theresa - backstage

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      Look at our Prince, standing alone behind the stage, making himself feel lonely.
     "Hey, Pan."
     "Hey, Theresa."
     "Wat'cha doing?"
     "Rina's getting dress, so I got roped into watching our competitors. And y'know what, I've realized that we've got a slim chance in taking that prize.."
     I hit this bastard with my script.
     He's glaring. "I'm just saying the truth," he said. "And stop messing up my hair, it took hours before Sherry Rhodes got satisfied..."
     "Hmm... So you're scared at Sherry Rhodes?" I asked.
     "Nah, all girls are scary," he pointed out. Pan was making a sign with his eyes to look outside, so I took a peak.
     "What class is that?" I asked. There are two little girls on stage— wearing red and wearing white.
     "Class E," he answered. "And y'know what they're playing, Snow White and Rose Red. Hate to say this, but their story choice is more empowering than ours." Man, he looks serious...
     "Does Snow White has another story?" I have never heard such a story. "And I thought, Romeo and Juliet, was our formidable opponent!?" I panicked.
     This guy "hush" me. It distracted the behind-the-scene batch. They were glaring at us. Sorry...
     "Romeo and Juliet did the story a bit— rush, so it's oblivious that this one is better," he whispered. "See that blondy Snow White, her acting is amazing to compare to our Snow White. Not only that, she's small and cute."
     "Hey," I harshly whispered. "Rina is also cute, only... she's a bit tall..."
     "That girl is taller than me, and I'm not short." The way he said it was so sad. I started to feel sorry for him.
     "Sorry, man..."
     "Nah, I've always known it will tore my manly pride, but I already accepted it a long time ago. Don't worry about it," he said.
     "What the—? You're making me worried..."
     "It's just your imagination, Theresa..."
     The audience began clapping.   
     Their act already end.
     "Shit, it's our turn," Pan exclaimed.
     I felt this kid needs a bit of a boost. "Do your best, Prince Charming."
     "Y'know that I ain't one," he chuckled.
     The curtains have been closed. He goes to the backstage, waiting for other actors, and then, our Prince and our Princess finally met.
     Pan was quite flustered. I don't blame him. Look at our cutie. "You look amazing," he said to Rina. And I'm amazed that he can be a gentleman.
     "Thank you very much," she answered shyly. This girl was predictable. "And you—..."
     "You look dashing!!" She respects him, but she didn't need to yell, and it sounded forced.
     I think Pan knows it too.
     "Thanks for your sympathy."
     See, what did I tell you?
     Their conversation is quite loud... I can hear them from here...
     I need to scold them. "You guys need to get ready. The curtains will rise any minute."
     These two are both blushing... for different reasons.
     Rina was like, "I'll do my best! My mom and my brother are watching me!"
     And Pan was like, "What supportive folks..." Then, our eyes met, "Go away, Theresa." His eyes were blushing.
     Why should I go away? I'm the director here. This brat was getting in my nerves, but oh well...
     "Give me your best performance," I slapped his back.
     "Shouldn't you say that to Snow White?"
     "Sure," I replied.
     I slapped Rina's back, she coughed. "Give me your best performance, princess," I repeated.
     "I'll do my best... But don't expect anything from me...," she muttered. She's not looking at me in the eyes.
     "Say what?" I think I'm gonna murder her.
     Oh, she sensed it. Good girl.

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