sidney - saw something

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     Julian's girlfriend marched away. It was clear as crystal that she didn't like him very much.
     "Jude made Rina upset, right??" I worriedly asked my friends. She was stumping.
     "Rather than upset. I think she's angry," corrected Charlie. He began bullying Jude because of this.
     "Look have done~," he teased. "You've made Julie's girlfriend hate you. Boo~!"
     But since Jude is a lot taller than Charlie, he was the one who ended up being teased.
    "I'm the one who've been pushed here," defended Jude.
     "You deserved it, stupid. Hey, do like being pushed around?" Kevin was insulting him, and Jude was responding to his sarcasm.
     "I don't like her, okay. She's not normal."
     "What are you talking about? Geniuses are also not normal," said Kevin. He was talking about Jude, the top 3 overall in school in our year.
     I have no comment to say.
     However, there is this thought that I can't get out of my head.
     "Still, I've never thought Julian will get a girlfriend," commented Kevin again- while taming Jude.
     "I-I was thinking the same thing." Thinking deeply, "I'm curious to know what Julian likes about his girlfriend. She seems very nice."
      "What did Julian told you?" Kevin asked Jude.
     "Nothing," replied Jude, he was pouting. "Seriously, I'm his brother but he doesn't tell me anything. How should I know that he likes gigantic girls?" He let go a sighed, and Kevin slapped his head again.
     "Stop being violent. I'm getting angry," annoyed Jude to Kevin.
     "How about stop acting like a brat?" He countered back. "I know you're upset that Julian hasn't told any of us about his new relationship. But he's our friend and he is your brother. He's going out with that girl for two months already, so let's just cheer for them since they both like each other."
     "You're so cheesy, Kevin," said Jude.
     "You really want to get hurt, do you? I'm trying to be serious here. Would you mind."
     "Wait," Charlie cuts in. "Does Julie likes the girl?" He asked, putting an atmosphere.
     "Well, I've never heard anything about it," replied Kevin.
     You can tell that they were unsure, so he glanced at me.
     "Even if..., he doesn't like her now, he might end up liking her after they've gone out for a while. It's not that rare," I answered what the majority wants to hear.
     To be honest, I wasn't sure what to say myself...
     "But will Julie do that? I can't imagine him to do such thing," commented Charlie. He glanced at Jude.
     "Don't look at me. I told you, he doesn't tell me anything. I wouldn't allow it if he did," he blunted.
     "Can't you try to be a bit happy for your brother?" I asked.
     And he flatly says, "NO." Jude was always fast.
     Though, I kind of feeling sorry for Rina Bookman...
     I saw her walking at a brisk pace this afternoon, and she was crying without making a single sound.

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