jude - slap, hit & some teary eyes

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It wasn't long, but we found Charlie.
But this guy slapped me.
What is he? A girl? Seriously??
Charlie, "C'est ta faute! Tu essayais de manger le gâteau de Julie!"
Translation: "It's your fault! You were trying to eat Julie's snack!"
I was like, "Ce n'est pas une raison pour me frappe!"
Translation: "So that's a good reason for you to hit me!"
And then, he says, "Je ne l'ai pas fait exprès. J'essayais de sauver les pancakes. Je te connais, tu les aurais tous mangé."
Translation: "I didn't mean it in purpose. I was just trying to save these pancakes. Knowing you, you'll eat them."
There was no reason not to fight back. So I replied, "Oui je vais les manger. Tu veux que j'en fasse quoi? Que je m'en serve de vêtements?"
Translation: "Yeah, I will eat them. What do you want me to do with food? Wear them?"
"Tu te moques de moi et fais de moi la débile dans l'histoire!"
"Now you're making me look stupid!" Charlie yelled back.
Of course, There was no need for me to lie, is there.
I answered, "C'est parce que tu l'es, débile."
Translation: "It's because you are, stupid."

. . .

The other two were totally OUT-OF-PLACE.
Kevin, "Sidney, do something about those two. We're attracting too much attention..."
Sidney gave up with us. He gave him a 'hopeless' expression.
"Are you kidding me? There's no way I can enter the field of those foreigners. I don't even understand what they're saying. What if they're saying nasty things behind my back? And besides, if I did interrupted them, and stayed with them a little longer while they're talking like that, I'll just get a nosebleed."
"You're their mother, Sidney. They won't dare to say any kind of bullshit," Kevin said.
"I DID NOT GAVE BIRTH TO TWO IDIOTS," Sidney strongly denied.
"Alright. Let's just worry about Julian then. He acts more proper for his age than those two brats."
"Now you're being childish," Sidney scolded.
"I'm a highschool student afterall," Kevin replied , and then, he suddenly called me:
"Hey, stupid."
"Who are you calling stupid?" I retorted back.
"Nevermind that," he said, this four-eyes wasn't even looking at me. But when he opened his mouth, I lost focus.
"Isn't that Julian over there?" He added, I looked at the direction of his finger.
I speechlessly stared.
An unusual combination.
"Why is Julian with Cameron?" I thought it was odd.
I mean, I was really confused. I had to cancel my argument with Charlie for a meantime- I don't care of the argument! It's just-....
My brother is with "Cameron Caroll," my senior, and on top of that, THAT guy has been frantically rubbing my brother's head against his lame tiger shirt for a QUITE A TIME...

. . .

。|The place where Sleeping Beauty was force to wake up from his slumber... in an unpleasant way|。

Messing the little guy's hair.
"That's why I told you to stop hitting random people..."
HE was being scolded.
"It wasn't random!! I just have mistaken from someone else because they have the same face!!"
"That was still random! You know how strong you are!! You're good with your fist and kicks!! That's why I kept on telling you again and again to stop hitting people! What if you broke the kid's skull!!"
"QUIT YOUR YAPPING, CHRYSTY!! I ALREADY TOLD YOU IT WAS A MISTAKE!! And I'm HUMAN! Don't make me sound like some wild animal!!- Oh man! Kiddo, are you okay???"
Cameron took a glimpse at Julian's face, his eyes were teary.
"Oh my gosh, Chrysty! I made him cry?!?"
Both of these men began to panic.
Sleeping Beauty felt responsible.
"Umm... Excuse me... I'm not crying..," Julian tried to interrupt. "I was just... surprised... and you hit me- a bit hard than normal- people do..."
Julian doesn't know what to do. He wasn't sure if he was even using the 'right' words. All he knows that, he can't wait for the arrival of friends and brother to save him from his comical situation.
"Where did Sleeping Beauty's knights go?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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