Chapter 20

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It's Friday and tomorrow is Saturday! I can't wait for this day to end!

"Chanyeol-ah!" I looked behind and smiled when I saw Guanlin.

"Guanlin!" He stopped in front of me.

"Let's go to the garden first?" I nodded, we went to the garden just like what he have said.

While walking on the hallway and talking, I heard someone called me. I stopped and turned around.

"Baekhyunee!" I said, he stopped in front of me. I can't read his emotion.

But when he look at Guanlin, his eyes widened. "Chanyeol! Stay away from that guy!" He said.

I frowned, "Why? He's my friend, do you know him?" I asked.

He look at me in disbelief, "F-f-friend?" He asked while pointing at Guanlin.

I nodded, "Why? You're my best friend, right? You should respect my friends too!" I can't help but to raise my voice.

He laughed sarcastically, "Ha! I can't believe this! Chanyeol, I'm your best friend so you should believe me because I know this person so well more than you do!" He yelled and his voice echoed on the hallway.

"My goodness, Baekhyun! How did you know him?! How?!" He suddenly stopped.

I took a deep breath, "Let's go." I said and grabbed Guanlin's wrist and left Baekhyun alone on the hallway.


"M-m-mr. P-park?" I asked in disbelief.

He slowly turned around, as usual he's wearing his emotionless face. "Glad that you still remember me." He said.

I don't know what to say so I remained quiet and staring at him.

He walked towards me and suddenly...

Punched me, I fell on the floor. I held my jaw that was punched by Mr. Park, well, that hurts.

I looked up to him, "If you won't stay away from my son, you'll get punishment that you wouldn't expect." He turned around and started to walk towards his table.

I stood up, "I-i can't do that..." I said.

He stopped and turned to me, his face remained calm. "It's happening again," He said, "And I'll stop it ASAP."

"Byun Baekhyun, STAY AWAY FROM MY SON." He said, emphasizing every word of him.

"And if I don't?"

"Then, I'll make you do."

I watch Chanyeol walk away while holding Guanlin's wrist.

His Bad Boy (CHANBAEK) [Boyxboy]✅Where stories live. Discover now