julian - waiting

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     Normally, classes end at five. But b'cause it was a school festival week, we are expected to go home later than this.

     Except... the fact that— I was dismissed before 4:30 P. M.
     It was earlier than my other classmates, and I left Sidney with our class head since he seems to understand her better with the menu she wanted. I'm guessing the reason why they were letting me go home early because I come to school every six o clock in the morning ever since last Monday to prepare our menu. That's the closest argument that I can conclude.
     They don't have to do that, though, I was grateful that it was today.
     I waited outside, at Rina's homeroom about ten minutes. And then, I recognized a face staring at me on their window, one of her classmates.
     She disappeared, and then their door suddenly opened, it was Rina— her hair was tied up, and a face that is always flushing.
     "I'm not done yet!!" She exclaimed.
     Rina panics too easily.
     It was silly.
     "I can wait," I replied.
     And then, gradually, she came out.
     She was not wearing her costume anymore, instead, she was wearing her gym clothes. It was my first time seeing her on that outfit, and it gave a new impression.
     I know she wanted to approach me but she kept on hesitating. Her face was looking at the ground.
     I lost count how many times we've been through this though...
     "You can look at me, y'know." I wasn't seducing her or anything. Yet her face turned redder than before.
     Oh. I've made a mistake.
     "l'll— do that later...!" She exploded, and then, slowly, she covered her face, she was embarrassed.
     "Okay." I tried not to laugh. "Y'should hurry up and go back to your class, otherwise, you can't leave early," I said, trying to calm her down.
     "You have to wait then," she responded. What a cheeky girl.
     I've started to realize that I wanted to tease her, so I did a bit effort than my usual sound.
     "I'll wait even if it takes you a thousand years!!"
     It was louder than I anticipated.
     It made her confront bubbling ruddy and ran back to her course. She looks kinda teed off. I was beginning to regret it.
     Just then, I've received a text message, it was from her.
     " Wait for me for ten minutes. 😣"
     Staring at the moment, I thought, "Oh well." But what's with that emoji? I was confused.
     My face felt hot, and somehow, I dislike the weirdness.
     Another five minutes passed, Rina hasn't come out yet. Still, it can't be helped, school festivals were meant to keep you busy. But I don't remember that it was this busy last year...
     Well, my former class just sold drinks.
     The door's open.
     I wonder if she's done already.
     Oh, she came out.
     She looks ragged than before.
     "Are you okay?" I approached her.
     "Mmm..." She was forcing a smile. "I suck at acting," she answered.
     "It's okay. You can do better," I tried to cheer her up. "Good job for today, Rina."
     "Y-Yes!-! Thank you!! I'm sorry I made you wait!!" There it goes again, her flushing pink face.
     Looking at her fingers, I wonder why are they're fidgeting? It catches my attention.
     "Let's go," I made the calling.
     "Oh— umm... Okay..." We began to walk away together. "Umm— where are we going to watch the stars? Umm— it's still too early... I think..."
     "I guess it is, the sun is still up," I replied.

"Do you have plan B?" She asked.
     It made me think.
     Plan B?
     That's interesting.
     I answered:
     "I have. Wanna hear it?"

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