry. Were you waiting long?" Hearing a familiar voice, and steps, Julian Bridge came. I'm glad he was here, but I started to feel sick.
     "It's okay... I didn't wait here too long." I tried to hide with a smile, yet I'm pretty sure that my face was red as an apple. His friends and brother are even eying over there...
     Julian was looking at me. He made me blissful. And I told him:
     "I've always like you..."
     "If— it's not too much trouble—..."
     "Please go out... with me...!"

     I prayed for the earth to crack open and swallow me whole... The opposite groups began laughing- I can hear them over here...
     Can lightning strike in broad daylight?
     "Sure. I'll go out with you," he said.
     My ears must have misheard him. Every one of them was dumbfounded. They stopped giggling and twittering, and began staring in disbelief. I was too, I was too shook to respond, and I can hear many comments on both sides.
     Theresa, "Pinch me now."
     Jude, "Is he serious!?!"
     Sarah, "He— accepted it..."   
     Carol, "...."
     The men over there were a different story.
     Blondy was whistling a "hoot-hoot" sound.
     The other one was congratulating this new relationship, however, Jude was against it.
     "YOUR BROTHER CAN'T ACCEPT THIS!!!" He riled and burst that made the two other boys hold him by force.
     "LET ME GO!!! YOU IDIOTS!!!" Jude struggled.
     "Stop being such a child!!" Said one of them who was holding him.
     And while they were arguing, I've been left completely speechless... But there's no one to blame me, this is so surreal.
     He actually said "yes"???
     Is he serious???

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