Chapter 27

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"Chanyeol, go home now." Kai said.

I ignored him and remained sitting on a chair beside the hospital bed where Baekhyun was lying.

He's confined here in the hospital and still asleep, "Chanyeol, promise. I'll tell you when he wakes up."

I sighed and stood up, "Fine. I'll come back tomorrow."

"Okay." I glanced on Baekhyun before leaving his room.


I opened my eyes when I heard Chanyeol left, I look at Kai.

He sat on the seat that Chanyeol had just vacated, "Why are you even pretending?" He asked.

I sighed, "His father might took him back to London again, I can manage to look and protect him from a far but I can't do that if he's in London."

"Why don't you just say everything?" He asked.

"I'm... scared? I think."

"Scared of being rejected?"

I stayed silent with Kai's sudden question.

Yes. I am scared.


"Dr. Byun!" I stopped from walking when I heard someone called me.

I smiled and knelt down. "Hey, Yoonjun." I ruffled his hair.

"I wanted to give you this, hyung!" He handed me a strawberry chocolate.

I smiled, "Thank you, Yoonjun."

"I'll be discharge by the day after tomorrow! I'm so excited, hyung!"

I chuckled, he's so cute! "Don't forget, Doctor Byun. Okay?"

"Of course I won't! You're like my elder brother!"

"Yoonjun-ah!" I saw Yoonjun's assigned nurse looking for him.

"Hey, Yoonjun. Go back to your nurse, she's looking for you."

"Okay! Bye bye!" I waved at him then watched him ran towards his nurse.

I smiled and stood up, I walked towards the nurse station. "What can I do for you, Doc?" Ji Eun asked, she's an intern here in the hospital.

"Can you put this there in the fridge, I'll get that later." I handed her the chocolate.

"Sure." She took a piece of paper and wrote my name then taped it on the chocolate before putting it inside the ref.

"Thanks." I said, she nodded and bowed. I went to my office and sat on the swivel chair.

I opened my phone and at the same time, my phone rang.

I pressed the green button when I saw Kyungsoo's name flashes on the screen.

"Hello, Kyungsoo?"

"Hyung! Is your work done? Let's meet!"


"I just want to, I want to have some break from my work and Kai."

"Is he annoying?"

His Bad Boy (CHANBAEK) [Boyxboy]✅Where stories live. Discover now