jude - not jealous

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      "I like you."
     "It would be an ideal if you could go out with me."
     It hasn't been a month and this was HAPPENING again.
     "I'm flattered, but I'm sorry. I can't. I don't think that I'm the right guy for you."
     Smile. Be a gentleman. And give some empathy.
     The ingredients to reject someone properly. However...
     Walk away, Jude, walk away. Don't turn around, don't look back. Pretend that you didn't hear anything.
     This old school building knows my secrets. I don't want to return back to class. In this kind of times, I wish I could smoke but my mom would kill me. Still, I wonder how it tastes like.
What am I thinking...
     "This is stressful." Ranting my thoughts is the best medicine—
     "I ADORE YOU."
    I hid, again.
    Someone was confessing behind me. I kinda feel irritated. And what were the words that bitch used? So disgusting. I feel that I'm gonna puke. But first...
      Find your OWN building, I was here first!
     "NO THANK YOU."
     A male's voice.
     Now I felt like I just overheard something amazing...
     The guy got guts. Pretty scary.
     I took a peak, and it was definitely a love confession. These kinds of stuff should be done in private places. What the—? I can't see the girl's face, but the dude, he's just like Charlie— their eyes are both blue.
     Only— he's taller, his hair is longer, and his face is two times— wait— THREE times better than Charlie. Poor Charlie.
     And then, it hit me. I'm eavesdropping a confession of a complete stranger.
     You should get out of here, Mr. Genius. You've done plenty of complicated stuff in your life. Don't add another hassle.
     Walk to the side, where I'm sure they can't see me. It's a blind spot, and just then—
     I saw my brother walking home with Irina Bookman, his ex.
     What the-!?
     I stared. They completely didn't see me. I was literally invisible. Gosh. I'm furious.
     "What the heck you are doing-?!"
     I was going to interrupt their date, then, someone grabbed me.
     "Bonjour, Monsieur."
     I bit my tongue, and I felt shit.
     I recognized that voice...
     I've always hated surprise attacks. I wanted to throw him back to France.
Just then, I realized that my brother wasn't there anymore...
     Fxxk. There goes my temper.
     On the other hand, Charlie won't stop pestering me. He's like a broken record.
     "Judy? Allô! Allô! Je vous parle. Arrêtez de faire semblant que je ne suis pas là"
     Translation: Judy? Hello! Hello! Hey, I'm talking to you. Stop pretending that I'm not here—
     "Quit talking in French. We're not in France." I was holding my temper. You don't know how much I wanted to punch him right now.
     "Pourquoi s'embêter? Ça fait longtemps que je n'ai pas parlé ma langue maternelle. Et tu me comprends bien, Monsieur." He had an oblivious look on his face. I despised his stupid face.
     "Why bother," he said, "It's been a while since I've used my mother-tongue. And you clearly can understand me."
     He should be grateful that I've learned French for him. Otherwise, he wouldn't be speaking in English today.
I held my breath. "T'es qu'un pauvre connard," I said, and then, walked away.
     Charlie's face flushes.
     "How dare you call me stupid bastard!? I will tell Julie!!"
     "Like he cares." He chased me like a kid, ranting, pouting, and everything. But he can't do anything. I have an advantage, I'm canny, I'm taller, and I'm a nonsense to my older brother...
     Sidney, the person who was giving me an earful ever since we've arrived at McDonald's. Sitting in the table, he was in front of me.
     Charlie was stupid.
     He was peacefully eating his burger and fries, and Kevin, just eating his sundae. They're both enjoying the show.
     Sipping my cup while being scold. Sidney's nags goes longer if you interrupt him. Better just shut your mouth.
     Slurping sounds.
     "Hey, are you still listening to me?" He was becoming our mom.
     "I am. I shouldn't have said something like that. I apologized... " I put down my cup, having a sour-bitter look while nibbling my fries.
     Sidney took a long loud breath. "I hope you mean it, 'cause your face gives me a different answer," he worried.
     "Yes, mom," I answered.
     "I never remember giving birth to you," he muttered. "What's wrong?" Sidney looks concerned. He looks me straight in the eye, I averted them.
"I mean-" Fidgeting my straw, circling it around and around. "Look- it's just the four of us..."
     "So? What's the problem?" Sidney questioned again. It was getting harder to explain.
     I forgot all about how sharp-witted Kevin was.
     Pointing his plastic spoon at me. "He's jealous, that is the problem," he blabbed. Seriously.
     "With Rina???" Sidney got confused. You should have seen the look on his face.
     It struck a nerve. "Why her name? And I'm not jealous. I'm just not used seeing the four of us alone. And how did you know that Julian is with Bookman? You weren't there," I retorted. I'm trying to make a point. I hit Charlie, a thief of stealing someone's fries. But that doesn't matter, the guys wouldn't agree with my statement.
     Sidney said that he was 'guessing.'
     "Well, that's one wild guess," I responded.
     "Come on, be honest, we're close, but we don't actually hang out together on a normal basis. Usually, we go by three's or two's, 'cause... Y' know, we're in different classes, and since I have club activities, these kinds of days are rare for me.."
     I don't like his tone, the way he puts it itches me, but Kevin's statement is more realistic— I'm aware. I don't blame them, the reason was dumb and the cause was predictable.
     "Just forget about it..," I mumbled, drinking my soda again.
     "Ah, you just sounded like Julian," Sidney blurted, he was smiling.
     I was surprised...
     "That's-... kinda rude... I ain't a cold fish like Julian..." I marked.
     "You- actually think that your brother is a cold fish..," said Kevin.
     "So?" I asked.
     "No wonder Julian gets angry with you." There goes his sarcasm. Welcome.
     "Judy is a scardey-cat." I know it when Charlie becomes edgy and twisted because his childlike smile will piss you off.
     "Are you seriously provoking me?" My voice sounds like it was ready to throw a fist.
     He smiled at me so brightly. "Why so angry, Monsieur?"
     His smile was sick.
     "The three of you! Stop! We're in public! Where are your manners?!" Mama Sidney got angry.
     "Sorry, mama," we all apologized.
     "Again. I don't remember giving birth to any of you," he fumed.
     "Seriously, you're not children anymore—"
     Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!
     The sound of little ducklings— it's Sidney's phone. I've always found his ringtone weird for a guy.
     "S-Sorry. I'll be right back." He excused himself and left the table.
It's just the three of us now.
     "Don't you think Sid's ringtone is too girly," wondered Kevin out loud.
     I sip my cup again, and answered, "Dude, you just read my mind."

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