Chapter 19

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"Let's meet on the canteen." I gave Xiumin a nod.

Chen went to the guidance office with Tao and I don't know why. While Xiumin, he's going to return the book that he borrowed from the library.

I'm too lazy to go with them because my tummy is already growling in hunger, I watched him took the opposite way from mine.

I turned around and started to walk away too, while passing by on the garden. I suddenly heard someone whined.

I pushed the gate slowly and peeked, I saw a guy sitting on the ground while holding his back.

I walked towards him, I lend my hand to help him to get up. He looked up to me and he stare at me before deciding to take my hand.

I helped him to stood up, "Thanks." He said.

I frowned, "Why are you sneaking in?" I asked.

"The guard is mad at me since I'm always teasing him, by the way. I'm the son of a professor here." He said and smiled.

I smiled back, "What's your name?" I asked.


"I'm Park Chanyeol." We shook hands for some seconds before taking our hand back.

"Anyway, Chanyeol. I have to go, my mom is probably waiting for me already." He said.

I nodded, "It's nice to meet you, see you around, Guanlin." He nodded as I watch him went away.


For the second time, I didn't went to school. I have to be beside Luhan and Kris hyung, because what happened to them is my fault.

The door opened, I look up and saw Sehun. He went in and closed the door once he entered.

I turned my attention back to the apple that I'm peeling off. "Hyung." I heard him called me.

"Mmm?" I asked without looking at him.

"I-i'm sorry." I stopped and turned to him, he's looking down.

"H-hyung, I'm sorry for throwing harsh words on you and Kyungsoo hyung. I'm really really sorry, hyung."

I smiled and walked towards him, I patted his head even though he's taller than me. "It's alright, maknae. You were right at all."

"N-no, hyung."

I chuckled, "At least you apologized."

"Yah, stop that drama." My eyes widened, I turned around and saw Luhan and Kris hyung looking at us. Kris hyung was looking at us with his disgusted face.

I smiled, "Finally! Did you enjoy your sleep?"


Next day has come and it's Thursday! Friday is coming and finally, weekends!

I went to the library and borrowed a book named 10080, I don't know what happened but this book caught my attention.

I went to the garden and sat under the tree, I opened the book and began to read.

While reading, "Psst!"

I frowned and look around, no one's here. I shrugged and continued reading again.

But, "Pssst!!" I annoyingly looked up and saw...

"Guanlin!" I stood up and smiled. "How are you?" I asked.

He walked towards me while smiling, "I'm fine! How about you?"

"Same." I sat down as he sat beside me. I took the book and continued reading.

"Is that a story?" He asked, trying to peek on the book.

I nodded, "Yep, it's interesting." I said.

"It's so obvious, you seems enjoying that."

"Of course!"


"Go to school already, Baek. I heard that you're absent since yesterday because you're taking care of us." Luhan hyung said.

"I'll go, but not today. Maybe, tomorrow." I said and gave Luhan hyung his medicine.

"Yah, Sehun-ah. You didn't attend school too?" Kris hyung asked.

"We have no classes." He said.

"Baek, you're missing your lessons on school. You should go now, Sehun is here to take care of us."

I stood up and put the glass on the side table, "Fine, I'll go." I said.

"Finally! Don't forget to bring some food before coming back here." Kris hyung said.

"Tss, fine." I said and left.

I drove towards the house and immediately took a bath, I glance at the wall clock.

It's 9:00 am, if I arrived at the school at 9:15. It's our break time.

I grab my bag and locked the door of the house before entering my car, I started the engine and drive towards the school.

Before I could enter the school, a van suddenly blocked my way. Good thing, I immediately stepped on the brake.

Two guys with big bodies and they're wearing a tuxedo, when you look at them. You can tell that they're black americans without any doubts.

I flinched when they opened the door on my side, "Get out." I did what the guy told me.

They're talking korean! "What are you going to do?" I asked, trying to hide my nervousness.

They didn't bother to answer me, one of them closed the door of my car. "Go." The guy behind me said.

He pushed me a little, I walked towards their van. The guy opened the door as I went in.

Gosh, I don't want to be on a fight again. I don't want him to be mad again.

* * *

I think it took us years before we arrive in front of a building -.-

The guy pushed me again, I rolled my eyes and went inside the building.

There's peoples, based on their clothes. They're working here.

I went inside the elevator and the two guys did the same. I kept on sighing while waiting for us to arrive on the floor.

The door finally opened, I went out because I don't want to be pushed again.

"Go inside that office, don't you try to escape. We'll stay here outside." One of them said.

When I didn't move, one of them opened the door and forcefully pushed me inside and immediately closed the door.

And yeah, my face almost landed on the floor. I rolled my eyes, I felt someone's presence so I look up.

My eyes widened when I immediately recognized him even I'm facing his back.


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