sidney - some people likes being annoying

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     Welcome to the boys' side.
     Where young boys like us have fun, and laugh without a care in the world, even if one of our friends is experiencing a crisis.
     Charlie was laughing so hard.
     "Hahaha! She dumped you!" He laughed, tears of joy fell on his eyes.
     Kevin pinched his cheek. Charlie needs to learn how to be sensitive.
     "Won't you shut up for a bit?" Kevin angrily scolded our straw-headed friend.
     "Yes... I'm sorry, Sir...." Charlie replied. He really did pipe down.
     "And besides, it's obvious why his girlfriend broke up with Julian. I would do the same thing if I were her." Kevin made it loud and clear as possible, he purposely wanted Julian to hear his statement.
     Kevin and Charlie secretly stared at Julian, drinking his strawberry milk— I was in the middle.
     "Still, I can't believe that Julian did that on purpose. Well, he got what deserved." Kevin was doing it again.
     "Are you rubbing it on my face?" Annoyed Julian to Kevin.
     However, he was playing innocent. "Who knows?" He said.
     "It's too bad. I really liked Rina," I tried brightening the mood.
     Jude crushed it.
     "I DON'T," he blurted.
     "HE SPOKE?!" Charlie pretended to be surprised— he was joking around.
     "What's that supposed to mean?" Jude was irritated to Charlie.
     "Nothing~!" This time, Charlie was acting innocent.
     I looked up in the sky, as I drink my milk, while I hear the others fighting.
     Slurp. The milk carton's sound.
     "Hey, what are you guys gon'na do after high school is over?" I asked them.
     Their faces paused in a second. "That's unexpected.... Well, I need to study really hard to become a lawyer, so it's definitely college for me," Kevin answered.
     "That's suits you well," I complimented him.
     "Hey, serious face." Jude was talking about Kevin.
     "I have a name. Use it, stupid."
     "Whatever," Jude didn't really bother. "Aren't you going to play that thing for your future?"
     "By that thing, you meant the clarinet. Playing it doesn't give me a future, you know," he argued.
     "Too bad. I like the style you play, Kev," Julian said.
     "Thanks, fan number three," he jested.
     "That doesn't make me happy..."
     "What about you, Sidney?" Jude asked.
     "I want to be a police officer," I proudly answered. And then everyone gave me an unpleasant stare.
     Did I said something wrong about the career I want!?
    "You all just made the same expression as my family did when I said my chosen career..," I deadpan expressed.
     "Sorry, it's rather unexpected," Julian replied.
     "Yeah, it doesn't suit you," added Jude. These brothers suck.
     I was annoyed, but I tried to be nice.
      "Then, what are you guys planning to do for your future?" I asked, putting a smile.
     "Me? A video-game programmer," Jude answered, drinking his orange juice.
     "How about Julian and Charlie?" I asked another.
     "Uh... I thought about one, but I'm quite unsure about it..." Charlie really seems to be doubtful about his answer. I don't want to ask further.
     "Now, I'm curious. What is it, monkey?" Kevin also lacks the word "sensitivity" sometimes.
     "It's a secret," Charlie replied.
     "Then, Julian?" I continued.
     "I- still don't know... I never thought about it," he answered.
     "It's fine. There's still time for you to think about it," Kevin encouraged.
     "Thanks," Julian replied.
     He began staring at the sky, and Jude saw his brother in deep thought— I pretended to be blind.
     "Did she cried?" Jude threw a grenade to his twin.
     They say silence hurts.
     "What?" Julian asked him.
     "You know, your girl. Did she cried while she discovered that you've been basically lying to her?" He asked again.
     Really. This group is very insensitive.
     Is it because we're guys??? No! Right?!
     "No sugar-coating?" Julian requested to his twin.
     "Sugar ain't my form of taste," Jude spoke back.
     Julian smiled. "Yeah, she cried," and he answered his brother's stupid question.
     Speechless. The three of us— Charlie, Kevin and me, thought of the same thing and covered Jude's mouth before he could say anything else.
     "What are you doing, you idiot?!" Angrily whispered Kevin to Jude.
     "That's what I should say, idiot," Jude fired back.
     I scolded him too. "You shouldn't ask him that, Jude! That's being very inconsiderate!!"
      "They're right! Julie had a pretty bad experience, you know!" Charlie also joined the whispering, yet Jude gave us a cold shoulder. He was becoming an annoyance.
     Unseen, Jude removed Charlie's hand, who was blocking his mouth, and then, here it comes.
     Catching his breath, he exclaimed, "Who cares," with a vexatious expression drawn on his face.
     "HEY!" He made his voice reached his brother's hearing. "DID YOUR GIRLFRIEND GOT ANGRY AT YOU, OR DID SHE APOLOGIZED?!"
     "You idiot! You're making it worst!"
     "Calm down, Kevin," I worried.
     "She didn't."
     Again, it made us stare at him, and listen to him. There was something in his tone that was different, but you couldn't tell if you weren't close to him because it wasn't very obvious.
     "What did she didn't do again?" Emphasized Charlie.
     All of us wanted to know.
     "She didn't do any of those. Instead, she thanked me and confessed again," is what he answered.
     "Rina is a good girl," I acknowledged. It feels nice and warm when I saw the expression Julian made— it was a rare sight.
     "Yeah," he gladly replied.
     "So, you like her now?" Charlie questioned.
     "Dunno," he said.
     "Do you feel anything about her?" Kevin asked.
     "Dunno," he said again.
     "Do you dislike her?" Asked Jude.
     "No," he answered.
     "Now we are getting somewhere!!" Rejoiced Charlie.
     "If Rina didn't break up with you, will you still go out with her?" I asked.
     "I don't mind," he answered, and now, I'm confused.
     "That doesn't make any sense, Julian.." He gave Kevin a headache.
     I looked at Julian and started to get worried about him. I saw Charlie looking at his watch.
      "La Vache!?" He exclaimed. I was startled, but he was using his mother tongue, so I don't know what he said.
     "We're late for the next class!" He translated. We panicked and ran quickly.
     Running. My legs don't feel like they used to. I gazed at Julian's back as we ran. I still can't shake off my concerned to him— it really bothers me, and I feel that I am turning a nosy person.
     I stopped running. My poor legs can't take it anymore.
     Julian noticed, "What's wrong?" He asked.
     "Hey, can I ask you a question? And I want you to answer me honestly," I seriously asked- I was demanding for it.
     "Sure," he replied.
     "Have you started to have feelings for Rina?"
     That was out of the blue. Well, not really. With our conversation earlier, Julian shouldn't be surprised. And yet, he turned out to be startled.
     "I... can't be so sure about that.." Julian inverted his eyes, placing his hand on his nape as his habit of his.
     I smiled.
     "I'm happy for you, Julian," I lilted.
     "Huh?" He dumbfounded.
      "It's okay, Julian. All I need to do is to tell him," I conveyed a mirth, while texting him on my phone.
     "Him?" Julian was still unaware.
     "Don't worry, I won't tell them," I assured him. But the way he thanked me had a strange tone.
     I finished texting, and put my phone inside my pocket.
     I smiled at him. "Let's go, before we're really late."
     "We're already late, witch," Julian retorted using my infamous title.
     "Hahaha..." I laughed, followed by a smile as I walked closer to him. Afterwards, I hit Julian straight in his stomach.
     The end of the boys' side.

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