rina - the tall princess & the rude butler

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     "You really don't want to go to the horror booth, pal?"
     Pan kept on insisting going to the horror booth for like— every 3 minutes.
     We already passed the refreshment booth— we bought drinks.
     We passed the popcorn booth— we bought choco-mint popcorn.
     Lastly, we passed the kissing booth— Pan got two kiss marks in his cheeks and I got one.
     "Horror booth, please~"
     He is starting again.
     It's beginning to get on my nerves.
     "I'm sorry, Pan. But do you want me to scream?"
     "I want to hear how it sounds like though," he replied. Pan took his phone out and took a picture of it.
     "You weren't even nice—"
     "Your frown is ugly," he said. 
     How offending. I checked his shot. And then, wow, it's amazing.
     "It's very pretty," I awed, complimenting the photo he caught just now.
     "But you're still frowning," Pan added.
     It kinda strokes a chord. Look at his sad face.
     "Hello, Princess."
     Someone was tugging my dress, I looked down, and it was a little boy. I don't know if I'm just imagining things, but his eyes were shining.
     It was like magic crystals. Wow...
     "Hi, there," I approached him.
     "Hi, princess... How are you today?" He greeted shyly. His voice was soft, just like a little girl.
     "Well, your smile just made my day," I happily replied.
     "Really? You looked really pretty." His eyes were shining again. I loved it, he is so adorable.
     "Thank you very much, that was very kind of you."
     "Umm... Can I ask a favor, princess?" he asked.
     My head is filled with flowers and cotton candy. "Anything you want, my knight."
     "Can we take a picture together?"
     "Of course! It would be an honor!"
     It is truly an honor for me.
     "Take us a picture, Pan!" I demanded. I gave him the little boy's camera to him.
     He laughed, "Say cheese."
     One, two, three.
     Pan switched the device, and he counted again.
     One, two, three.
     The little boy and I took a photo together. And he was so delighted with the results, and so as I. Pan took very good pictures.
     I waved at the little boy goodbye as we parted ways. It was nice yet sad.
     "Yeah, I just wish I had a copy of that picture."
     "I knew you were gonna say that, so I have a copy on my phone," he grinned.
     Pan was a genius. I was so happy that I don't know how to express it.
     "Thank you very much," I bowed my head.
     "You're welcome, pal. But pull your head up, we're walking... Well, to save some time, give me your phone and I'll—"
     Ring! Ring! Ring!
     Pan was on the phone, and it took awhile. It sounded serious as we roamed. For some time, he began apologizing:
     "I'm very sorry, pal... There's a bit of a problem in my club's booth... So... I kinda... need to leave you... I'm really sorry..."
     "Umm. It's okay. You're in...? Uhh.."
     "The ICT club. Yeah..., the club has always made movies, but there is something wrong with the video we made, so I need to fix it quickly before showtime..."
     "It's alright. You can just send me the photo later. And besides, there is a place I wanted to go, so it's no biggie."
     "How unexpected, who would know that you like kids."
     "Well, I like anything who believes in the power of imagination and magic," I replied— Wait. That's not Pan's voice.
     I turned my head around, and I found myself speaking to a butler. An annoying one that is.
     Jude Bridge in a butler outfit again.
     "Magic? You still believe in that crap? What a brat you are."
     Why does this man resent me so much!? I don't care about his business, so he shouldn't care about mine neither!
     "Y'know him?" Asked my companion in a nervous way.
     "I wish had a friendly relationship with him, though...," I mumbled, forcing myself to sound happy.
     Pan started glancing at Jude. "Hey, is it safe for me to leave you with?" He whispered.
     I know that this is not the time he needs to worry about me, and he's busy. "Yeah, I can handle him. Now, off to your club," I pushed him away while saying our goodbyes.
     It was already time for the hard part.
     "Y'sure are terrible at lying," Jude hissed.
     "Excuse me?"
     "I know that you can't handle me. That's not gonna happen, bookworm," said Jude, as if he heard me. What a terrible man.
     "Those clothes look good in you." Good Rina! First impression, say something nice. Don't ruin the mood.
     "I know I look handsome. Stop trying to flatter me," he retorted. But look at the bright side, he looks so cool except for that personality.
     I still can endure that arrogant attitude of his. Though, I wish I can kick him. Under my skirt, I'm current wearing my rubber shoes and they have spikes. It was the perfect weapon to kick his private part.
     "What are looking at, giantess?"
     "I'm only looking at you."
     "Like you would look at me for no reason," Jude griped. Like I have the energy to listen to your opinions about me.
     "Is it bad?"
     That was too fast.
     "Well, I apologized for my rude behavior," I still tried to be nice.
     "Look at you. You don't even sound like your sorry— Nevermind. Stop following me, giantess."
     "For your information, I'm not following you. It just happened that I'm going to the same direction as you," I answered.
     "Stay 5 inches away from me then," he continued.
     "Your idea makes no sense," I argued. "I'm aware as day that you don't like me, but why do you hate me so much?"
     "Huh?" Listen to that awful reaction.
     "I'm sorry.. I just... began wanting to know..."
     "Is that so?" Jude changed his walk-pace, it became a little faster and colder. "But isn't the answer obvious, because you shouldn't be existing in our lives."
     Dumbfounded. I don't think that's even the right word for it.
     This guy is smiling at me while saying that. He gave me bugs crawling in my spine...
     "Yes!?" His voice took my attention.
     "You like Julian, you want to date him and do stuff with him."
     Hearing him say that, made me flustered. My face was red as an apple. "S-So w-what's your point?"
     A smug was shown in his face. "I look my Julian," he said.
     Complete silence.
     And then, I was like:
     "Are you kidding me? That's very unpleasant."
     Right now, I want to hit him until he can't move. Fists and kicks might not be enough to satisfy my anger.
     What is he trying to say, fall for him because he looks like Julian? In his dreams.
     "What are you saying? I should like you? I thought that I can be patient, but you just crossed the line. Yeah, I like your brother. So what? It's none of your business. It's not like I'm doing anything illegal, and Julian is not pushing me away."
     I don't want to create a scene, but I did say those things to him as we walked.
     "Ha? Of course, he won't say those out loud. Julian's too nice that he doesn't know how to balance it, and that's why you're abusing him," Jude answered.
     "I'm not stupid. And Julian is rather obvious when he doesn't want to do something," I responded.
     "Liar," he replied. "You only got to know him for 2 months, and I'm already his brother, and I can't even tell if he's joking or not."
     "So you are blaming me?" I frowned.
     "No, I'm not. To be honest, I do respect your feelings for Julian..."
     "I'm grateful for that, Jude.." And I'm truly am.
     "But I was wondering if you respect his, bookworm." My eyes have widened.
     "Why did you ask Julian to go out with you, giantess?"
     Don't just stand there. Say something. "Please choose one nickname for me. It's confusing."
     "Don't change the subject. And if it's possible, don't try to lie. Because I'm also not stupid. In fact, I'm probably 4x smarter than you," he was threatening me. His eyes are very serious.
     I think he is going to kill me if I spurted nonsense.
     "D-Don't worry... I don't want to die early..."
     What am I saying?
     But my heart is sure is calm, I think it's because Jude is making the same impression as Julian right now. That is surely wrong, though.
     "It's not like I wanted to confess to him, but it is true that I liked Julian for a long time. I just never imagined that I will date him... But— to put it simply.., I forced to confess..."
     "Aren't you stupid?" he blurted.
     "Maybe I am..., but— I was being bullied. What choice does a victim have? My classmates can't even help me."
     "Why let yourself be bullied?"
     I smiled, I think it was creepy. "It may be since I have always been an easy target. However, I do not enjoy being bullied. You don't know how many times I fought back, and how many times I struggled. But thanks to that, I was able to have a good relationship with Julian now."
     "You're just an ex."
     "It doesn't mean that I can't get him back."
     Jude looks at me in a disgusting way. "Let's stop this cringiness. I don't want to talk to a coward anymore."
     "There's no such thing as cringiness," I corrected.
     "You don't think I'm aware of that," he countered, speeding up his pace. He is really leaving me.
     I tried to catch up with him.
     "Where are you going? You're going to Julian's cafe aren't you??" I was being way too casual.
     "And why do you think I'm going to tell you?"
     "I know that you love Julian."
     "Of course, he is my brother. Now, stay away from me."
     "That's not very nice. I know that we're going to the same place!"
     "Shut up, bookworm."

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