Chapter 32

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"First day of being the CEO. Congrats, Mr. Byun." I gave Mr. Kim a smile.

"Thanks, Mr. Kim. Thanks for promoting me."

"You deserve the position."

"Oh, Mr. Kim. Can I ask for something?"

"What is it?" He asked.

"Can I still... Participate in taking care of the patients? I don't want to lock myself up on the office, spending my time signing papers."

"Of course."

I glance on my wrist watch, "I'll go now and transfer my things to my new office. Thanks again, Mr. Kim."

He nodded and smiled, I bowed before going to my office. "Everything's pack up?" I asked Jungkook.

"Yes, hyung."

I carried the box which contains my things, I went out from the office. Followed by Jungkook who's also carrying another box.

"Why don't you ask some persons to transfer your things, hyung?" He asked.

"I want to carry my own things because I bought these and bring these things to my office. I'm not that busy and lazy to ask some persons to transfer my own things."

"You're really amazing, hyung!"

"Thanks, Jungkook." We reached my new office as I opened it using my another hand.

"Woah, this is better than before. This one looks bigger and pretty." Jungkook said as we entered.

"You're right." I placed the box down as Jungkook did the same.

"I'll go and get your other things, hyung." I nodded and knelt down to start arranging my things.

I placed the others on the cabinet, but stop when I noticed something on the box.

I frowned and took the small sky blue box with a dark blue ribbon on it, I sat on the couch and untie the ribbon.

I opened it and saw a letter...

Dear Baekhyun,

   Hey, I know that I've caused a lot of trouble and problems. But here I am, writing a letter for you. I felt so guilty and regretting for treating you bad. In those past years without you with my son's side, I saw how miserable he is. I saw how he woke up every morning with red and puffy eyes. I heard his sobs every night, every time that I'll pass by on his room. My heart was so heavy for hearing and seeing those. But only one thing he kept on saying every time he will cry, your name. Only your name. I realized how much he loves you and how much you love him for choosing to stay away from him for his own sake than to be with him. Thank you, Byun Baekhyun. I was planning to give this to you earlier but, I felt so embarrassed when everything flashes back inside my mind about me pushing you away. And also, I don't want to bother you that time because you seems having fun with your work as a doctor. Thank you for protecting my son from those bad guys, thank you Byun Baekhyun. Now, I'm allowing you to be with my son and be with him. Take care of him and I know that you two were destined for each other.

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