rina - playlist

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     Classes were done. I walked straight home. I don't usually wander together with friends. Since we lived far away and different ways.
     I arrived safely. My brother was relaxing and watching in the living room.
     "I'm home," I approached him.
     "Welcome back, Rina. You're earlier than the usual." Kiku was eating cookies and junk food while watching TV.
     I sat besides him. "What are we watching?" I asked.
     Munching some cookies, he replied, "Another," a Japanese anime.
     "That's the scary one," I claimed.
     "I would rather say it's creepy than scary," he commented.
     "Okay." I quietly watched with him.
     He looked at me. "Want some? It's pretty good," said Kiku, offering the whole box of cookies.
     What's happening here???
     "Are you okay, Kiku? Did mom got angry with you?" I asked.
     "What's wrong with you?" My brother answered.
     "What the—?" I exclaimed.
     I hit him with my bag.
     "You've never share your snacks with me! So this is weird! My brother never share snacks! He likes eating them alone!"
     I hit him again and again, but he blocked the fourth one.
     "You don't want it?" He said with his bland face showing.
     I took some cookies and ate them. They were good by the way.
     I look at the screen again because of the gruesome sounds, and right now, the nurse who was stuck in the elevator fell and her body was squash just like a raw egg. I'm bad at expressing at these kinds of things...
     I already watched this with my brother once, but it still gives me the cold skin, and my chest was beating fast in the wrong way. There was too much blood. It was the expressions of the characters who made me feel this way...
     The sound of blood dripping thickly made it worst...
     Her neck got snap...
     "Can I go up now?" I asked my brother.
     "Sure," he nodded.
     It was just less than a minute, and it ruined my appetite..
     As I was about to go upstairs, Kiku called me.
     "Rina." He was still eating. "Take this with you. It's all yours," he said. Reaching the cookie box to me.
     "Thanks, Kiku."
     It was strange that he was sharing. I bet it made him sick, I'm grateful for the yummy snack. I went up to my room, change my clothes and do my homework.
     And finally, there was a chance to listen to Julian's Mp3 player...! I was so excited that I end up listening to it all night.
     Mom was not home again, so, me and Kiku ate dinner together again. I asked my brother, of course, if I can wear earphones on the table.
     I asked, "Can I wear this on the table?"
     "No," he quickly responded. "Why? Is it important?"
     "Yes!" I also immediately replied. It was really important for me.
     "Okay. No earphones. We'll just listen to them while eating, okay," he said.
     I agree with his terms. I played Julian's folder, "Stress-reliever."
     I still think that the folder's name was comical.
     I was curious to know what makes Julian stress-out that he needed a comforter.
     His song preferences were different from what I expected.
     I was grinning the whole time.
     There were blues, alternatives, rock songs, ballad, acoustic, love song, and even anime openings and endings.
     "Are these actually important to listen, Rina?" Uttered my brother, uncertain with the various playlist. He even recognized some of the anime soundtrack— like Tokyo Ghoul, Ao Haru Ride, Naruto & etc.
     I couldn't help but giggle. "Yeah, there are."
     It truly makes me happy to know what Julian likes. And my brother, doesn't know any of it.
     I began wondering, if he was reading the book right now.
    The next song started to play, and I recognized the sound. It made me feel sad somehow and almost nothing, yet somehow calming...
     It was scary.
     It might be because of the song, it was playing was "anamnesis," the ending theme of Another.
     But I think it's different...
     Maybe I should sleep with my brother for tonight...

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