Chapter 15

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It's Saturday!!! I'm now rolling onto my bed since I know that my friends were still sleeping.

When I rolled on the another side... "Baekhyun!" Then I fell out from my bed because of the yell.

"Aww..." I caressed my back and stood up. "Kyungsoo? Isn't too early to come here?" I asked.

I looked at him up and down when I saw how good his clothes suits him.

"I-i'm going out with Kai, do you want to invite Chanyeol?" He said and scratched his nape.

I nodded, "Sure." I grabbed my towel and went inside my washroom as I immediately do my routine.

After some minutes of preparing, I'm finally ready. "Let's go?" I asked Kyungsoo, he's sitting on my bed while holding his phone.

He nodded and put his phone back inside his pocket, "I'm still going to text Chanyeol." I said.

"I texted him already, using your phone."

"Oh... Okay." We went out from my room, I went downstairs while Kyungsoo went to Kai's room.

I entered the car and started the engine, after a while. Kai and Kyungsoo came.

Kai was surprised to see me, "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I-i invited him, he's going with Chanyeol anyway." Kyungsoo said and Kai just nodded.

I drove towards Chanyeol's house, I went out and pressed the doorbell.

The gate opened and a guy with an eye bags under his eyes was the one who opened the gate.

"Yes··· Baekhyun-ssi?!" He asked in disbelief.

"Hello." I said.

"Tao··· Oh my goodness!" I want to laugh at the guy with a big adams apple when he suddenly ran inside the house.

"Is Chanyeol there?" I asked.

He frowned, "Y-you're going out with him?"

I nodded, "Yup."

"I'm here." Chanyeol appeared as I smiled at him.

"Good morning." I said.

"Good morning. Tao, we will go now." He told the guy, I entered the driver's seat as he entered the shot gun seat.

"What are you doing here?" He asked Kai once he get inside.

I chuckled, "We're going out with them."


I smirked. "Double date." I said and winked, I started the engine as we drove off.

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