charlie - fifteen minutes

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     Fifteen minutes before the next performance, it's time for Julie's girlfriend's to shine. Excellent!
     I ran to the second floor of the gym since all the seats below were occupied. It's not a typical second floor exactly, because only the edges has something to step on. I only see the basketball team using this floor for jogging. Julie also used to jog up here. Speaking of the devil, I see him and the others over there— sitting comfortably on the floor.
     "Bonjour, messieurs," I did a ladylike curtsey, I also tried smiling like a cute girl. Am I an adorable man?
     I was ignored, however, I am kind-hearted. Rose saved me at a vacant place.
     My friend, Judy, caught my eye. I just got here and he was already complaining. The poor man.
     "Tell me, why do I need to spend my free watching that bookworm's play?"
     I was one seat away from him. My eyes were only staring. I worry that he would not find a person he will dearly love.
     "Come on, we promised to watch her play together," reminded Rose. "Here's the popcorn you've ordered, salted-caramel right? There's also one for you, Charlie."
     "Merci, Sidney."
     "Hey, I don't remember promising anything," replied Jude, already snacking up.
     "I asked you yesterday if you wanted to come with us, Jude," said Julie.
     "And y'said the 'Y' word," Kevin added.
     "Stop ganging me up..." Jude began whining like a child, "Sidney, please save me."
     "Save you? I understand, but first of all, quit acting up, and the three of you, stop teasing him," Sidney scolded us— why am I involved??
     After that, when Sidney wasn't looking, Judy spat popcorn on Kevin's face because he was snickering at him. You can see Judy's saliva stuck on Kevin's glasses. Kevin just wiped it on his classmate's uniform like it was some kind of rag— I meant Judy.
     Sidney noticed. "Use some tissue, Kevin," he said.
     Monsieur is indeed a middle man. His smile is too strong and lovely. It's better than the repulsive taste of the sticky salty caramel popcorn. I wonder how Judy enjoy this kind of junk food?
     "By the way, you looked really good on stage, Charlie," said Rose.
     I like his words.
     "I know," I spoke with a lot of confidence, "Ain't I pretty?" I threw out my spunky grin.
     Julie and Rose clapped for me. I feel proud of my bright red costume, I just wish the fabric was lighter. My thighs were sweating under when I was performing.
     "You've got the pride of a lion," Kevin complimented me. It didn't sound like one, he was busy on his phone.
     I wanted him to look at me. "Isn't that good? So why the long face? Perhaps, you envy my talent, Monsieur?"
     He snickered. "Not really. But if you possibly gave me a large-sized dress, I promise that my dog will wear it."
     "My clothes will be a waste on a dog, so that's not going to happen.."
     "That's rude, my Elise is a beautiful dog." Kevin defends.
     "What are you talking about? Do you know how big your dog is? It's a monster," Jude rudely interrupted.
     "Why isn't there anything nice coming from your mouth?" Kevin's tone sounds annoyed.
     "I wasn't born to please everybody," he answered, and while stuffing his mouth again. "And don't you remember the last time your dog jumped at me? It killed me," he adds.
     "If she already killed you, I shouldn't be hearing your annoying voice anymore, Jude," Kevin sarcastically replied.
     "Well, your mother gave me a lot of expensive snacks after that, so I had to revive back from the dead," Jude was also being sarcastic. He is full of teenage energy.
     On the other hand, Julie's aura was like an old man— correction, my dear audience. Julie's my friend, there's no exception to that. But when I go to their house to play, our relationship feels more like this:
     "A friend of Judy" — that's me, coming to visit his house. And there's Julie, "the reliable big brother." He's always there to open the door, greet me and thank me for taking care of his little brother.
     So rather than "Judy's brother," Julie feels more like "Judy's father."
     Honestly, there were only hardly any chances for us two to be together. So I don't know what I should talk about, but I do find this very interesting.
     Crunching noises. I place a piece of popcorn in my mouth, though I really dislike this relish...
     "Hey, Julie."
     He responded as soon as I called. The caramel leaves an aftertaste in my mouth.
     "Aren't you being too nice? I'm not saying it's a crime, but based on experience, too much is a bad thing. Don't you think spending your time watching your ex-lover's play is a bit too much. Normally, people would try their best to avoid each other after a breakup. Your actions are doing the opposite, my friend."
     "What do you mean?" He asked.
     I was struck. He has woken up my core.

.    .    .

     "What do you mean, "What do you mean"???"
     "Why did you returned my question back...?"
     "Wait a moment—! Is it possible that you don't know???"
     Julie looked very unsure.
     "Maybe...," he answered.
     "CE QUI?!"
     My voice echoed loudly across the roof, the five of us hid quickly before the teachers catch us. We were like lightning after the thunder. It brought me a huge embarrassment. Kevin scolded me harshly while we were masking ourselves in the darkness. And then, I just found out that Julie was laughing at me. He's holding his laughter and pinching himself but doesn't change the fact that he tried to laugh. My red face wanted to hide along with my clothes.
     It didn't take a minute, the teachers left immediately. We went back to our sitting position. Julie was still 'holding back.'
     'I don't know what to say to him.'
     I wanted to hit him so hard. He's breaking the shell of my brain. I hate thinking difficult things. And eating this popcorn again is not helping— but my hand won't stop grabbing a piece.
     "I forget to mention, your English improved a lot, Charlie," Julie began to admire.
     "Merci, monsieur." A smile came out. I'm beginning to feel all poop inside. The embarrassment I did earlier cost a lot of my pride.
     "Well, it's not that I don't understand you," he said in a whisper— he was talking about earlier.
     "You understood me? Even the meaning of it??" I dumbfounded.
     Julie nods.
     "What the heck? If that's the case, you shouldn't have done that," I let go of a sigh. I finally can breathe again, then again...
     "Seriously, what is Rina to you? She dumped you, and you suppose to be awkward about it. Even just a little! Normally, people will feel that way." I don't know if putting my hands behind my nape helps, but it calms me down a bit. I just blunted all those stuff out to him. I don't know what he'll say. I'm aware that I don't have any delicacy.
     "Yeah, you're probably right," Julie's voice was very— I mean, very calm. "But I think it's alright. My relationship with Rina is not normal, to begin with."
     He suddenly showed a tweak of a smile. If his girl can see this right now, she would fall for him again.
     "I forgot. You started dating her because you wanted to help her out from her situation."

.    .    .

     "Now I know where Jude's mouth came from," Julie backfired.
     "Definitely not from me, monsieur. Your brother taught me this style of English," I smiled proudly.
     "Probably, you shouldn't be copying that style, Charlie..."
     "Learning English is hard, like learning a different language is hard for you, monsieur. However, I don't mind teaching you the language of 'love'," I teased.
     Julie pushed me away.
     "Did Jude also teach you that?" He sounded a bit uncomfortable.
     "Non, monsieur. This is normal in my country," I replied.
     "Well, this is not France," he responded.
     "Are you sure? This is very useful in the future, Julie."
     "I don't need it, Charlie.."
     "Come on, do you know body language is very—"
     "The play is going to start now."
     Did Julie raise his tone? No... His voice was practically the same. Even so, the look he had on his face was 'kinda scary'...
     My heart... is still beating so fast...
     Fifteen minutes was now over.

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