Ginny Weasley- Secret Picnic (a)

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Great, you thought to yourself, another two hours stuck in front Professor Binns droning on and on about who knows what. It felt like an eternity of him babbling about the founders, but you knew deep down that only about ten minutes had actually passed.

"Psst!" A whisper from behind your left ear caught your attention.

"Oi, y/n." Peering over your shoulder you caught a glimpse of Dean trying to pass you a note. Taking careful note of when Professor Binns would slowly turn back to his chalkboard you spun around, grabbed the note and returned to your seat. The note, a very clean and crisp piece of ivory paper, had nothing on it. You gave the paper a quick shake and letters began to appear.

It read 'Hufflepuff Vs. Slytherin. Under the Hufflepuff stands, halftime.' Flames engulfed the paper as it turned into nothing but a pile of ash on your desk, yet the details remained in your mind as clear as day. Even though you thought that it might be impossible, the lesson with Professor Binns took even longer that normal to come to an eventual stop.

~3 hours later~

Thunderous roars rumbled above you in the stands, like all the gods in all the heavens. Manoeuvring through the feet of the stands was more difficult than one would have thought, low beams, high beams, rusty nails sticking out of the wood and all sorts of magical rodents scuttled and scattered into all sorts of nooks and cranny's.

The obstacle course like underbelly of the stands may have been difficult to get through, but it was by no means particularly large and even after about fifteen minutes of searching there was no sign of anybody. Maybe this was just another trap set up by that wormy little Draco or maybe Dean gave the note to the wrong person.

Forget this, I give up, turning around to make your way back in a disheartened manner, a certain scent filled your nose. You could not quite figure out what it was but you knew that you liked it. It was coming from... right underneath you. The spectators were too far up for this to be their game-time snack and you had no food on you. You looked down at your feet and around you, but there was nothing there.

Like an angry mermaid something struck out at your ankle and tried to pull you to the ground, you might have been scared if it was not for the familiar giggling and the floating hand adorned with blood red nail varnish. Another hand appeared from the aether and grabbed onto something, pulling it back to reveal a proud looking Ginny sat on a red and white chequered blanket. She was still giggling to herself.

"Have you been here all along?" She nodded in agreement, unable to speak through her laughing. She pulled a cushion out and placed it next to her, gesturing for you to sit down. You followed her orders just as she was able to calm down.

"Surprise!" Laid out in front of her like a banquet, plates of food lay on the blanket. Slices of freshly baked pie, muffins, cakes, scones, anything you could think of was in front of you.

"What is going on here?" She reached behind her and pulled out two clean and fresh plates. "And why are your fingers painted?" She looked at her fingers with disapproval.

"I knew how stressed you were with your end of year exams, so I thought I would be the fantastic girlfriend that I am, and I would do something nice for you. Oh, and these? Luna wanted to paint them, and I figured why the hell not."

"This is insane... how did you even make all this? We both know that you can't cook!"

"My mom made it and sent it up, I wanted you to actually enjoy yourself, not break your teeth and get food poisoning." She started piling food up on her plate, in true fashion they were mostly desserts. "I made sure that I got some of your favourite foods and everything, so do you like it?" With hopeful and nervous eyes, she awaited your response.

"Except that part where I thought I was getting attacked by something, yes, I love it Ginny." She excitedly clapped but it did not take her long to start devouring the mountain of food that she had created herself.

"Are you going to eat or just look at the food? If you do not get in now I can't promise that I am going to save you any of the muffins, and I know they are your favourite!"


Written by Aaron.

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