Chapter 21

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"I'll go to Luhan and Kris hyung first then I'll go to school." I said to Kai.

He nodded, "Okay then, see you at the school." I watch him entered his car and started the engine he beeped before driving away.

When I can't see the car anymore, I wore my helmet and ride on Luhan hyung's scooter since I don't want to use my motor that I'm using when I'm going to Chanyeol's house.

I drove towards the hospital. They weren't discharge yet, they have to drink their medicines on the right time so, we decided to let them stay on the hospital. Since, we're going to school.

I parked the scooter on the parking lot, I hanged the helmet on the side mirror and entered the hospital.

I went inside the elevator and pressed the elevator where their room is located.

When the door opened, I went out and went to their room. I knocked and entered.

"Hi." I said before closing the door after I entered the room.

"Hello." They said.

"You're going to school?" Kris hyung asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, just wanna visit my hyungs." I said. "Do you want some coffee or anything?" I asked.

"I want water." Luhan hyung said, I nodded and walked towards the table where all of the foods were placed.

"Coffee please." Kris hyung requested, I nodded and started to prepare their drinks.

"Baekhyun-ah?" I heard Luhan hyung said.

"Hmm?" I asked without looking at them.

"How's the guy that you're protecting?"

"Ouch!" I whined when the hot water spilled on my finger while I'm pouring the glass with the hot water.

"What happened?" Kris hyung asked and was about to stood up.

"Hyung! Don't stand up so sudden, you'll hurt yourself." I said. "I can take care of myself."

I took the glassed and placed it on the table beside their beds, "I'll ask the nurse to bring a medicine kit." Luhan hyung said.

"Okay." I replied, he grabbed the telephone and called to the nurse station then ask for a medicine kit.

Not long enough, the door opened and the nurse appeared while holding a medicine kit. I took the medicine kit from the nurse, "Thank you, miss." I said and she left.

I closed the door and sat on the sofa, my finger has a wound because of the hot water and it seriously stings!

After treating my wound, I covered it with a band aid. I closed the medicine kit and placed it on the table.

"I'll go to my school now." I said.

They nodded, "Study well." I nodded.

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