Chapter 18

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"Baekhyun-ah! Faster we have to get home fast!" Without asking Kyungsoo, I immediately drove fast.

We arrived at the house and went out from the car, I ran after Kyungsoo when he entered the house.

I gasped when I saw Luhan and Kris lying down on the floor, "Hyungs!" I yelled.

I took my phone out and dialed Suho hyung's phone.

* * *

We arrived at the hospital, we're now here outside the Emergency room.

All of us were silent, no one is speaking. Everyone's trying to be strong and trying to fight their tears.

The doctor caught our attention when he went out from the Emergency Room, "What happened to them, Doc?" Suho hyung asked.

I stood up from sitting on the floor and stayed beside Suho hyung, "They're good now, they'll wake up anytime soon."

We all sighed in relief, "Thank you so much, Doc." Suho hyung said.

The doctor nodded and bowed before leaving, "Baekhyun, Kyungsoo. You guys needs to rest, you two should go home." Lay hyung said.

"This is your fault."

We looked at Sehun, confused. "What?" We all asked in unison.

I frowned when he looked at me and to Kyungsoo, "You two! This is your fault! If you didn't went out for a date, this won't happened and you'll be able to protect them!" Sehun yelled while pointing us with his index finger.

My lips parted in awe, I can't believe Sehun was saying this to us. "Sehun! They're your hyungs!" Suho suddenly raised his voice up.

I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes, "I-i'm just going to the washroom." I said and walked away.


What did I just do? I can't believe I let my emotions control me.

Bakehyun hyung walked away, I looked at Kyungsoo hyung. "H-hyung···" I was about to call him when he turned around and walked away.

I sighed, "I need some air." I said and went to the rooftop.

I walked towards the railings and put my arms above the railings.

My gaze landed on the two guys sitting under the tree in the garden, they were talking and my heart aches so much when I saw...

Baekhyun hyung crying...


"I-i think he's right, Kyungsoo-ah. If we didn't go out for a date, this wouldn't happen. Plus, we knew that the DarkDevil was back and anytime soon they might attack. I didn't think before agreeing for a date!" I said while tears kept on falling down from my eyes.

"Yah, it's not your fault." Kyungsoo said while rubbing my back.

"I think... I need to do something..."


"Chanyeol!" I turned around and saw Chen, he walked towards me.

"Why are you panting?" I asked.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "Why is B-baekhyun-ssi absent?" He said.

I frowned, "What?"

He also frowned, "I thought you know the reason that's why I'm asking you."

I shook my head, "I don't. What happened?"

"I don't know either." He said and shrugged.

"It's an emergency." We look at Lay which is Baekhyun's friend, he's looking at us with a serious face.

"H-hello, Lay-ssi!" Chen said and bowed. I just did the same.

He just gave us a nod and went inside Baekhyun's classroom, "What kind of emergency is it?" Chen asked.

"Let's go." I said and went inside our classroom.

* * *

The classes has finally ended, "We have to attend our friend's gathering, so I think we will come home late." Tao said.

I nodded, "It's fine, you can take the van. I'll just commute." I said.

"Are you sure?" I gave Xiumin a nod.

"We will go ahead." I nodded and watch them entered the van and drove out from the school.

I went out from the school and went to the bus stop, while waiting. A guy went beside me, he seems waiting for a bus too.

I ignored him and continued to wait for a bus, when suddenly...


I didn't come to school and now, I'm walking towards my house because Suho hyung forced me to go home for a while.

"W-what are you doing?!" Wait, that voice is familiar.

My eyes widened when I saw Chanyeol! A guy was behind him and wearing a cap then a mask, he's holding a knife and pointing it on Chanyeol's waist.

Good thing, I didn't forgot my mask. I look around and saw a beanie on the bench. I took it and wore it. I zip my jacket up.

I ran towards the bus stop where Chanyeol is, I pushed the guy. His eyes widened when he saw me.

Just by staring onto his eyes, I recognized that he's JB...

He glared at me before standing up then he ran away, I turned to Chanyeol.

He stared at me, "You... again." He said.

My heart started to beat fast when he raised his right hand, I think everything went to slow motion while his hand was moving closer and closer to my mask...

Before he could reach for my mask, I immediately stepped backwards.

I stare at his eyes and raised my right hand, I ruffled his hair and ran away.

When I'm far enough, I took my mask off and hid behind a wall. I glance at Chanyeol's direction.

I need to follow him, I have to make sure that he will arrive to his house safely.

I threw the beanie away and hid my mask inside my pocket, I took my jacket off and revealed the inside part of the jacket instead. I grabbed a bike and immediately ride onto it.

I biked towards Chanyeol's direction, I ringed the bell on my bike. Pretending that I'm about to hit something in front of Chanyeol.

I made the bike stop and I sucessfully caught Chanyeol's attention.

"Baekhyunee?" I looked at him and pretended that I'm surprised.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Why are you absent?" Right, he just ignored my question -.-

"Emergency." I said and glance on my wrist watch.

"It's getting late, I'll bring you home. Ride on." He stared at me before deciding to ride on.

I smiled secretly, "Hold on." I said and started to pedal towards his house.


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