Chapter 1

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I parked my scooter at the parking lot, I took my helmet off then place it on the compartment.

I placed my bag on my right shoulder then put my hand on my pocket, I started to walk along the hallway and there's no students to be found.

And I know why...

Because I'm already late!

And since I'm already late, I'll just go to the garden! Hehe.

I arrived at the garden and sat under the tree then placed my bag beside me, I took a bubble gum out from my pocket.

I put it on my mouth and started to chew it, I took out a book of medicine and started to read it.

I want to be a doctor someday, but I think... That won't happen.

The bell rang, sign that it's break time! I slowly fell asleep with a book on my face...

* * *

"Baekhyun hyung!!!!!!!"

"What?! What?! What is it?! The gang?! Where?!"

"Hyung!" I glared at Kai when I saw him in front of me.

"What?!" I asked, irritated. "You just disturbed my oh-so-called-peaceful-rest." I said and started to fix my things.

"He's back." I stopped from fixing my things and look at him.


* * *

"Why are you even nervous?" Kai asked me.

"I don't know." I answered while looking at my reflection on the mirror.

"He just went to London for 3 weeks, Baek." He said again, he leaned on the couch while looking at me as well through the mirror.

"Yeah, but I haven't see him for 2 months because he never show up when I'm asking him to."

The door suddenly opened, "Hey, want them to commute?" Kyungsoo asked while holding on the doorknob and his head showing up.

"Come on." Kai said and went out along with Kyungsoo.

I took a deep breath, "Calm down, Baek." I said before taking my phone and went out.

I saw my 5 friends, which are Luhan, Suho, Lay, Kyungsoo and Kai. They're on the sofa and busy watching on the TV.

"Yah, what are you guys waiting for?" I asked, Suho hyung turned the TV off and they all stood up.

"You aren't that excited huh?" Luhan teased and smirked.

I rolled my eyes and followed Lay and Suho hyung outside, I entered the back seat followed by the others.

It took us for about an hour before arriving at the airport, we waited there for some minutes.

"Where are they?" I asked, a little impatient.

"You're really excited." Luhan hyung teased me again with a smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes just like what happened earlier, "I'm not."

"It's not bad to deny it, bro." My shoulder got heavy and it's Kyungsoo.

"Tss! I told you, I'm not excited!" I said with my forehead creased.

"Yah, don't tease him like that." I froze when I heard his voice.

I gulped and slowly turned around, "We're just going to wait for Kris." Suho said then left, leaving me and him.

We just stare onto each other's eyes, "Oh Sehun." I said and smiled.

He smiled back, "Byun Baekhyun."

He spread his arms. "Hug?" I smiled and walk towards him.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and felt his long arms embracing me as well, "I miss you." He whispered on my ear.

I smiled, "Me too." I said back then pulled away from him.

"Did you bought me foods from London?" I asked.

"Of course, why would I forgot you? Just get it later, it's on my luggage." I nodded.

"Let's go to them?" He nodded back as we went to the place where the van was parked.

I ran towards the blonde guy that's having a talk with my friends, "Hyung~" I said.

He turned to me and smiled, "Baek." He ruffled my hair.

"I brought you souvenirs since this suitor of yours brought you foods." He jokingly said.

I saw how Sehun scratch his nape, "Hyung!" I said.

He looked at me innocently, "What?" He asked, pretending like he didn't say anything.

"Stop that, let's go and celebrate." Suho hyung said but we didn't move.

He sighed, "My treat." He said.

"Yey! Let's go!" We all said and went inside the van while laughing.

* * *

We arrived at a bar since classy restaurants are boring, Suho hyung doesn't agree at first but we still succeeded to convince him that we won't be drunk.

"1 VVIP room please." Suho hyung said, the waiter gestured as to follow.

We went inside the room, "What's your order, sirs?" The waiter asked once we sat on the sofa.

I frowned when he's staring at me, "Yah, you don't want to be fired from your job, right?" Sehun asked.

We all laughed, "He's just joking." I said, trying to convince the waiter.

"2 bottles of the most expensive and famous beer here please." Kris hyung said.

"Kris!" Suho hyung said. Kris hyung ignored him and continued talking to the waiter.

Suho hyung shook his head as I just chuckle with his reaction.

The waiter went out as Chen stood up and grab the song book together with the microphone.

"Let's sing!" He said and started to look for a song, Kyungsoo joined him.

"Baekhyun hyung." I leaned in to Sehun when he called me because Chen has started to sing.

"I don't like how the waiter stare at you earlier."

I chuckled, "Just ignore it, maknae." I said.


"Baekhyun-ah! Sing!" Chen said and pulled me up.

He handed me another microphone so I took it, "Gwaenchanha!!!"




We heard them said while covering their ears, me and Chen just duet and sang on a high pitch together.

We laughed after, while our friends were glaring at us.


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