rina - simply us

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     "Us" is a word I want to define other than knowing it is a pronoun.
     It has been a week after the confession, and it was the beginning of our new relationship.
     Simply, the word "dating."
     And for the past week, we often go home together. On weekdays, we go to the library, the bookstore, or McDonald's, together to hang out.
     We're lovers.
     Boyfriend and Girlfriend.
     "What? You didn't do anything?!?" Carol reacted. The other two looks surprised too.
     "We went to the library today..." I answered nervously.
     "Just the library? You always see each other at the library even before you started dating," pointed Theresa out.
     "Where's the hugging, the kissing, the loving, or anything?!?" Sarah yelled while holding to her delusions.
     "We- didn't do- anything like that..."
     I didn't meet their expectations.
     "How about his phone number?" Theresa asked, "You have it at least, right?"
     I felt sinking under a rock. "I didn't ask him..."
     Carol, "Ah~! Julian is so kind to stick up with someone as bland as you, Rina."
     The other two agreed with her. I felt bad, and I apologized to them.
     Although, I just need to speak up.
     "But you know, we're—"
     Just like that, I was cut off entirely.
     "There's a new cute shop at the mall. Do you want to go?"
     "I know that shop! My favorite actor is wearing one of their merchandise!!!"
     "Isn't that guy the star in the movie yesterday?"
     "Yeah, it was such a great movie. Especially when he kissed that girl! Love chemistry, baby!!"
     "That boy is a total dreamboat."
     The three high school girls were enjoying themselves. I don't know what's happening, but I don't feel having fun. I'm suffocating.
     It's funny, but little by little, I felt unwanted.
     My chest started to cry. "I WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE," is what I heard.
     I stood up and grabbed my backpack. I made an excuse, "I need to return this book to the library."
     "Sure," said Carol, and I took it.
     I ran to the library without doubting anything. I hurried to the fiction section and stayed there to calm my nerves down. I grabbed a book randomly from the nearest shelf and opened a page randomly. My cousin told me that there is always a bit of life-time advice in every random book I pick whenever my sky is gray.
     I read a random line. "Make a good use of the present," it says, by Horace.
     My phone suddenly rang. I forgot that I set up an alarm— it was only for today, and it was already time. Julian must be waiting outside the gate.
     I borrowed a random book that's in my hand and immediately read it. Because of the interesting book contents, I was absorbed that I don't know what's happening outside the book.
     I hit my head on the wall near the exit.
     "Ouch—" I exclaimed inside, holding my head against my book. The pain made my eyes teary, and people obviously stared. It was embarrassing that I walked as fast as I could towards the gate, thinking that I'm such a klutz. But when I arrived, Julian wasn't there.
     "Ah. I arrived earlier..," is what I thought.
     I looked at my watch, then continued reading my book from the library. The plot was amusing and interesting. It helped me pass the time.
     "Sorry for keeping you waiting."
     I lifted my head, and it was him. Julian, who looks drained.
     "It's fine," I happily grinned. He noticed the book on my hand, I thought he was going to say anything about it. But he just said, "Let's go," like every single time we go home together. He watches my walking pace and carefully matching his pace to mine as I walk by his side.
     Julian is really a thoughtful man. I always think that he's too good for me, but I'm happy that he is next to me.
     Taking detours together before going home with the person you like is not something you can't experience every day.
     "Do you want to go somewhere before heading home?" He asked.
     I nodded as we walked around near stores along the way.
     "Do you want to go somewhere?" Julian asked again while looking around.
     "Oh, um-um. I don't know. Where do you want to go?"
     And he answered, "Amai-Amai."

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