Chapter 33

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I heard my phone received a new message as I walked towards the side table where my phone is.

I hanged my towel on my shoulders while checking my phone out.

From: Secretary Ga Young
Mr. Park, I'm absent for today. I had an emergency, Sir. I'm sorry for the sudden absent, don't worry Sir. I already called someone who's a secretary too, he's good at this job.

Wait what··· He?

* * *

I arrived on my office and I was surprised to see a small guy arranging my things on my table.

When he felt my presence, he looked at me and bowed. "Good morning, Mr. Park. I'll be your secretary for today."

He stood up properly while smiling, "You... looks so familiar." I said, trying to remember if I met him somewhere.

"Oh? Am I?"

I shrugged and sat on my swivel chair, "What's your surname?"

"Kim, Mr. Park."

I nodded and open my laptop. "What's my first schedule, Secretary Kim?"

"Meeting with Mr. Wu at 10 AM."

I stopped for a second but ignored. "Okay." I said and continued working.

"I'll go out for a while, Sir." I nodded without looking at him as I heard the door creak. Sign that he left already.


"Where is that guy?!" I said while dialing Baekhyun's number.

"Sehun-ah, calm down." Suho hyung said.

I sat on the couch, "How can I? He didn't even text or call us wherever he is."

My phone rang as I answered it without looking at the caller, "Hello?!"


My eyes widened. "B-baekhyun?"

"Ahh, I'm sorry for not calling. Suho hyung recorded your rants while looking for me and sent all of it to me. Anyways, I'm safe. I'm with Jungkook, so don't be worried."

"Where are you?"

"I have to go, Bye!"

I stare at my phone, "That small guy!"

I heard Suho hyung chuckled, I looked at him. "Why didn't you tell me that you know where he is?"

He laughed, "I'm enjoying your frustrated face!" He stood up and ran away.

I stood up, "You better hide, hyung!"

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