Chapter 14

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I woke up and felt that I'm resting onto someone, I moved away and my eyes widened when I saw Chanyeol beside me.

He slowly opened his eyes and turn to me, he just looked at me then removed the ear buds out from his ear.

I did the same and put the earphones inside my bag, he stood up and I thought he's going to leave.

But he lend his hand in front of me, I reached out for his hand as he helped me to stand up.

"T-thank you." I said and grabbed my bag.

"You didn't attend your class?" I asked, we went out from the garden.


"Why?" We're walking side by side and I don't know where we are going.

"Do I need to tell you the reason?"

I pouted, "Oh... Right." We're not that close yet, so... I think I don't have the rights to ask him.

I stopped when I saw Kai and Kyungsoo walking, "Kyung!" I called him.

I can feel Chanyeol's look on me but I ignored him, I walked towards them since they're not that far from where we're standing at.

I felt Chanyeol's presence behind me, sign that he followed me.

"Why?" Kyungsoo asked and looked at me then to Chanyeol, then back to me then back to Chanyeol again.

I did the same, I look at him then to Kai then back to him and to Kai again. "Let's talk later." I said.

He nodded, "Let's go to the canteen together." I gave him a nod and went beside Chanyeol.

We started to walk with Kyungsoo and Kai in front of us, they're a bit far but was enough for me to hear what they're talking about...

"Who's the guy earlier, Kyungsoo? What's his name again... D-daniel?"

My eyes widened with what Kai have said, D-daniel?!

Kyungsoo didn't answered, "Are you okay?" I flinched when Chanyeol whispered to my ear.

I nodded, "Y-yeah." We arrived at the rooftop, seems like our friends decided to waste their time here?

When we reached the rooftop, I saw Chanyeol's friends on the another side and then our friends on the another side too.

I can feel something ticklish inside me when I felt Chanyeol's hand touches my waist.

"Go to your friends, I'll go to mine." He whispered, his voice was so deep...

I nodded slowly and went towards my friends along with Kyungsoo, we sat with them on the bench.

"Yah, Baekhyun-ah. Why are you with Chanyeol?" Suho hyung asked me.

"Is it bad?" I asked.

"No, just surprised." Luhan hyung butted in.

"I'm just also surprise to see him sleeping beside me on the garden." I said and their eyes widened.

"Oh my goodness!" They all said, it's not that loud that's why Chanyeol's friends didn't heard.

The gate of the rooftop opened, we looked at that direction and saw Kris hyung.

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