rina - dress

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     I know I mentioned this before, but my days as second-year was about to end.
     It's already less than two months, and it means, the most awaited celebration in high school, "The School Festival."
     Our school has a system: first-years are in charge of food stalls, second-years are only allowed to do cafes in rooms or stage performances in the gym, and third-years and clubs are going to do booths, also preparing themselves for the parade for the third day— it is compulsory.
     My class is going to do a stage play. The other classes were doing it too, and for the subject, we drew lots, and we got "Snow White."
     "Everyone! The school's festival is just in two days! Double time people!!" Theresa bossed, as the class director.
     "Shut up, Theresa! One word out of you, and I'll seriously tape your mouth!" Pan thundered to Theresa. "I'm already stressed here from painting and building the stage props!"
     "You're a guy, it's your job to do the heavy work, Prince Charming," barked Theresa.
     "Why in the pumpkins am I playing the Prince, at the same time, in charge of the props?" He questioned her.
     "There aren't a half number of boys in our room, Pan. I thought you already understand that when we discussed this," said Sherry Rhodes, joining their argument as her hands were full as well.
     "Come on, be on my side, Sherry Rhodes," implored Pan.
     "Tell that to your princess, am I right, Snow White?" And she was talking about me...
      I was hiding behind the stage background trees, but I guess, Sherry Rhodes saw me— I thought no one would. I was reading a book, instead of memorizing my lines. So, I got scolded by Theresa.
     "See? Ain't she too much, pal?" Pan was talking to me.
     "It's my fault for reading a book in practice time..," I defended, but I'm upset because my book got confiscated.
     "Cheer up, princess. I heard the girls finished your costumes today, so try them as soon as they got here. There's a beauty experiment me and Erie wanted to try. And that includes you, Mr. Not-So-Charming." That's the way Sherry Rhodes comforts others— I think.
     Theresa made a face and sighed. "Fine. I think I went overboard..," she confronted.
     "You think?" Pan scoffed.
     I poked his sides, and he made a strange-funny sound.
     "Sorry," I snorted.
     "D-Don't mention it..," he said weirdly.
     Theresa cleared her throat. "On what I was saying," she took our attention. "You guys take a break, and look around what the other classes are up to."
     "She means to spy on them," Pan mumbled to me.
     "Okay," I replied.
     I went out to the classroom, (all by myself), I strolled around where my feet carry me. It was already colorful and lively, the hallways I mean. It's the time where students are free to be loud, without being scolded by the teachers. But I am a quiet person ever since I was a first-year, so it doesn't make a bit difference.
     I walked around, and then, someone "psst-ed" me along the way. It was one of my classmates from the costume team. They lured me into a certain room, and then, gave me the dress that Snow White supposed to wear.
     I went inside to change. Erie, one of the class' dressmakers, was excited to see me on her work of art— she peeked three times in the dressing room, but I wasn't ready. She is very ladylike, yet sometimes childish in many aspects.
     Sparkling. When I'm done, my classmates were staring at me. I felt embarrassed and hid behind the curtains.
     "Why are you hiding?!" Erie exclaimed, pulling me out. I was holding onto the curtains firmly. Then again, she still pulled me out.
     Sparkling gazes again. I feel anxious about their stares, it makes me uncomfortable, and my cheeks were burning. There wasn't a mirror around, so I don't know how I looked like.
     "The dress compliments your skin color, Rina," said one of the girls.
     "Your skin is amazing, so white and smooth. Perfect for Snow White!" Said the other.
     "Really? Um... Thanks," I shyly expressed.
      "Thank goodness that my color combinations were perfect. I had a hard time fixing the shirt because you're so tall. I'm happy that colors covered my ugly sewing," Erie was relieved yet worried about her own work.
     "Is that so? I think the dress is very lovely," I commented.
     "I'm glad, but I could never have done it without help," she warmly smiled, a humble girl.
     "I-I should take this off then," I said, heading to the dressing room.
     "Wait," said Erie. "Don't you think you look cute?" She asked.
     "Umm." I wasn't sure what to answer. Am I cute? "I think this Snow White is a pretty princess," I made the sentence near to her answer... Hope it works...
     "You're right. You do look pretty on that outfit." It was someone's voice. I turned around, and Sidney was inside the room, waving at me.
     "Good afternoon, Rina," he greeted.
     "Good af- wait." I got confused. "What are you doing here, Sidney?"
     "What you are doing is trespassing?" Erie interrupted, she was surprisingly cold. Her sweetness disappeared.
     "Sorry. Umm. I was just passing by, and the door was open. And then I saw my friend wearing a pretty dress. Umm. Sorry, I went in without your permission..," Sidney apologized. The other girls were awed by his femininity (cuteness).
     "It's okay, sweetie," said one of the girls, fawning over him. Girls do like little boys.
     "Are a first-year? You're such a cutie pie."
     "Thank you. By the way, I'm eighteen-years-old, and I'm a second-year just like you," He put on a smile.
     "Excuse for their rudeness," said Erie.
     "That's alright. I'm kinda used to it, and besides, it means I look young for my age," Sidney was optimistic.
     "That being said," he looked at me and smiled. "May I borrow Rina for a bit?"
     "Umm. I think it's okay," Erie glanced at me.
     "I-I understood. See— you later then." I don't know why but I beginning to feel nervous.
     I went out of the room with Sidney, who was leading me somewhere else. He was watching my pace, I'm grateful for that because it was hard to walk in this dress— I didn't have the chance to change.
     "So, you're doing a play?" Sidney started a conversation.
     "Huh? What? I mean, yes! My class is doing Snow White!" I panicked, I was dazing. And he giggled at me, I supposed it was funny.
     "Sorry about that," he apologized.
     "It's fine," I replied, slightly embarrassed.
     "So, I guess you are playing Snow White then?" He continued.
     I nodded. "Nobody in our class wants to take it. So, we drew lots to be fair, and unexpectedly, my name was pulled out when it was Snow White's turn."
     "Snow White was my favorite children's book when I was little," he commented.
     "I like Rapunzel better, but, when I was seven, I already knew what sexual intercourse means. My brother had a hard time explaining it, though. Grimm's fairytales were my fairytales," I blabbed.
     "That's a bizarre childhood you've got there," Sidney's smile was a bit crooked. "But now, I'm looking forward watching your play. Julian and I definitely watch it."
      He does sound a bit excited.
     "Umm. What's your class going to do?" I asked.
     "A pirate cafe, though, our menu is rather plain. But I guarantee that they're super yummy because Julian's cooking them," He gladly boasted.
     "Julian told me himself that he cooks. I'm kinda excited tasting his dishes," I spoke.
     "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll like them," assured Sidney. "Want to go to the Home E. room? Julian's practicing his recipes there."
     "Wouldn't I be a bother?" I was being hesitant. We broke up after all.
     "It's okay. I promise it won't be awkward," he answered, and his smile was really reassuring.
     We walked more a little. The other students were using the H. E. rooms. You can smell different kinds of scents coming from each room.
     However, it hurt my nose a bit.
     "Julian's in this room," Sidney reminded me before coming in.
      When he opened the room, I hear a sizzling sound of oil and an appetizing aroma by just going in. And I saw Julian wearing a white V-neck shirt, covering in sweat, and wearing a hair clip in his bangs. I rather found it dorky yet attractive. He looks cute with the front of his hair clipped up.
     Julian noticed someone staring, I instantly hid behind the door.
     "I already saw you," the voice was near.
     I looked up, Julian was standing next to me— he was looking down at me and I was looking up at him. "What are you doing, Rina?" He asked.
     "Nothing," I answered.
     "Do you want to come in? Your dress will get dirty if you kept on sitting like that," he said.
     "Okay," I replied.
     Both of us went inside.
     "Where's Sidney?" I wondered. It was because he was not around.
     "I don't know, maybe he got a phone call from our classmates," he replied.
     "Oh?" That was the only thing I could say...
     However, I need to say something else. "Am I bothering you?" What am I asking?!
     "I don't mind an extra company," He replied. His voice was very composed yet warm.
     "Do you want a taste?" He was holding a wooden spoon with some rice covered with it.
     "Thank you..," I replied. Taking the spoon, and took a bite. It was hot.
      "It's a delish," I remarked. My cheeks were burning.
      "I'm glad you liked it." Julian's sound was really warm.
     Maybe it's just me, or did he got softer?
     He was done the cooking. He already began washing the equipments he used. "Are you going to prepare this at school festival?" I asked, returning the utensil to him.
     "Yeah," he answered.
     "Okay," I said back. I have nothing to say again.
     "I heard from Sidney that your class is doing a play," Julian continued the idle chat.
     I nodded.
     "What day that will be?" He asked.
     My fingers started fidgeting. "The first day— at eleven o clock.." My voice went weak.
     "Hmm... I should tell my classmates to move my shift," he thought out loud.
     "There's no need for that. I appreciate the thought though," I expressed.
     A facial expression triggered on his face. It was a strange one.
     "I understood," he replied.
     "When your play ends..," he turned off the faucet. It was running continuously. "Do you want to check some booths together?"
     I was surprised...
     "But- I- umm—"
     "Rina...," he called my name. "Is it... because of that day?"

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