jude - long life friends

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     How long are we staying here?
     I'm bored...
     Charlie was pleading to Kevin, drooling like a dog, and attached like glue— his sentence was even wrong.
     When I watched his idiotic behavior, it's hard to believe that this guy could be your worst enemy.
     "Buy your own, stupid monkey." Kevin surely can handle the French man— it was very like him.
     "But~ no have any money~" Charlie continued to whine. Nevertheless, Kevin is a mature man, he took out his wallet and gave his money to buy what he desired. Rich man.
     "Je t'aime, monsieur!!"
     Joy was spilling over Charlie's face. He was like a kid who received a rare candy.
     "Make sure you give me a receipt!" my headman reminded. Though I think it was too late, he was already at the counter.
     Dipping my fry onto the ketchup made me think. I was more fixed to my friend than what I'm eating. "You shouldn't be babying Charlie too much. Or you'll lose all your money someday," I said out of nowhere.
     "Who says I'm spoiling him?" Replied Kevin in bad humor. His thick brow was raising.
     Slowly chewing my potato, and a sip of my cup. "Give me a break, your purse is flooding with cash, and it's Gucci. One of the most expensive brands," I said.
     "That's because I'm an only child," he answered. "I see that you still have good eyes."
     "Still better than yours." I was making fun of his glasses.
     I strike his chord. "I was just complimenting you,"  he rebuked. "Isn't Charlie an only child as well?"
     "Yeah, but he's not that well-off. I've known him since the fifth grade, yet I've seldom seen him wearing expensive clothes..." What I've said made the atmosphere and the conversation deep. It was rather stirring.
     "Just like Julian," he said, by surprise.
     "Excuse me??" I exclaimed in an offending tone. "Our ma gives us money to buy clothes, Julian just has no sense of taste."
     "He's a cook," he pointed. Look at his smug, like I don't know...
     "Food and clothes are a different subject. Y'should visit our house and look at his wardrobe, it sucks."
     He's laughing. It kinda ticks me off.
     "What's so funny?"
     "No— It's just that— I can't decide if you're irritating or not."
     Well, you're irritating.
     "Listening to your complaints annoys me, and yet, I can't help but listen."
     Then, I began to wonder. "Is there something wrong with me?" I asked.
     "Nope. You're smart alright, but you act exactly like an everyday seventeenth-year-old teenager," Kevin replied. I knew that he's already eighteen, but, isn't he a teen himself?
     I ignored his comment.
     "How about Julian?" I continued.
     "Grand-papi," blurted Charlie, coming out of the blue, teasing.
     What he said means "Grandpa" in French. It did startle me, but I didn't take him too seriously. I mean, the munchkin was eating his sundae with pleasure as he went back to his seat.
     Staring at Kev.
     "He's—... I guess, he's a lot level-headed than you are." He sounded unsure, but for me, my brother was so far to reach...
     "Why... is he changing...?" I muffled.
     I bet Kev saw my sulking face, or he wouldn't be looking at me with that sort of face.
     Popping sound. Fireworks inside my head.
     Sidney finally came back. But his actions were like a matter of life and death. He grabbed all his stuff in such short speed, and he didn't bother to finish the float he bought for himself. He was talking very fast.
     "Sorry, guys! There's an urgent business I needed to attend to. I'll treat you somewhere good next time!!"
     "It's fine. I'm just about to leave," said Kev. And I was like, "what??"
     "What?" I repeated, dumbfounded. "It's just six o clock, it's still early."
     He doesn't have any plan on staying longer. "Unlike you," he said, putting his stuff in his bag one by one, "I have a club and cafe to prepare. I need to wake up early tomorrow, as both officer and representative. It'll go bad if I didn't meet their expectations."
     "Then, don't accept jobs like that. You're just making things shit for you." This guy is a typical role model.
     He stopped, raising his brow at me again. "Before touching other people's business, how about handling your own."
     I cut my tongue.
     "C'mon. You've gotta stop this. You and Julian are not just brothers, you're twins," he reminded me over and over. "The two of you are together since birth. Y'guys are basically best friends."
     "Best friends? If you mean, there's no secret you can't hide. That's a matter that I still can't solve... He knows too much about me. It's just predictable," I argued.
     "Is that so? Then you don't have a problem blackmailing him since both of you know each other too well. Let's end the conversation here.. I need to rest..." All of his valuables were in his bag. He was going with ducky-ducky ringtone.
     "See you tomorrow," bid Sid.
     "I'll catch you guys later," bid Kevin.
     "Jude," Sidney called, I responded. He was ready to go. "Apologize to Julian."
     And then, exited just like that.
     "Help Jude, Charlie. You owe me," Kev said before ditching. He left us a bummer smile.
     "Qu'est ce qui ne va pas, Judy?"
     Charlie was speaking in French again— he wants to talk in private.
     "Charlie... Je ne comprends pas mon frère. Ça parait terrible de ne pas le connaître, comme si j'avais commis un crime. Tout le monde en fait toute une histoire, parce qu'il est mon plus grand frère..."
     Translation: "How could I ever explain that I can't understand my brother? It's like I've committed a crime for not knowing him. And everyone makes it a big deal because he's my older twin."
     "Pourquoi es-tu si en colère alors?"
     Charlie continued— he was asking me why am I angry. I can't even express it too well.
     "Cela m'énerve car il me connaît intérieurement et extérieurement et  moi je ne le connais pas."
     Translation: "It pissed me off because he knows me inside and outside, and I don't."
     "Julie joue son rôle d'aînée à la perfection."
     He was saying that Julian was doing a great job for acting the big brother role.
     Well... I can't agree with him more.
     "Ohh que oui..."

.  .  .

     He got no more sundae.
     "Let's go home," Charlie finally suggested. And I was waiting for it.
     A man's home is his castle.
     "I'm back."
     "Welcome back." My old man was home. The lights of the kitchen were on, so mom too— her apron was not in the old coat-rack. I glanced at my dad, looking at him at the same way he was looking under the table.
     "What're you looking for?" I asked him.
     "Something small," he answered. Like that was a piece of helpful information. Whatever. I dropped my bag on the floor and sat with him.
     I'm so tired...
     Dad hit me with his rolled magazine that was lying out of nowhere. Ouch.
     "Don't leave your stuff on the floor," he said, "Your mom will get angry." It was dumb of me to think he'll comfort his poor son...
     I'm a bit disappointed. Well, there are days like this too...
     "I'm hungry~..."
     "Give me a couple of minutes, and dinner's ready."
     "Why is dinner so earl—!? What—? What're you doing here, Julian?"
     I'm startled...
     "Why can't I be in my own house?" My brother odded. When he's with me, he has an attitude— why do I have this kind of special treatment?
     "Where's ma?" I asked.
     "She's not here yet. Do you problem with me cooking dinner?" There was that attitude again. He's wearing our ma's "MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL" apron. Doesn't he feel embarrassed?
     "Um—... No.." I felt so jumpy... Words can't speak properly.. "Nothing— particular... I didn't expect you're home this advance..."
     "Oh," he expressed. "Well.., something happened today."
     "What? Did you go somewhere?"
     Like a date perhaps. I'm predicting his replies.
     "Just outside," he replied.
     Of course. Why would he tell me?
     I don't feel like sitting anymore. I went to the kitchen to watch my brother.
     "By the way, what's dad looking for?" Trying to change the flow. "It looks important, but his information is irrelevant."
     "What did he say?"
     "Something small," I sat to a nearby stool.
     Julian stared at the thin air. "Ah," he realized. "Dad's just looking for something for me. My eyes are not good for small stuff.."
     "Don't you dare be like Kevin," I tried jesting because he's the only person who's wearing glasses.
     "I can't say anything about that," he replied, and then I noticed his hand.
     "Sorry, Julian... about earlier..." Talking about his injured hand— did dad saw this?
     "Nah. Just pretend it's not here," he said.
     In this kind of times, I wonder if he's being sarcastic like me or he's totally a white sheep... I'm wrong— he can't be that innocent.
     "I'm going to change my clothes now." I'm asking for permission to leave. I don't think I can stay here with him any longer.
     "There's a big paper bag on my desk, bring it down for me, will you?"
     Julian was busy like the others.
     Climbing up the stairs, changing to my favorite black shirt. There was a paper bag, I look in it by curiosity, and it's nothing but snacks and chocolate. Julian doesn't even like chocolate.
     Thinking makes my head burn up. I tossed myself on my bed—
     Ouch. I fell off my bed. I just felt something biting my back.
     There was something SHINY. Is this a pin? I stared closely.
     "Knock, knock, knock."
     I turned around.
     "I heard a loud sound downstairs," said Julian, checking things out. "You okay?"
     "Yeah," I replied.
     "Great," he smiled, "you found it."
     "What? Is this yours?" I find it hard to believe. "Since when are you wearing earrings?" I asked, returning it to him.
     "I know that you pierced your left ear," he said.
     It stirred my chest. "Since when?"
     "Since middle-school," Julian replied. "I didn't tell Ma about it, don't worry."
     That was not what I'm worried about.
     "How come y'know so much about me?" I asked him.
     He looks so innocent.
     "Well, I'm the eldest, and you're my little brother, Jude. And you don't really ask me questions." I don't know if he was answering me seriously, but that was not the answer I was looking for... but...
     I was covering my face with a hand.
     "You're making me cry, dude.."
     "Don't cry... It'll just make you a wimp..."
     "You're such a bully sometimes, y'know. Why do people think you're better than me?"
     "Say whatever you want, Jude."
     "I love you, big bro..."

     . . .

     "Get away from me, Jude..."

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