rina - café

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     There were noises everywhere, and yet... as we head our way to Julian and Sidneys's homeroom, my relationship with this guy seems not improving...
     We haven't say a word to each other ever since that little argument.
     It was too awkward. The atmosphere was tense, and it was difficult to talk to Jude Bridge.
     Yet nothing will change if I don't do anything. It's just like I'm admitting that I don't have the spine to resist him.
     "Hey... Jud—"
     "Shut up."
     His cold eyes were telling me that this jerk will kill me.
     Look at that straight face.
     He silent me just like that.
     I haven't even started yet... 
     What a jerk. Though, I'm the one who's following this stupid man's orders. Even so, I still don't hate him.
     When I look at his back and figure, he just looks like Julian. He is such a waste. Jude's cheeky attitude can be a pain, although I think I can use it somehow.
     "What are you looking at?"
     He glared at me.
      I frozed.
     "What do you think you're doing?"
     His voice raised at me.
     "What's your problem?! You told me to shut up! So what do you think I'm doing, stupid!"
     Oh my goodness. I bursted out.
     "What did you just call me?"
     His face is so angry. It's so obvious, though.
     "I'm not taking that back," I replied.
     He just sighed at me.
     Jude just sighed at me???
     What the—
     "Hurry up, bookworm. We're almost there," he said.
     What's wrong with him?
     Julian is weird, but his younger brother is weirder.
     I'm back to Julian's homeroom again. There was a sign.
     "Jolly Rogers," I read. "Is that their café's name?" I asked Jude.
    He ignored me, and without thinking twice, he entered the café.
     "Fine. This princess can handle herself," I mumbled to myself by irritation.
     When I came in, there were people, not too many, not too few, and most of them were female customers. The design was pretty and the background music was the relaxing sounds of ocean waves and violin. The waiters and waitress here were pirates and merchants from the Medieval period.
      I remembered England and Spain's travels in the seven seas.
     "Table for one, mademoiselle?" A pirate asked.
     "It's you, Sidney."
     The person with a red bandana above his bangs.
     He smiled. "I'm glad you came, Rina, and I see that you're still wearing Snow White's dress."
     "My class is kinda expecting winning an award at least," I answered, as he gave me a number.
     "Don't think negative, Rina. Think positive and smile," Sidney said, presenting a sweet smile on his face.
    He was cute by the way.
    "Umm... I'm just wondering, but did you see Jude coming here?" I asked the little pirate.
    "Jude's over there," he pointed.
     The butter was sitting alone.
     "Want to sit with him?"
     "It's wasteful to use another table if there is another seat available, y'know," he added.
     "If he wants to," I answered, a bit shaky.
     Sidney read my mind I think.
    "Don't worry. Jude might be cold, but he's a good kid."
    "Well, I can see that..."
    "Thanks. Just wait for a bit," he said as he rushed to Jude's table. 
     I wonder how it will go.
     A minute later.
     I can hear the clock ticking.
     "Hi, Jude."
     "Why can't you just leave me alone?"
     "Jude, don't be rude," Sidney warned.
    He kept quiet, and then our eyes met.
    He glared at me again. "Here, take your order," said Jude, handing the menu in a grumpy way.
    I accepted his kindness. "Thanks, aren't you going to order?"
    "I just did," he blunted.
    I looked at the menu. Surprisingly, there weren't a lot of items that are pirate-related. I think fish-and-chips and this dead man's fingers are pirate food. A bit disappointing, but I can't say that out loud. I had a hard time choosing.
    "The treasure box omelette taste good," said Jude out of nowhere.
    I'm surprised.
    "Then, I'll take one treasure box omelette and some fish-and-chips."
    Sidney wrote it down. "I'll be right back. Make sure you don't lose your number," he reminded.
    The little pirate left, and it became awkward again.
    "What did you order, Jude?"
    "A tuna sandwich and some fish-and-chips."
    How to break the silence?
    "Say... this is—"
    Ring! Ring! Ring!
    A sudden phone call.
    It's Jude's.
    He immediately went outside, without saying something. Well, it's not like it's my business or anything. But look at the brightside, at least I wouldn't hear his sarcastic comments, and my blood is not going to boil.
     Yes, think about happy thoughts.
     Just read a book like you always do. Imagine a book full of wonders that you didn't notice you're already in the last page.
     This was getting exciting.
     Feeling its hard rough cover between your fingers, the pages are right before it. The sounds of page turning makes you really kicky. Your inner voice is shouting inside.
     What a great feeling.
     "Here's your order," someone said, laying the plates on the table.
     I heard it.
    The waiter began to wonder.
    "Where's Jude?" He asked.
    I answered, "I don't know."
    This waiter was Sidney, he sat at the opposite side of the table.
    It looks like he was taking a break. Though, my eyes were focus on reading, however, I'm aware in my surroundings.
     He was just looking at me, doing nothing.
     "You can't really leave your books. Don't you know? It's bad manners reading while eating in the table," he said.
     I guess he was bored.
     "I know. My brother always scolded me by that habit of mine," I replied, turning another page.
    "Well, pardon me. I don't want to intrude but your omelette taste best when it's hot. You don't want Julian's effort to be wasted, right? But I guess that's exaggerating, 'cause hot or cold, Julian's dishes are always tasty."
     It caught my attention.
     Like a kid who was busy playing dolls, and then saw something better.
    "I got your attention, huh?" He smiled sweetly.
     It was embarrassing since he also knew my feelings for Julian. I hid my face with the book I was holding.
     I put the book down.
    The aroma was savory.
     "Thank you for the meal," I said.
     I took a bite, and it tasted yummy. I'm not good at describing flavors or even it's texture. All I knew was that every bite was a delight. I guess the cook books and the gourmets ones that he used to borrow in the library was very helpful.
     Though, I can smell that there's cheese in it.
     "Well, how is it?" Sidney asked by curiosity.
     "That's it?"
     I swallowed another spoonful.
     "Sorry that I can't explain the taste better..."
     "I think you should say those exact words to Julian, and not me, Rina," he said.
     I took another bite of the egg. Sidney was flipping the pages of the book that I was reading.
     I guess it is was awkward.
     "Can you see those black curtains over there?" He pointed at the back.
     He gave me a friendly smile. "Julian's in there, cooking."
     "I guess he's really busy," I muttered.
      "You'll see him, I'm sure he'll give you time to see you," he adds.
     I'm having mix bubbling feelings inside. It didn't feel bad.
     "It's okay," he said.
     I guess he could feel that I'm uncomfortable.
     "Please don't be offend, but... Are you reading my mind just now?"
     "You could say that I'm really good at that. "
     Sidney was smiling again.
     "That's an useful talent," I complimented.
     He thanked me once more while taking his time looking at the book.
     I think he was trying to read it.
     "Umm, can I ask? What's the plot?" Sidney asked, turning another page.
     "Do you not like mysteries?" I asked as well.
     "I like mysteries. Although, I lost interest right away. I've always stop at the first 5 pages," he jested.
     His eyes were still reading. "That's why I kinda admire people like you that can read these things."
     "But you know, I'm only diligent when it comes to fiction books and literature. I really dislike reading non-fiction stuff! Documentaries and history are fine, however, if it's politics and math, I throw them to my brother's room."
     "That's so weird," he laughed. It felt so nice and satisfying.
     He suddenly became quiet.
     "Say, I have a favor, is that alright?"
     "Sure, I don't mind," I answered.
     "Would you like to hang out with Julian for the whole day?"
     I choked.
     Sidney immediately gave me a glass of water. My face was quickly burning. It was unexpected, since his gaze was so fixed in the book, I don't know how he could say those things with that look in his face...
     Yet not a bad idea...

    .  .  .
    I wiped my mouth with some tissue. I feel so unclean.
    "I don't understand," I answered.
    "Well, at least hear me out, Julian and I planned to hang out after this shift, but suddenly something went up so I can't go. I want you to be my replacement," he reasoned.
    "Isn't his brother better?"
    "Jude has other friends than us."
    "How about your other friends? I feel like I'm intruding too much."
    "It's okay. Julian likes your company, and you're enjoying this, right?"
    Why is he saying this stuff?? Why is he being so forceful???
    Goodness gracious. I can't deny. He's stirring me up...
    Yeah. I can't deny it...
    "I think you know my answer..."
     I feel that my face is red as an apple, and guessing with the look in his face, Sidney understood it.
     "I guess it's stepping outside the boundary, huh?"
     "I'm sorry for being shameless," I apologized.
     "It's fine, that's just love for you," he said.
     "Have you been in love?" I asked.
     "Everyone has their first love story," he replied.
     It didn't exactly answered the question.

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