rina - first day, a role to play

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     Today was the day. I stayed up late yesterday but I had to wake up early— well, I had to ask my brother to pull me out of my covers.
     Everyone in school was looking forward— excited about these 3 days event.
     I had an important job, but I don't know if I can meet their expectations...
     The gym I visited since my first-year was big as always. Nothing changed so much, except for the color of the walls. It looks cleaner.
     The student council did a good job with the stage design— I saluted their effort.
     It was already 9:35 A.M.
     After an hour and twenty-five more minutes, it'll be show time for the class.
     I stared behind the curtains— hiding in the backstage, and watching the current performers of "Romeo & Juliet."
     I think that their class is next to ours. If I'm a critic, their acting skills were far better than ours, to be honest, but my class' costumes and props beat them. Although, their Romeo was an eye-candy.
     Now I'm getting butterflies.
     I felt my stomach was gonna hurl any minute. The previous performers were too dazzling, but I can't help to watch them, they were magic in my eyes.
     Really. That class' Romeo and Juliet has great chemistry together. "I bet they'll win first place.."
     "What are you saying.., Ri-na~..!" Someone's breathe was touching my ear.
     I felt like I was being harassed...
     "Don't do that, Theresa..." I frowned, making sure my voice doesn't disturb the stage play. But I wanted to kick her away.
     "It's your fault. Do you want your class to lose? The first place prize is big, and you're giving up on that?" Said Theresa, making a money sign with her brows rising. Still, I'm not very convinced. The level of our class and others are too big. I'm not saying that my class's effort is fruitless but if you just watched the performances starting from eight o clock till now... It's like they're saying:
     "Look at me! That prize is mine! Don't get on my way!"
     In my point of view, they look like a pack of leopards fighting over an enormous elephant...
     I blamed the principal. According to my C. J. Bookman, my brother, who was a graduate student from this school, the principal loves watching his grandchildren giving an entertaining show, and to give them motivation, there's always money involved...
     Well, our school is well-known for performing arts than academics.
     But that doesn't apply in our class...
     They should accept reality.
     "I'll do my best but don't expect anything, Theresa..." I told her, and then she smacked my head.
     "Hey!" A loud voice came from behind, Sherry Rhodes looks displeased— Erie was with her. "Don't put your trash our Snow White!" She grabbed me, "We haven't shown her true beauty, and yet I see you damaging our product!"
     "I'm not your merchandise..." I tried to interrupt. It left a bitter taste on my mouth.
     "Oh, honey, we should at least win the title for Ms. Beauty. The prize is not bad," she pointed out. Look at her confidence— Sherry Rhodes was also thinking about the gold.
     "Sherry..," Erie looks concerned, "Lower your voice a bit, we're being disrespectful. Let's just make Rina very pretty, 'kay?"
     "Me? Pretty?" I questioned— I felt my cheeks were burning so fast. Then I was pushed at the back, the two were telling me to hurry, 'cause being pretty takes a lot of hard work.
     Dressing room. Erie was brushing my hair. There was a mirror in front of me, l saw her smiled, "What's wrong?" I asked— I felt a bit stiff.
     "Your hair's so nice and soft," she giggled.
     My ears were blushing in the mirror. "Thank you," I responded.
     "I bet you'll be prettier if you grow out your hair, since it's black as night, and your skin is white as snow," she adds.
     "Isn't that Snow White?" I replied, and then, she answered with an illegible grin. I felt wanting to change the subject, "Where's the— dress?" I asked.
     "Save the dress later," said Sherry Rhodes, putting powder on my face. It prevented me to talk as she began placing makeup. It's hard to not move, and I don't like the idea of having lipstick stuck on my lips— it feels funny.
     "Rina," a voice that sounds annoyed. "Stop moving your head, I can't put your mascara properly if you keep moving. And Erie—"
     "Yes?!" She reacted quickly.
     "Do something about her hair, it's lifeless," our main stylist is the boss.
     Sherry Rhodes' voice...
     I've always described it like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland is talking to me— so free yet lazy.
     But the current Sherry Rhodes is scary.
     "I apologized, Sherry Rhodes..."
     Thirty minutes... Thirty minutes of makeup and I'm not yet still done. I admired how Erie curled my hair, but it was a bit— uncomfortable.
     "We're done. Put that dress on now, Rina. We don't have much time!" Said Sherry Rhodes, handing the dress over. Since we're already rushing, I stripped in the dressing room. I didn't really care about Erie and Sherry Rhodes seeing me on my underwear.
     I was already wearing my dress. The enchantresses were retouching their magic. Curls and blush on again.
     Wearing pink doll shoes that match the ocean-colored dress. My hair looks shorter than usual. Erie placed a flower-crown on top of my head— it's full of little red roses buds.
     Sherry Rhodes smiled with satisfaction.
     "Aren't you a pretty princess, Snow White?" She teased.
     I felt so unsure. I felt unease with her compliment.
     "Stop, Sherry Rhodes..."
     I'm glad the blush was covering my embarrassed cheeks.

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