rina - book page

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      Two days passed swiftly. My time with my friends was brief. Yet these last two days, Theresa and I talked about a lot of things. It was more than our usual talks. However, it was still the same with Carol and Sarah.
     Carol was wearing a blue floral scarf— for style purposes. She was showing off 'I think.'
     We were supposed to paint as a group— Theresa was helping me.
     "What the—!? Isn't that the one you wanted in the mall? You bought that! That's too expensive!" Sarah exclaimed.
     "I know, but it's worth it," Carol claimed. However, it looked like an ordinary scarf to me.
     "Rina, the water!!!" Sarah shouted. The reaction was too late.
     The water that was used in the paint was spilled over her scarf.
     She shrieked. It blew off our ears.
     Carol's face was scary instead of jolly. And I was really doom.
     "Look at this!" Everything about her face was upside-down. I think she was about to bite off my head.
     "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it." I tried to apologize, but I don't think it was enough.
     "This was expensive!! More expensive than your dusty books!!!" She riled in anger.
     I was so quiet, I can't speak up. My voice was stuck, and I can't look at her face.
     "Hey," Theresa was reacting. "I think Rina's books are more valuable than that piece of cloth." She sounded like she was lecturing her.
     "Really, Theresa? Really?" That was all what Carol said to her.
     "Really," she said, so smooth and carefree-like. She was so sure with her answer.
     "Come on, we can still wash it off. It's only watercolor," said Sarah, trying to comfort her friend.
     "There must not be a stain in it!" Carol began weeping.
     Both of them exited the room, me and Theresa were cleaning the mess.
     I felt responsible for it.
     "I'm sorry, Theresa," I apologized to her.
     "Ha!" She reacted, "Carol's just being a brat. Don't blame yourself so much. Got that?" She gave me a popping smile.
     "Got it." It was effective. I tried giving her a thumbs-up, then she laughed at me.
     I've finished hearing Julian's playlist. There were songs that I like and dislike, (but I will keep that to myself). I copied some of the songs and inserted it in my phone. They were interesting, and I enjoyed them. I like his choice of piano music. It's soothing and relaxing.
     Today, I'll be returning his mp3. Nothing happened to his music player, thankfully.
     I came to Julian's classroom around lunch time. I saw Sidney on the way, waving at me while eating bread.
     "Good afternoon, Rina." He sounds sweet just like how his bread looks like.
     "Good afternoon. Having bread for lunch?" I asked.
     "Uh-huh. I was spending too much money for just two days. So... I'm kinda— broke," he embarrassedly laughed. And I chuckled along with his joke.
     "You're pretty when you smile," he suddenly blurted with that smile on his face.
     It made me flustered. "Umm- T-Thank you..." I was fidgeting my hair again.
     "Are you going to see Julian?" He asked.
     I nodded quietly because he took the cake. I was being awkward. Why??
     "Then let's go together," Sidney suggested. He gives off that kind and sweet tenderness.
     I said "okay," but we did not talk about anything along the way. And it turned to be a coincidence that Sidney and I run over my friends.
     Theresa was waving at me, she approached me. I was surprised.
     "Rina, are you going back to the classroom? We're having our lunch there." She was always full of energy. Then, they came to notice and stare at Sidney, who was beside me. He gave them a warm friendly welcome.
     Theresa got curious. "Who's that guy with you?" She pointed.
     I blocked her finger, and whispered, "He's Julian's friend and classmate, Sidney Rose."
     Theresa continued to stare, and so as the others that made it obvious. Sidney seems to notice, he just smiled and waved to my friends.
     An automatic "thump-thump" feeling from the heart.
     "Is that so?" Theresa reacted. She was the only one who was unaffected by Sidney's flowery charm, and she easily lost interest in him.
     "Anyway, are you coming with us?" She went back to the topic, however, I'm sorry.
     "I can't. I need to return this to Julian."
     "It's okay. It's not like we can't eat our lunches by ourselves." Carol was brusque.
     And— I felt that— fear again.
     I was on pins and needles.
     "Have fun with Julian," she said. She was smiling yet her smile made me very... very... upset...
     "Okay," I smiled.
     I don't know why... Did I smile back? I was so hurt inside, and it was so pathetic.
     They followed Carol as always, like ducklings following their mom. Yet there is a weird duckling...
     "Rina," Theresa called the weak me. "See you later!" She waves her hand frantically.
     I tried making my voice louder.
     "See— you too...!"
     It was still weak, however, she accepted it. Her smile was sunshine.
     "That person with red hair looks nice, Rina," said Sidney.
     "You mean Theresa?" I guessed.
     "The other two looks mean," he smiled at me.
     He seems different for a second. A bit cold.
     I felt a sudden grab on my shoulders. "Let's go, Rina." I looked behind, Sidney chuckled and started pushing me towards their classroom— we ran. He was singing a nursery rhyme, while I was forced to speed up my walking.
     "We're here~!" Sidney happily hummed. He dragged me inside with him.
     "You shouldn't be waiting for Julian outside," he exclaimed, giving me a blissful yet cozy smile as he took me inside by force.
     Looking around, I spotted Julian sitting on his desk in a glimpse. And seeing him made me feel bubbly and comfortably warm. I was obvious, Sidney noticed my visible expression written on my face.
     He called Julian out loud...
     Sidney's voice was very loud.
     I don't know what he was thinking!? His classmates began staring of course, and yet, he was just smiling?? My face turned red as an apple from the embarrassment. And I was confused, I look at him, then Sidney winked and smiled at me.
     "Why did he did that???" It left a bad impression. I panicked inside. I'm looking at a different direction and witnessed a startled and troubled Julian Bridge. He looks like that there was something bothering his mind.
     It caught my attention. "Are you okay?" I concerned, and Julian was alarmed when I looked at him.
     "I'm alright. Thanks for your concern, Rina," he answered.
     "You're welcome..." It was— weird.
     "Anyway, what are you doing here, Rina?" He asked.
     "Umm.. I'm here to return this." I gave back his music player back.
     "Thanks," he said.
     "I enjoyed your Stress-reliever," I tried humoring. "I never thought you would like these kinds of songs. I thought it was interesting. Thanks for sharing your interest," I happily thanked him, yet I was formal.
     "I'm glad you've like it," he replied.
     "Did you like the book?" I was excited to ask.
     But there was a short silent gap, and Julian went back looking troubled again. I concluded that he found the book disturbing, and found it hard to tell me since it might make me upset.
     "About the book, I—"
     I went ahead of myself, and he was surprised.
     "It's not like that. I should be the one apologizing to you," he said.
     And I was the one surprised.
     "Why? What's wrong?" I asked him.
     Julian grabbed the book in his backpack. When he opened the book, there were two taped book pages that were ripped out of the book.
     "I'm sorry for not taking care of your book, Rina," Julian sincerely apologized.
     I don't know how will I react...
     "It's fine. I'm not mad. At least the pages are back together," I blurted out.
     He was surprised.
     "I'm sure it's not your fault. Since you take good care of your things, Julian."
     Both of them were staring at me. And I presumed that I said it out loud.., and they heard me.. I was very embarrassed. My face was burning again.
     "Thanks..," he said, covering his mouth with his hand.
     'Was he embarrassed? How cute..!' I thought to myself. I hope that I'm not imagining.
     "I bet it's Jude's fault who torn the book," Sidney smiled. He punched his statement to Julian, eating his bread while at it.
     Julian glared at him.
     "Witch," he called him.
     "Since you've insulted me that means I'm correct," Sidney continued, with his timid attitude.
     "No, it's my fault for being careless," Julian corrected.
     "What happened?" I asked.
     "Well... I was about to finish reading, and then Jude saw me reading and took the book from me. He didn't want to return it, then he accidentally tore the pages."
     I laughed at him— I tried to hold back my laughter. I was like a child.
     "Sorry-y for laughing," I nervously giggled.
     "Don't sweat it," he replied. "I'm sorry that I'm full of excuses, Rina," he apologized.
     "Okay," I answered.
     You're great just the way you are.
     "The book was interesting. I was amused by its humor. And— you are very open-minded if you read this already," he added, (talking about the contents of the book.)
     "D-Did you felt it?" I asked, (talking about the contents of the book.)
     "Yeah, I felt it," Julian hesitated. "It was a bit— overwhelming... But I enjoyed it."
     I turned red, I was embarrassed. I stayed silent.
     "Jude didn't do it on purpose, and I gave him a few words to chew on," he changed the topic.
     "Okay." I stayed meek. "Thanks for telling me the truth, Julian."
     I was delighted that he liked the book and told me the truth behind the bookcase. It's similar to a mystery novel— I'm smiling all by myself.
     "Then, see you after school, Rina," he patted my head. It was hot again, I said "Okay," just okay— no stutter.
     Julian gave back the book. I wasn't angry about the torn pages, to be honest, I was a tiny bit glad that pages got torn out. I don't know why, but my brother will definitely scold me if he saw this.
     I was thinking about what to tell my big brother as I headed back to my classroom.
     I'm also very sorry, book. For letting you experience a horrible treatment that you do not deserve...
     Stupid Jude Bridge...

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