Chapter 8

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It's Saturday and now, I'm here at my elder brother's coffee shop. I just want to be here.

"Here's your coffee." My elder brother, Byun Baekbeom. Put the coffee down on the table and sat across my seat.

"What happened? It's only once in a blue moon for you to visit me, or... if you have a problem." He said.

I took a sip on my coffee, "I found him again."

His eyes widened, "What?" I nodded and leaned on my chair.

"How?" He asked, his attention was on me now.

"We're schooling on the same school."

"Did you two met?"

I nodded, "Also, the gang came back."

"What are you going to do then?"

"Protect him, of course. That's what I'm always doing."

He sighed, "Don't let yourself be in trouble again."

"I won't."

"Are you planning to be close with him?"

"Actually, I bullied him."

"What the f?!"

"That's the only way for me to be close with him, in case he bumped onto the gang and ask about me. He can tell that he hates me and I'm the worst guy that he have met! So, that they won't touch or get close to him."

"You're really a genius, bro."

"I know." He rolled his eyes once I answered.

"Uncle Baekhyun!" I looked behind me and smiled when I saw my nephew, Baekbeom hyung's son. He's 6 years old and Baekbeom hyung's first son.

"Hello, Baehyung." I carried him and made him sat on my lap.

"How are you?" I asked and kissed his cheek.

"I'm fine, Uncle! It's been a long time since you've been here, why aren't you visiting us often, Uncle?" He asked and pouted.

I chuckled, "I'm so busy with school, Baehyung-ah. Are you taking care of Baehee?" Baehee is his younger sister, she's only 7 months old.

"Of course, Uncle!"

"Good boy, let's talk later okay? I'm talking with your papa about someone important. Kiss my cheek first."

Baehyun immediately kissed my cheek before I put him down as he ran back inside his father's office.

"You must find a girlfriend soon or should I say, boyfriend?" He said and smirked.

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up." I stood up, "Anyway, I have to go now. Give this to Baehyung." I handed him the paper bag that contains toys inside.

His Bad Boy (CHANBAEK) [Boyxboy]✅Where stories live. Discover now