Chapter 4

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Oh my gosh! I can't believe Kris is with us, I actually having a crush on him...

I saw him on London when I went there for my dad, while on the park, I saw him passing by I even bumped onto him.

But he seems don't remember me, I introduced myself to him but he just gave me a nod then left.

I even felt love at first sight when I saw him on London ^.^

My attention turned to a guy who suddenly stood up, he's with 4 guys.

I felt my heart... beating so fast like it's going to pop out··· Wait! No way! I don't even know him!

I shook my head and returned my attention to Kris who's sitting across my seat.

I frowned when I saw them looking at the small guy that's still standing on the another table.

I leaned to Sehun's ear, "Did you know the small guy?" I asked and moved away.

He shook his head, "Then why are you all looking at him?" I curiously asked and glance on the small guy.

"He's the bad boy along with those boys that he's sharing the table with." He said.

My eyes widened, "A-are they hurting students or persons?" I asked, felt a little scared.

He chuckled, "Nope. Sometimes when they're hot headed, don't you dare to block their way or you'll go home crawling."

I gulped, I watch the small guy talk to his friends but I can hear what he's saying, then he went out from the canteen.

He's cute though and... pretty? Aish!!! Why am I even thinking about him?! Only Kris is handsome and hot for me!

"Looks like he's not on the mood." Kris commented.


"Why don't we follow him?" Luhan hyung asked and was about to stood up but I immediately hold his wrist.

"Let him, he can manage whatever he will do." I said without looking at him, he sat back and still, worrying over Baekhyun.

Protect him at all cost, Baekhyun. When you need help, I'm here.


··· [Before Baekhyun leaves the canteen] ···

My phone vibrated, I took it out from my pocket and saw a text.

From: Unknown
  Long time no see, Baekhyun-ah. Mind if we meet?

- Bambam 

I balled my fist and stood up, "Yah." I said, my friends stared at me like they're waiting for what I'm going to say next.

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