jude - hot day

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     Second day of school's festival.
     Chewing. Chewing. Chewing.
      It doesn't taste like burger.
     Jude, "Those blasted first years... selling us this piece of junk..."
     Kevin, "Don't complain when you're still trying to eat that junk."
     Jude, ".  .  ."
     I look at Sidney.
     Jude, "Help me, mommy."
     His stare was PAINFUL to watch.
     Sidney, "Don't hurt your stomach, Jude..."
     Jude, "... Well... Thanks for the advice..."
     Quietly eating our snacks again.
     Kevin, "I hate the mood. Let's change the subject."
     Jude, "That's a good idea."
     Sidney, "I agree."
     It was hot outside. Hot and noisy. Painful to the body. This thing wasn't even yummy. It was a good idea to stay near the window where you can feel the wind.
     But the heat was still trying to kill me...
     Kevin, "Where is Julian?"
     Jude, "He's with Charlie in the resting area. He texted me."
     Kevin, "Did the school ever had that kind of place??"
     Jude, "It's the infirmary, stupid."
     He was upset with me again.
     Kevin, "Y'know, I want to smash this burger in your mouth."
     Jude, "No, thanks. I don't want your indirect kiss. And besides, I might die."
     Kevin, "You're too much! I won't kill you, y'know!!"
     I was looking for Sidney's presence.
     Jude, "You're strangely quiet, Sidney."
     His reaction was full of holes.
     "Ha???" was his responded.
     He was very flustered.
     It made me want to dig a little deeper.
     Jude, "Is there something you're not telling us?"
     I seduced him with my special voice.
     I continued, "I was not expected that text message earlier... That Julian is sleeping in the infirmary, and knowing him, he might be asleep right until this very moment..."
     I yawned, "What a surprise."
     Kevin and Sidney, ".  .  ."
     "It's not everyday you see that guy asleep," I pointed. "But now that I think about it, he did came home a bit late, and slept next to our doormat. Though, Julian should have at least considered staying on the sofa... In that way, I didn't have to carry him yesterday..."
      Kevin showered his saliva on me.
      "You carried Julian??" He doubted with tears on his eyes.
      Jude, "Yeah, he was surprisingly light."
      I was proud of myself.
      "Yeah... It's pretty much their fault...," Sidney regretfully smiled. "Yesterday, some of my classmates who were supposed to be in charge in CLEANING, idiotically, forgotten to clean up..."
     Kevin, "What the?! That's basic, and stupid."
     Sidney, "RIGHT?! LIKE I SAID, IDIOTICALLY. Anyway, I went home after my shift, so I didn't know anything until our class president texted me last night. She was asking me for Julian's favorite snacks! It was out of the blue! And I thought she liked him!"
     Jude,"Hey. Don't ship any random girl with my brother. Bookman is already enough to handle."
     Kevin, "Right.... so, cutting the long story short, she wanted to repay Julian's kindness."
    Sidney, "Yeah. They did end up cleaning the whole thing yesterday. Of course, Julian was exhausted and angry. He was giving me an attitude so earlier in the morning, but when those girls have arrived, Julian acted like nothing ever happened yesterday. He forgave them very easily! On top of that, he was still giving me his cold shoulder, because of that, I got angry!"
     Kevin, "I'm more surprised that he gave you an attitude problem. Still, that explains why his break was one hour early... Nevertheless, I don't think Julian wasn't mad at them anymore... To tell you the truth, that action wasn't really surprising... I think.. he only did that to avoid anymore trouble, but in the end, somewhere deep inside think that was unfair, not to mention, also cruel. Yet no one knows that.., since you're the only one thinking about that so seriously... And besides, there are bigger problems in life than that, so why not just let it go? You can't waste time by just moping around, and spreading your negative energy. It'll be more unfair to those people who are around you."
     The air suddenly have gotten heavy.
     Sidney, "..I don't know why... but I'm sorry..."
     'I don't like this heavy energy...'
     Jude, "Let the man with experience talk, Sid. It's not everyday we hear an advice from another hard-working guy that no one will appreciate."
      Sidney, "JUD—"
      Kevin, "Oh, please. Save that statement for someone who cares."
     Jude, "Boo~... You're no fun..."
      Mommy raised his voice at me...
      I apologized to him, and then remembered something.
      Jude, "Ah. I remembered Julian making something. He woke up five in the morning. His alarm was louder this time... Was it for your booth?"
      Sidney was not really in the mood. He was like, "Ha? Do you expect us to bother him when he worked 2 times his number?"
      Jude, "There's no harm in asking..."
      Kevin, "The both of you, stop... Why on earth are the two of you getting all fired-up by that? I'm more concern if Julian is already awake and oka— Ah."
     We both reacted.
     Kevin, "Charlie told me that Sleeping Beauty is already awake. And.... he said that Sleeping Beauty wants to buy pancakes, so we'll be meeting them there."
     Sidney, "Who's Sleeping Beauty?"
     Jude, "That's my brother, idiot."
     He looks so innocent despite him being so scary...

   ° |A little short story about Sleeping Beauty| °

     Under the hot spring skies, there was a French man who was serving his Sleeping Beauty...
     Julian, "I'm sorry, Charlie."
     Charlie, "Nah, that's okay. There's no way I'm making you stand up this long in this hot weather. But talking about global warming."
     Julian, "It's... talk about global warming..."
      Charlie, "Merci, Monsieur!"
      Julian, "De rien..."
      Charlie, "Well then, rest for a bit while I get us some pancakes, ma princesse. Je reviens tout de suite!"
      The little servant left Sleeping Beauty. Julian didn't understand his friend's last words because he wasn't multilingual like his brother.
      He began drowning in his thoughts, thinking about his current problems and his exhaustion. There wasn't a second that he didn't think that he was a weak man.
     Without any reason, he wanted to see his girl's face.
     'No one knows why, but him.'
     Strange. While the Sleeping Beauty was laying down in the bench, he can hear voices coming... louder and louder...
     And then suddenly.
     'A scary man with a scary voice have approached our Sleeping Beauty.'

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