sidney - full of surprises

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     The play begins.
     "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves"
     A simple yet well-known fairytale.
     It brings me back memories when I was in preschool. I used to love reading picture books, especially, the fairytale ones.
     Miss Snow WhiteRina was doing a good job on stage. She looked beautiful and her dress was cute. I don't remember when my hands stop clamping in every scene.
     I may be overreacting but I do think this class has potential. It's not good as the previous performance, however, Snow White has a heartwarming and an adorable touch. It really warms my heart, it's like I'm watching my siblings when they were just five years old. Very beautiful memories.
     When I take a look at this Snow White, every movement was adorable. Her gullible character shows.
     I hear a soft voice.
     I noticed that it was Julian, who was a seat away from me, smiling.
     My eyes were set at him for a minute. And then, I heard a loud stumble on the stage. Snow White has fallen.
     It created a shock. The crowd laughed wholeheartedly, even me, and the love of her life.
     Rina fell down once more, the dwarves were helping her up. It is definitely not in the script but the audience loved how flustered Snow White is.
     "Ahh... She fell again," said Julian in a fainted voice.
     "Rina's a funny girl, huh," I took his attention.
     Charlie and I changed seats. I wanted to chat with Julian, maybe, I just wanted to hear his thoughts.
     "Funny might be not the best word, Sidney," he replied.
     "Really? I think it's a good compliment," I whispered.
     Julian covered his mouth with his hand.
     "Go away," he said.
     How funny. It's so unexpected. And since it's Julian we were talking about, he was making expressions of a normal teenager would— well, he was still trying to hold back. Why can't he just pour it all out?
     That reminds me, I need to text him today. Since it's the school festival, I forgot my daily report. That guy can't be mad at me, I'm making an effort to do this every single day.
     I took my phone and texted him quickly, and then put my phone back in my pocket. It was less than a minute, my phone vibrated.
     "So fast..," I mumbled. I unlocked my phone and read his message.
     "Hey, Sidney," Julian tapped me. "Are you okay?"
     Julian looks confused with my reaction.
     "Umm... Nevermind. I thought you were worried about something..."
     "Yeah, I'm worried about your love life," I replied, just humoring, but I was being very serious.
     "Y'know, Sidney, I don't mind having it, but I don't have the time to chase it," said Julian.
     I wanted to kick Julian in his abdomen.
     This guy gave me more stress, and that guy is already inconsiderate.
     There's still a month left, and he told me that he's coming back after the recognition— even his brother told me so! So why next week?!?
     "What's happening next week?!?"

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