Chapter 2

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I opened my eyes while holding my head, I sat up and look around. I frowned, trying to remember everything and how did I got home...

Ahh! Suho, Sehun and Kyungsoo wasn't drunk because they only drink few!

I stood up and suddenly stepped on someone causing me to fall on the top of 7 guys.

They all groaned and open their eyes, "Yah! Baekhyun-ah! What are you doing there?" Kris hyung asked.

"I fell, I didn't know that all of you were here!" I said, I stood up.

"Why are you all here? As far as I know, me, Kris hyung, Kai and Luhan hyung were the only ones who live here." I said and put my hands on my waist.

"Eh? They're so drunk and we're already tired and lazy to drive back to our own dorm." Chen said while sitting up.

"Don't kidding me, your dorm is just 2 house apart from my house." I said.

"Why can't we just live here?" He asked.

"The bill will be in danger if we will all live together." Suho and Xiumin hyung said in unison.

"Fine!" Chen said and rolled his eyes.

"Wait, what time is it?" Suho asked and stood up while scratching his already-messed-up hair.

Kai grabbed his phone, "Just 11 AM." He said.

We all looked at each other but suddenly, "11?!!" We all said and my house almost collapsed, I think?

"Let's take a shower together already! We're going to be late!"

* * *

🎶Dashi run, run, run~🎶

We're running on the hallway and we're seeking attention from the students that's having their class. Of course, because we're running and our footsteps were noisy.

We reached the 2nd floor where our classroom was located, we're running out of breath when we arrived at the front.

Me and Kyungsoo were on the same class. Luhan, Kris, Suho and Lay hyung were on the higher grade than us, so they're our seniors. While Kai and Sehun, they're the youngest, they're our junior.

I wiped my sweat before entering the classroom, we bowed at the professor. "Sorry we're late." We said and sat on out seat.

I saw how the professor shook his head and continued discussing. Well, we're known as the bad boys, no one can resist our charm!

But we don't do bullies, when we just want to. Sometimes, I'll caught the others bullying a student. Me too, I do that sometimes.

"Goodbye, class." I heard the professor said and left the classroom, everyone started to chitchat.

"I think the whole classroom was spinning." Kyungsoo mumbled beside me so I turned to him.

"What?" I asked, frowning.

"Baek···" My eyes widened when he suddenly fell asleep.

"Kyungsoo!" I said causing our classmates to look at us.

I wrapped Kyungsoo's arm around my shoulder and carried him towards the clinic.

"My goodness, Kyung. What happened to you?" I mumbled until we arrived at the clinic.

"What happened?" The school doctor asked once I put Kyungsoo down on the clinic bed.

"He suddenly lost his consciousness." I said and watch the doctor check Kyungsoo.


We're on our break when my phone vibrated continuously, I took it out from my pocket.

We're at the canteen waiting for Luhan and Kris they're on the same section then me along with Lay. That's why only me and Lay were here on the canteen, eating. Maybe their professor hasn't dismissing them yet.

I look at the caller and saw Baekhyun's name. Then answered it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hyung! Kyungsoo is here on the clinic come here quickly."

"What?!" I yelled, I immediately ended the call and ran towards the clinic with Lay behind me.

Without knocking, I entered the clinic and saw Kyungsoo laying down on the clinic bed with his eyes closed while Baekhyun is leaning on the wall.

"What happened?" I asked and walk towards Baekhyun.

"The doctor asked me if he ate breakfast, we didn't had the time so I said no. Then, the doctor told me that he felt dizzy because of his empty stomach. We should buy him a breakfast." He stated.

I nodded, "Lay, can you go and buy Kyungsoo a breakfast?" I asked.

He nodded, "Of course."

I took my wallet out from my pocket and handed Lay a money, "Buy any kind of breakfast but don't forget to buy him a rice, he needs that the most."

"Aye aye!" Then Lay left.

"Have you told the others about this?" I asked and look at Kyungsoo, his face were pale.

"No, I don't want to disturb any of you actually."

"Me and Lay we're on a break, I don't know what happened to Luhan and Kris." I said.

"Maybe they are not dismissing yet."



"Class dismissed." I stood up followed by Kai, we grab our bags and went out from the classroom.

"Yah, Sehun-ah. You should treat me since you just came back." I frowned after I heard what Kai have said.

"What?! Unfair!"

"Why? I'm older than you!"

"We're just two months apart!"

We stopped when his phone vibrated, he took it out from his pocket.

I frowned when his eyes widened and his phone slipped out from his hand causing it to fall on the floor.

"Yah! What's your problem?" I asked and crouch down to get the phone.

"Kai!" I yelled when he suddenly ran, I look at the phone and froze when I read the message.

From: Unknown
Kai-yah! I'm back! I enrolled to your school too! I'm excited to see you again, bro!






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