sidney - break

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     Quack, Quack, Quack.
     "Is that yours?" Rina asked.
     I was busy reading, trying to understand what is behind the meaning of this idiom.
     Quack, Quack, Quack.
     There is goes again.
     Something shining in my pocket, it's my phone.
     I look at the message, and then set it to silent mode.
     Even though I cannot hear my ringtone, my phone flashes like a flashlight.
     It was so visible in my pocket. This guy wouldn't stop, so I decided to turn it off.
     I decided to stop.
     I closed the book that I was reading.
"Are you done already?" She asked. I didn't last for 5 minutes.
     "Yeah, I need to admit that I don't have the talent in this."
     "It's alright, but books have feelings too," she said.
     "Sorry. I'll be careful next time. Here, you can have your book back now," I replied.
     She's almost finished eating.
     "That's not mine, though."
     "Hmm?" I dumbfounded.
     "I saw it laying on the table... I don't why, but I just found that the book was already wrapped in my hands," she reasoned.
     "Guess the customer who sat hear earlier left it?" I check if there was a name or any information in the book.
     I didn't see any, only a penmanship that I don't understand.
     I happened to stare at Rina all of the sudden.
     "What's the matter? Did I do something wrong??" She uttered.
     "It's nothing. I was just thinking that– you're like those time-travelers from the movies. Like Gisele from Enchanted."
     Rina was slow. She just realized...
     "Oh... It's the dress..."
     I nodded.
     She began to conscious with her clothes.
     "W-Well," she stuttered, and then unexpectedly did a British accent.
     "There were some certain pirates who kidnapped this princess. However, I forgive them. These men were very hospitable. They gave me a nice place to stay, and not to mention, a proper meal. They have entertain me, so they deserve awards," she smiled.
     I was dumbfounded.
     It was like she's the real royalty. I wanted to laugh so hard. Too bad Julian didn't see this amazing act of hers.
     Really. My stomach was hurting.
     She made a plot, she was talking about our class' café, and her pirate. Good one.
     I played along.
     "We're honored by your words, your grace," I said. "However, is there a man in our ship who have captured your heart?"
     Rina was flushing, she shyly nodded.
     "Is that pirate handsome?" I continued.
     "Yes!" She answered quick.
     It was obvious that man was her sweetheart.
     My dear Julian. My dear Rina.
     You don't know how stressful is your sweetheart right now. Our captain (president) is abusing him.
     "Here," I said, giving the book to her. "You keep it for a while."
     "I can't do that," she also quickly declined. "The owner might be looking for this good book right now!"
     "It's okay, the owner's not here. For now, you're not yet done reading. You're a fast reader, am I right?"
     "It's still wrong, Sidney."
     "It's fine. I'll take responsible of that, okay?"
     I know she wanted to finish the story, and I'm aware that this is a crime. But Rina was too oblivious, even though, she didn't give me a reply.
     It's decided then.
     I stood up, taking Jude's meal that he did not touch. My break time was over, and she was startled.
     "Where are you going?" She anxiously said.
     "I don't think Jude's going to eat, so I'm going to put his meal in a goody bag. He paid afterall."
     "You do take outs?" She wondered.
     "No, he's just special," I answered. "Our cafe might not be good, but we still have customers. I'll be going then."
     "Sorry for taking your time." Rina was being polite again.
     "It's okay."
     Before leaving, I leaned to her ear.
     I whispered, "I'll tell Julian that you're here. I'm sure he'll glady escorts this pretty princess to her chambers."
     Her face was flushing red.
     She was speechless.
     Behind the curtains. Julian was resting in the chair. He was covered with sweat. Too bad he can't wear the costumes the class have rented. He's just wearing a plain shirt, just white, yet, he still looks good in it.
     "Nice job," I said.
     He let out a deep sigh.
     "Taking a break?"
     "Someone just replaced me."
     We did a Hi-5 together. And then, I took one of the paper boxes we had for packaging, and placed Jude's sandwich and fish-and-crackers in it.
I gotta say, the display I did ain't that pretty.
     I wonder if this will work?
     "Someone's waiting for you outside."
     "What? What is she doing here?"
Julian stood up from his sit. He was confused. I didn't tell him that the omelette he cooked earlier was her order. If you can see him now, he's looking at her behind the curtains.
How cute.
     I tried to push him out, but since he is bigger and taller than me. He didn't even budge a bit.
     "What are you doing?" He said.
     "Now, now."
     "Now, now, you say..."
     I'm stronger than Julian. I'm just very short. With a few tries and struggles, he finally went out.
Just take a look of his awkward actions. Uncool but that is a good start. I want to hear their story later.
     "Sidney," called my classmate. She was looking for me.
     "Someone is looking for you outside," she said.
     "Really? Who might that be?"

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