sidney - next player

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     "YOU DID WHAT?!"
      Jude yelled.
     I was busy cleaning another table.
     "Don't yell at someone's classroom. Our cafe may not be that good, but we still have customers. Respect their presence, Jude."
     "Don't change the subject, you jerk."
     "I don't recall that my mom named me 'jerk', and don't forget your take-out. Y'still have to eat what you've paid. Money does not grow on trees, y'know."
     "C'mon. Stop pulling my leg, Sidney."
     Jude was giving me an evil eye.
     How terrifying.
     Just kidding.
     "You're the one who called me. What do you want me to say, Jude?  Oh, I like this girl, so I'm going to make her my friend's girlfriend."
     "Don't tell me... That you seriously DID that..!" This guy reacted.
      He grabbed my collar. I left a dead-panned expression, however, I accidentally dropped the plates on the floor. And now, I had to clean it up or the girls would scold me.
     I sighed in grief.
     "It's your fault for not stopping me," I blamed. "You were too busy with your phone call. And you haven't give me a chance to compliment your butler outfit."
     "What the heck?" Jude dumbfounded.
      "Why won't you just shut up?" I wondered.
    He finally let me go. "Stop messing around, Sidney," he said.
     His eyes were menacing.
     "When did I ever made a funny joke? Look at me, I'm too corny that it makes my audience sad," I answered. "But hey, I'm still better than your brother, don't you think?"
     I donated him a smile, and I bet it gave Jude the creeps.
     "You... You just took advantage with the situation," he annoyingly replied, but he did helped me with picking up the plates.
     "Thank you for picking up the plates FOR me," I said. I was still annoyed.
     Jude looked at me silently, and said, "It's my fault in the first place, even so, it pisses me off."
    "I might be wrong, but I think you're trying to make them together," his calm voice angered.
     It was a whisper, and yet you can sense his fury.
     "So what?" I smiled.
     'I've witnessed an interesting face today.'
     Jude bravely kept his posture, still bringing another set of dirty plates as he followed me to the sink to wash them. "I'm saying that you're putting your nose where it doesn't belong."
     "So you were aware of it," I replied, "but that's not surprising. I mean, you are also doing it. Your older brother finally found something nice. His feelings are starting to bloom. Isn't that fascinating?"
    My heart began to tingle with excitement.
    "It would be my honor to be involved to help my friend. But you, Jude? You're Julian's twin. And as far as I can see, you have no plans getting them together. Not even a slightest support. Just the opposite. Y'simply hate the idea that they're dating and whatever they are doing. Ha! I just think you despise Irina Bookman— No. You fear that girl. That's why you kept on interrupting. If I were you, I would stop sticking my nose into wrong places, Jude, before that guy arrives. He HATES people butting in, don't you remember?"
     I smiled, but the water running out from the sink was loud. Maybe, it's because it was only the two of us.
     Jude saw my expression again.
     I wonder what face I was making.
     'He didn't like it.'
     Rushing sounds.
     Water was being wasted.
      He said.
      Except, my vocabulary of idioms are very limited.
     "You don't scare me, big guy," I hit between his sides.
     "Same answer," he said.
     I sighed again.
     "I don't want to argue you, Jude. There's no gain in it, so let me change the topic, and fix your bowtie."

.  .  .

     A silent paused I did while waiting for him to fix his attire.
     I asked:
     "Who gave you that phone call?"

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