Chapter 6

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I dialed Kai's number and after some rings, he answered.

"Kai-yah!" I said.


"We both know that you're kind and you're handsome, hot···"

"You need something, right? Tell me."

I pouted and sat down on my bed, I already prepared a paper and a pen. "E-ehh, hehe!"

"What is it?"

"C-can I ask f-for Kris' number?"

The another line went silent, "Do you... like Kris hyung?"

My eyes widened, "N-n-no!"

I heard him sighed that made me frown, "Okay, here's the number."

He gave me the number while me, I'm smiling like an idiot while writing it on the paper.

"Thank you so much, Kai-yah! You're the best!" I hanged up and add Kris' number on my contacts.

To: Kris❤
   Hi, Kris! Wanna hang out tonight? :>

- Chanyeol 

I took a deep breath then press the send button, my heart was beating so fast and I think any time soon, it'll pop out from my chest.

I almost collapsed when I received a reply, of course! From him!!!

From: Kris❤
   Sure, I'll pick you up. Text me your address.

I jumped on my bed again and again and again! Until I felt tired, my face were red and I'm smiling from ear to ear!

I immediately texted him my address and left my phone on my bed then dressed up.


I frowned when I saw him jumping again and again and was smiling from ear to ear, what's happening to this giant?

I leaned on my motor and watch him went to the washroom, I fixed my mask and cap, I immediately hid behind the tree when I saw a car stopped in front of Chanyeol's house.

I frowned, that car is familiar...

I'm waiting for the person to go out but my phone vibrated continuously, I took my phone out from my pocket and answer the call.

"Hyung! Where are you?"

"Kai, I told you. I'll come back before dinner."

"Are you kidding me, hyung? It's past 9 pm."

I glance on my wrist watch and it's indeed past 9 pm, "Fine, I'll go home."

I hanged up and glance at the car, I hopped on the motor and drove back towards my house.

* * *

When I arrive, I saw Kai on the sofa. "Have you eaten?" He asked.

I shook my head, "I'll cook ramen." He said and went to the kitchen so I followed him.

His Bad Boy (CHANBAEK) [Boyxboy]✅Where stories live. Discover now