Chapter 24

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It's been a week since me and Chanyeol bid each other a goodbye.

"I'll guide Luhan hyung and you to Kris hyung." I told Suho hyung and he nodded.

I helped Luhan hyung to sit on the wheel chair, when he finally sat down. I look at Kris and Suho hyung, Kris hyung's hand was on Suho hyung's shoulder so he won't lose his balance.

"Let's go." I said and pushed Luhan hyung's wheel chair gently.

We went out from the room with their things with us they're finally discharged.

"Are you two okay now?" Suho hyung asked.

"Yup!" Luhan and Kris hyung answered in unison.

"How about you?" I look at Suho hyung with a frown.


"N-nothing." I shrugged and continued to walk again.

We reached the parking lot and entered the car, I entered the driver's seat as Suho hyung sat on the back with Luhan hyung. While Kris hyung sat on the shot gun seat.

I started the engine and drove towards our house, "Is Kai in our house?" Kris hyung asked.

I shook my head, "He went out with Kyungsoo."

"Ahh..." He answered.

It took us for some minutes before arriving on the house, I parked the car on the garage.

I helped Luhan hyung to sat on his wheel chair again while Suho hyung helped Kris hyung to went out from the car.

We entered the house, since there's a stair. I need to carry Luhan hyung, I lifted him on my arms.

"Did you just eat and eat on the hospital?" I joked.

"Yah!" I chuckled, I opened the door of his room and put him down on his bed.

"Rest for a while, hyung." I said, he lied down as I covered his body with the blanket.

I closed the door of his room after leaving, I went to the living room and saw Suho hyung sitting on the sofa.

I sat beside him, the living room was filled with silence. "Boring." I looked at him and we both laughed when we realized that we're just thinking about the same thing.

The door suddenly opened, revealing Kai and Kyungsoo. "Oh." I stood up.

"Where are they?" Kyungsoo asked, probably asking about Luhan and Kris hyung.

"Resting." Suho hyung replied.

"Hey, Baek." I look at Kyungsoo when he called me.

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