Chapter 29

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I almost forgot to breath and I think my whole world stopped, I can't feel how tight he holds my wrist anymore.

"C-chanyeol..." I said and it almost came out as a whisper.

He looked at me like I'm just a useless thing, he slowly let go of my wrist.

Tears started to well up on my eyes, I slowly step backwards and ran away.

I ran out, while running on the streets I suddenly bumped into someone and I look up to see who's the person.

My eyes widened when I saw who the person is, he smirked.

I felt something stinging on my stomach, I look down and I froze when I saw my stomach... bleeding.

I saw on his hand holding a knife, I felt my head went heavy and I just found myself lying down on the street.

My vision started to get blurry and then everything went black.


I went out from the grocery store while holding two plastic bags on both of my hands.

I started to walk along the streets when I saw peoples gathering on the middle, I suddenly have this courage to go there.

I walked towards the people that's gathering on the middle, I successfully got into the center.

My eyes widened and the plastic bags that I'm holding fell off from my hands, I ran towards Baekhyun who's lying down on the ground.

"B-baekhyun!" He's still my brother's best friend, he's so kind and he's always bringing the atmosphere up!

I heard the ambulance's alarm, nurses came with a stretcher. They put the stretcher down and all of them put Baekhyun carefully on the stretcher.

"I'll come with him, I'm his friend." I said to a nurse as he gave me a nod.

I went in to the ambulance, after some minutes. We finally arrived on the hospital where Baekhyun was working at.

I went out and followed Baekhyun to the Operating Room, I suddenly get emotional and tears started to went down from my eyes.

I took my phone out, good thing. I have Kai's number since he's also close with Chanyeol.

I knew that Kai is also Baekhyun's best friend.

"Hello? Yoora noona?"

"K-kai, Baekhyun was brought here on the hospital where he's working at. I don't know what happened either, just come here please..."

"O-okay, I'll come." The call ended as I put my phone back inside my pocket.


I don't know what happened but I got mad and suddenly have this guts to point everything about my father's death to Baek.

I know it's wrong, but everything was so fast.

His Bad Boy (CHANBAEK) [Boyxboy]✅Where stories live. Discover now