rina - what's our relationship

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     "Good job, my princess!"
     A sudden hug from the class president. She's our president, but for a couple of weeks, she's just Theresa's assistant.
     I'm not really close to her, but I know that she likes Theresa a lot. A lot of my classmates like Theresa, and it is because of her orange flavor personality.
     The class president was smiling pretty at me again. Her round-glasses were going to touch my face, and I was so startled. She's even the second tallest girl in class.
     I need to say something. "I tripped two times on stage, y'know..."
     It wasn't a confident response. I was hesitating and making excuses.
     "It's not really a big deal," she answered. "Am I right, Thea?"
"Mmm. I think the audience thought your falls were part of the show. They laughed a lot, and I laughed a lot. It's a success if I say so myself." Theresa gave me her phone and showed me the video that she just record, which was "our" play. I was embarrassed that I wanted to click the "delete" button.
    Then Pan suddenly butted in.
    His face was close to the screen. I can feel his breathing near my left ear- it was a bit ticklish.
     "Wow... I kinda look good," he complimented himself.
     "I agree," I replied.
     "Thanks to my magic," said Sherry Rhodes.
     "Whatever you say, Sherry Rhodes," Pan was being himself again.
     "Hey," he was referring to me. "Do you want to stroll around after this? I want to try the horror booth of what one of our seniors have prepared? What'd you say?"
     "Y'know that I hate scary stuff, Pan..," I grumbled.
     "Now you're being unreasonable."
     "Say what?" I gave him a cold shoulder.
     He just simpered just now.
     "You read a bunch of indecent and nasty books here and there. So how come you're being a chicken in a little horror booth? It's not even in the level of a paranormal movie, pal."
     "If I don't want to go, Pan, I don't want to go," I answered him clearly.
     He smiled.
     "Killjoy," he replied. And I just laughed at him, and Pan only laughed along with me. It was not that loud, I bet it was us that was making fun of this- in a good-natured way.
     "Come on, let's change back to our t-shirts. My pants are starting to itch." Already heading back to the changing room.
     I simply followed him. "Won't Theresa get mad? What if we won an award? I thought the actors aren't supposed to remove their costumes." I'm beginning to scold him.
     Pan laughs at me again as he started to change. I turned around.
     "Do you think we'll win an award? I'm not trying to be negative, pal. But the other classes really think of their play carefully. The lights, the script, the costume, the actors, and especially, the story. I mean, look at us, we're too free-spirited. Who chooses a children book if you want to win the first price. I'm aware that it should be age-appropriate. Except, the majority of the audience are high-school students, so who wants to watch a kid's play. I'm going to make a movie in the future, so I know, pal. Though-"
     "Though what?"
     He was making me curious, even with all the unpleasant things he was saying behind their backs.
     There was a pause...
     "I think... we have a chance to win for the Miss Popularity... You can turn around now, pal."
     I turned around.
    "So, y'think that I won't win the Miss Actress award..?" I asked.
     "Your acting skills are bullshit. Sorry," he apologized right away.
     "Nah, it's okay. I was not born an actress. But since I love books, at least I have a chance to become a writer, right?"
     "Blood is thicker than water alright," he chuckled. "So, are you gonna change?" He was talking about my clothes.
     "Nah, I'm going to take it with me. You don't mind bringing a children's book's princess with you, right?"
     "Of course not. I've always wanted to walk with a princess. For you to know, my sister is a witch, not really a princess material, " he jested.
     Pan offered his arm, and I accepted his gentlemanliness.
     "Shall we go, my Prince?" I teased.
     He smiled. "Be careful. Your knight in shining armor might be jealous, pal."
     The stroll begins.

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