sidney - a lie

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     Rina left.
     "Julian," I called him out like the usual.
     "What is it?" He asked.
     I was holding my pen and my notebook, "Can you help me with our Math homework?"
     He doesn't know yet.
     "Sure... We have ten minutes left." Julian looked on his phone.
     He still doesn't know.
     He took a chair, and did the first number and explained it. Like always, he's a good tutor, he made it so easy.
     "Try the next number," he said.
     The room was noisy, yet I can hear the sounds of my pen while I'm writing on the paper. Those class noises around were just echoing to my ears— they were vibrating actually. Julian was occupied watching, he was too occupied. He was unaware that I know.
     "Julian." I was still solving.
     "I know what you've done."
     "Did I- do a mistake?" He asked— he was too clueless.
     "That's not what I mean, y'know."
     I tried smiling like my usual ones, my voice was normal, but my tone was humorless and concern. It was nothing like my standard conversation. I can tell and he could tell as well.
     Julian stayed mute.
     I was already done solving the problems— I was actually good at Math, but I need an excuse to talk to him privately.
     "Is it that?" He asked.
     "Yeah, that," I replied.
     "I didn't expect that..."
     "I bet you didn't," I smiled, but my tone was off.
     "Witch," he called me by that nickname again.
     "I'm not sure I'm happy about that," I chuckled.
     "Don't be, Sidney." Julian was surprisingly sarcastic, but I already knew that.
     "You're not going to say anything about me? I just can't believe that you did that for that girl," I said.
     He replied silence.
     "If you have something to say, then go ahead and say it," I continued prying.
     Julian remained not saying anything, but he looked bothered. His avoiding eye-contact— pretty mean. I came closer, I whispered in his ear and spilled everything that I know, I understand, and I grasp. And after I was done, I told Julian a little story:
     "You know, I had a little chat with Rina earlier. It wasn't a big deal, but I asked her what she likes about you. And you know what, she was blushing so hard. She's cute when she's acting so shy. She said that you're very nice and kind. She even describes you as cool and a gentleman. And every time she sees you, her heart skips, pretty romantic don't you think? I forgot that she also likes your face and voice. That's weird. Due to the fact I mentioned Jude, she stated that you're an exceptional person... I already knew that the two of you, are different, but I'm amazed when she said confidently that she can tell you two apart in case you're going to play a prank on her. To be honest, it took me four years to recognize your faces, right?"
     "Don't worry. I won't do that to her," he said.
     "Really? But it's worth a try. Rina really likes you, Julian," I continued.
      Even so, he still was wordless. I'm just smiling at this uncomfortable scenario between us.
     "Silent treatment, huh?" I sighed, "If that's what you want."
     "Thanks, Sidney."
     "Don't mention it," I smiled at him. "I just hope that you know what you're doing, Julian."
     Half of what I said was a lie. I was lying.
     The bell rang, we went back to our proper seats. The next class resumed.

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