Chapter 25

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"No, I decided that I'll give him a space first before I will reveal everything."

"Hyung, the egg is already toasted!" Sehun said while pointing on the frying pan.

I immediately turned the stove off and sighed, "What's happening to you, hyung? Why are you spacing out?" Sehun asked and sat on the dining chair.

I took my apron off and placed it on the table, I sat on the chair across Sehun's.

"What Baekhyun hyung have said kept on bothering me." I said.

He frowned, "What did Baekhyun hyung said?" He curiously asked.

"He will give Chanyeol a space for a while before he will reveal everything, what does that mean?"

Sehun became silent, probably thinking about it too. I leaned on the chair and crossed my arms.

"Is he going to tell Chanyeol hyung everything?" Sehun said.

I frowned, "I hope he won't."


"Where are you, hyung?" Kai asked on the another line.

"Cafe." I answered, staring at the coffee in front of me.

"What are you doing on a cafe, hyung?"

"It's cold, I want to warm myself."

"But you can drink your coffee here on our house."

I sighed, "Fine. I want to be alone."

"Hyung! Don't do that! I-i know you're stressed, but it's not your time yet! You're too young to end your own life···"

"What? What are you even talking about?" I asked, totally frowning and I think my eyebrows were about to connect.

"O-oh... Sorry, hehe! Anyway, hyung. I have to go! Bye bye." Before I could answer, he already hanged up.

I put my phone down and locked it before putting the phone back inside my pocket, I took the coffee and took a sip on it.

"Baekhyun-ah?" I stopped and put the coffee down before looking behind to see the person who called me.

I immediately stood up when I saw, "Park Yoora noona." Chanyeol's sister.

"It's been months!" She suddenly hugged me, "I missed you!" She told me so many times that me and Chanyeol suits each other, but of course. I kept on saying that he's just my best friend back then.

She pulled away and ruffled my hair, "Are you okay? You look sad." She said.

I faked a smile, "I'm fine."

She glance on her wrist watch, "I have to go, Baekhyun-ah. I still have to go to work, bye bye." I nodded and watched her leave the cafe.

His Bad Boy (CHANBAEK) [Boyxboy]✅Where stories live. Discover now